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Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

Disease Name
hemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified siteA49.2
mycoplasma infection, unspecified siteA49.3
other bacterial infections of unspecified siteA49.8
bacterial infection, unspecifiedA49.9
congenital syphilis unspecifiedA50.30
late congenital syphilitic interstitial keratitisA50.31
late congenital syphilitic chorioretinitisA50.32
other late congenital syphilitic oculopathyA50.39
late congenital syphilitic osteochondropathyA50.56
syphilitic saddle noseA50.57
other late congenital syphilis, symptomaticA50.59
late congenital syphilis, latentA50.6
secondary syphilitic hepatitisA51.45
secondary syphilitic osteopathyA51.46
other secondary syphilitic conditionsA51.49
early syphilis, latentA51.5
late syphilitic meningitisA52.13
late syphilitic encephalitisA52.14
late syphilitic neuropathyA52.15
charc�t's arthropathy (tabetic)A52.16
other symptomatic late syphilisA52.79
late syphilis, latentA52.8
late syphilis, unspecifiedA52.9
other and unspecified syphilisA53
latent syphilis, unspecified as early or lateA53.0
other gonococcal genitourinary infectionsA54.29
gonococcal infection unspecifiedA54.30
gonococcal conjunctivitisA54.31
gonococcal iridocyclitisA54.32
gonococcal peritonitisA54.85
gonococcal sepsisA54.86
other gonococcal infectionsA54.89
gonococcal infection, unspecifiedA54.9
granuloma inguinaleA58
granuloma inguinaleA58
herpesviral cervicitisA60.03
herpesviral vulvovaginitisA60.04
herpesviral infection of other urogenital tractA60.09
herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectumA60.1
hyperkeratosis of yawsA66.3
gummata and ulcers of yawsA66.4
bone and joint lesions of yawsA66.6
other spirochetal infectionsA69
necrotizing ulcerative stomatitisA69.0
other vincent's infectionsA69.1
other spirochetal infections unspecifiedA69.20
trachoma, unspecifiedA71.9
other diseases caused by chlamydiaeA74
chlamydial conjunctivitisA74.0
chlamydial peritonitisA74.81
other chlamydial diseasesA74.89
spotted fever due to rickettsia australisA77.3
spotted fever unspecifiedA77.40
spotted fever chafeensis [e chafeensis]A77.41
other ehrlichiosisA77.49
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, importedA80.1
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenousA80.2
acute paralytic poliomyelitis, unspecifiedA80.30
other acute paralytic poliomyelitisA80.39
sylvatic rabiesA82.0
urban rabiesA82.1
rabies, unspecifiedA82.9
central european tick-borne encephalitisA84.1
other tick-borne viral encephalitisA84.8
tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecifiedA84.9
other viral encephalitis, not elsewhere classifiedA85
enteroviral exanthematous fever [boston exanthem]A88.0
epidemic vertigoA88.1
other specified viral infections of central nervous systemA88.8
unspecified viral infection of central nervous systemA89
other mosquito-borne viral feverswith other complicationsA92.39
rift valley feverA92.4
other specified mosquito-borne viral feversA92.8
mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecifiedA92.9
junin hemorrhagic feverA96.0
machupo hemorrhagic feverA96.1
lassa feverA96.2
other arenaviral hemorrhagic feversA96.8
arenaviral hemorrhagic fever, unspecifiedA96.9
eczema herpeticumB00.0
herpesviral vesicular dermatitisB00.1
herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitisB00.2
herpesviral meningitisB00.3
varicella encephalitis and encephalomyelitisB01.11
varicella myelitisB01.12
varicella pneumoniaB01.2
varicella keratitisB01.81
zoster iridocyclitisB02.32
zoster keratitisB02.33
zoster scleritisB02.34
other herpes zoster eye diseaseB02.39
disseminated zosterB02.7
measles keratitis and keratoconjunctivitisB05.81
herpesviral infection of other male genital organsA60.02
anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecifiedA60.9
anogenital (venereal) wartsA63.0
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1282