certain infectious and parasitic diseases | A00 -B99 |
intestinal infectious diseases | A00 -A09 |
cholera | A00 |
cholera due to vibrio cholerae , biovar cholerae | A00.0 |
cholera due to vibrio cholerae , biovar eltor | A00.1 |
cholera, unspecified | A00.9 |
typhoid and paratyphoid fevers | A01 |
typhoid and paratyphoid fevers unspecified | A01.00 |
typhoid meningitis | A01.01 |
typhoid and paratyphoid feverswith heart involvement | A01.02 |
typhoid pneumonia | A01.03 |
typhoid arthritis | A01.04 |
typhoid osteomyelitis | A01.05 |
typhoid and paratyphoid feverswith other complications | A01.09 |
paratyphoid fever a | A01.1 |
paratyphoid fever b | A01.2 |
paratyphoid fever c | A01.3 |
paratyphoid fever, unspecified | A01.4 |
other salmonella infections | A02 |
salmonella enteritis | A02.0 |
salmonella sepsis | A02.1 |
localized salmonella infection, unspecified | A02.20 |
salmonella meningitis | A02.21 |
salmonella pneumonia | A02.22 |
salmonella arthritis | A02.23 |
salmonella osteomyelitis | A02.24 |
salmonella pyelonephritis | A02.25 |
salmonella with other localized infection | A02.29 |
other specified salmonella infections | A02.8 |
salmonella infection, unspecified | A02.9 |
shigellosis | A03 |
shigellosis due to shigella dysenteriae | A03.0 |
shigellosis due to shigella flexneri | A03.1 |
shigellosis due to shigella boydii | A03.2 |
shigellosis due to shigella sonnei | A03.3 |
other shigellosis | A03.8 |
shigellosis, unspecified | A03.9 |
other bacterial intestinal infections | A04 |
enteropathogenic escherichia coli infection | A04.0 |
enterotoxigenic escherichia coli infection | A04.1 |
enteroinvasive escherichia coli infection | A04.2 |
enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli infection | A04.3 |
other intestinal escherichia coli infections | A04.4 |
campylobacter enteritis | A04.5 |
enteritis due to yersinia enterocolitica | A04.6 |
enterocolitis due to clostridium difficile | A04.7 |
other specified bacterial intestinal infections | A04.8 |
bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified | A04.9 |
other bacterial foodborne intoxications, not elsewhere classified | A05 |
foodborne staphylococcal intoxication | A05.0 |
botulism food poisoning | A05.1 |
foodborne clostridium perfringens [clostridium welchii] intoxication | A05.2 |
foodborne vibrio parahaemolyticus intoxication | A05.3 |
foodborne bacillus cereus intoxication | A05.4 |
foodborne vibrio vulnificus intoxication | A05.5 |
other specified bacterial foodborne intoxications | A05.8 |
bacterial foodborne intoxication, unspecified | A05.9 |
amebiasis | A06 |
acute amebic dysentery | A06.0 |
chronic intestinal amebiasis | A06.1 |
amebic nondysenteric colitis | A06.2 |
ameboma of intestine | A06.3 |
amebic liver abscess | A06.4 |
amebic lung abscess | A06.5 |
amebic brain abscess | A06.6 |
cutaneous amebiasis | A06.7 |
amebic cystitis | A06.81 |
other amebic genitourinary infections | A06.82 |
other amebic infections | A06.89 |
amebiasis, unspecified | A06.9 |
other protozoal intestinal diseases | A07 |
balantidiasis | A07.0 |
giardiasis [lambliasis] | A07.1 |
cryptosporidiosis | A07.2 |
isosporiasis | A07.3 |
cyclosporiasis | A07.4 |
other specified protozoal intestinal diseases | A07.8 |
protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified | A07.9 |
viral and other specified intestinal infections | A08 |
rotaviral enteritis | A08.0 |
acute gastroenteropathy due to norwalk agent | A08.11 |
acute gastroenteropathy due to other small round viruses | A08.19 |
adenoviral enteritis | A08.2 |
calicivirus enteritis | A08.31 |
astrovirus enteritis | A08.32 |
other viral enteritis | A08.39 |
viral intestinal infection, unspecified | A08.4 |
other specified intestinal infections | A08.8 |
infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified | A09 |
infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified | A09 |
tuberculosis | A15 -A19 |
respiratory tuberculosis | A15 |
tuberculosis of lung | A15.0 |
tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes | A15.4 |
tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus | A15.5 |
tuberculous pleurisy | A15.6 |
primary respiratory tuberculosis | A15.7 |
other respiratory tuberculosis | A15.8 |
respiratory tuberculosis unspecified | A15.9 |
tuberculosis of nervous system | A17 |