dengue fever [classical dengue] | A90 |
venezuelan equine fever | A92.2 |
other mosquito-borne viral feverswith encephalitis | A92.31 |
oropouche virus disease | A93.0 |
colorado tick fever | A93.2 |
sylvatic yellow fever | A95.0 |
yellow fever, unspecified | A95.9 |
other viral hemorrhagic fevers, not elsewhere classified | A98 |
omsk hemorrhagic fever | A98.1 |
unspecified viral hemorrhagic fever | A99 |
herpesviral [herpes simplex] infections | B00 |
herpesviral encephalitis | B00.4 |
herpesviral iridocyclitis | B00.51 |
other herpesviral infection | B00.89 |
varicella [chickenpox] | B01 |
varicella without complication | B01.9 |
zoster encephalitis | B02.0 |
postherpetic myelitis | B02.24 |
zoster unspecified | B02.30 |
zoster with other complications | B02.8 |
smallpox | B03 |
measles complicated by pneumonia | B05.2 |
measles with intestinal complications | B05.4 |
rubella with neurological complication, unspecified | B06.00 |
rubella meningitis | B06.02 |
rubella pneumonia | B06.81 |
plantar wart | B07.0 |
viral wart, unspecified | B07.9 |
other orthopoxvirus infections | B08.09 |
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified unspecified | B08.20 |
enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis | B08.5 |
bovine stomatitis | B08.61 |
other parapoxvirus infections | B08.69 |
other specified viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions | B08.8 |
unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions | B09 |
other human herpesvirus infection | B10.89 |
acute hepatitis a | B15 |
acute hepatitis b without delta-agent and without hepatic coma | B16.9 |
acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis b carrier | B17.0 |
acute viral hepatitis, unspecified | B17.9 |
chronic viral hepatitis b with delta-agent | B18.0 |
unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma | B19.10 |
unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma | B19.20 |
cytomegaloviral disease | B25 |
cytomegaloviral hepatitis | B25.1 |
mumps orchitis | B26.0 |
mumps encephalitis | B26.2 |
other mumps complications | B26.89 |
infectious mononucleosis | B27 |
infectious mononucleosis with meningitis | B27.12 |
infectious mononucleosis without complication | B27.80 |
infectious mononucleosis with polyneuropathy | B27.91 |
infectious mononucleosiswith other complication | B27.99 |
viral conjunctivitis, unspecified | B30.9 |
epidemic myalgia | B33.0 |
retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified | B33.3 |
other specified viral diseases | B33.8 |
parvovirus infection, unspecified | B34.3 |
other viral infections of unspecified site | B34.8 |
tinea pedis | B35.3 |
tinea imbricata | B35.5 |
pulmonary candidiasis | B37.1 |
candidiasis of vulva and vagina | B37.3 |
candidal endocarditis | B37.6 |
candidal esophagitis | B37.81 |
acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis | B38.0 |
pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified | B38.2 |
histoplasmosis | B39 |
chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati | B39.1 |
histoplasmosis, unspecified | B39.9 |
acute pulmonary blastomycosis | B40.0 |
blastomycosis, unspecified | B40.9 |
pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis | B41.0 |
disseminated sporotrichosis | B42.7 |
sporotrichosis arthritis | B42.82 |
pheomycotic brain abscess | B43.1 |
other forms of chromomycosis | B43.8 |
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis | B44.81 |
aspergillosis, unspecified | B44.9 |
other forms of cryptococcosis | B45.8 |
zygomycosis | B46 |
disseminated mucormycosis | B46.4 |
other zygomycoses | B46.8 |
mycetoma | B47 |
lobomycosis | B48.0 |
allescheriasis | B48.2 |
plasmodium falciparum malaria | B50 |
other severe and complicated plasmodium falciparum malaria | B50.8 |
plasmodium vivax malaria without complication | B51.9 |
plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy | B52.0 |
plasmodium malariae malaria without complication | B52.9 |
unspecified malaria | B54 |
leishmaniasis | B55 |
rhodesiense trypanosomiasis | B56.1 |
chagas' disease | B57 |
megaesophagus in chagas' disease | B57.31 |
other digestive system involvement in chagas' disease | B57.39 |
meningitis in chagas' disease | B57.41 |
toxoplasmosis unspecified | B58.00 |
other toxoplasma oculopathy | B58.09 |