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Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

Disease Name
meningococcal infectionA39
waterhouse-friderichsen syndromeA39.1
meningococcal pericarditisA39.53
meningococcal retrobulbar neuritisA39.82
sepsis due to streptococcus, group bA40.1
other streptococcal sepsisA40.8
sepsis due to other specified staphylococcusA41.1
sepsis due to hemophilus influenzaeA41.3
sepsis due to enterococcusA41.81
sepsis, unspecified organismA41.9
actinomycotic encephalitisA42.82
actinomycosis, unspecifiedA42.9
nocardiosis, unspecifiedA43.9
systemic bartonellosisA44.0
gas gangreneA48.0
nonpneumonic legionnaires' disease [pontiac fever]A48.2
methicillin susceptible staphylococcus aureus infection, unspecified siteA49.01
streptococcal infection, unspecified siteA49.1
infections with a predominantly sexual mode of transmissionA50 -A64
early congenital syphilitic oculopathyA50.01
early visceral congenital syphilisA50.08
early congenital syphilis, latentA50.1
late congenital syphilitic meningitisA50.41
late congenital syphilitic polyneuropathyA50.43
hutchinson's teethA50.52
late congenital cardiovascular syphilisA50.54
congenital syphilis, unspecifiedA50.9
primary genital syphilisA51.0
secondary syphilitic female pelvic diseaseA51.42
secondary syphilitic nephritisA51.44
early syphilis, unspecifiedA51.9
cardiovascular syphilis, unspecifiedA52.00
other cardiovascular syphilisA52.09
tabes dorsalisA52.11
other symptomatic neurosyphilisA52.19
neurosyphilis, unspecifiedA52.3
syphilis of kidney and ureterA52.75
syphilis of bone and jointA52.77
syphilis, unspecifiedA53.9
gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract, unspecifiedA54.00
gonococcal prostatitisA54.22
gonococcal female pelvic inflammatory diseaseA54.24
gonococcal keratitisA54.33
gonococcal infection unspecifiedA54.40
gonococcal meningitisA54.81
gonococcal heart infectionA54.83
chlamydial lymphogranuloma (venereum)A55
other sexually transmitted chlamydial diseases unspecifiedA56.00
other chlamydial genitourinary infectionA56.19
chlamydial infection of anus and rectumA56.3
sexually transmitted chlamydial infection of other sitesA56.8
trichomonal vulvovaginitisA59.01
herpesviral infection of urogenital system, unspecifiedA60.00
measles complicated by encephalitisB05.0
rubella arthritisB06.82
other rubella complicationsB06.89
rubella without complicationB06.9
viral wartsB07
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classified due to human herpesvirus B08.21
other viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions, not elsewhere classifieddue to human herpesvirus B08.22
erythema infectiosum [fifth disease]B08.3
enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthemB08.4
other human herpesvirusesB10
human herpesvirus encephalitisB10.01
other human herpesvirus encephalitisB10.09
human herpesvirus infectionB10.81
other acute viral hepatitiswithout hepatic comaB17.10
other acute viral hepatitis with hepatic comaB17.11
acute hepatitis eB17.2
other specified acute viral hepatitisB17.8
unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic comaB19.21
unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic comaB19.9
human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] diseaseB20 -B20
human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] diseaseB20
human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] diseaseB20
mumps hepatitisB26.81
mumps myocarditisB26.82
mumps nephritisB26.83
mumps polyneuropathyB26.84
infectious mononucleosis with polyneuropathyB27.81
infectious mononucleosiswith meningitisB27.82
infectious mononucleosis with other complicationB27.89
infectious mononucleosis without complicationB27.90
other viral diseases, not elsewhere classified unspecifiedB33.20
viral endocarditisB33.21
viral myocarditisB33.22
viral pericarditisB33.23
mycosesB35 -B49
tinea barbae and tinea capitisB35.0
tinea unguiumB35.1
candidal cystitis and urethritisB37.41
candidal balanitisB37.42
other urogenital candidiasisB37.49
candidal meningitisB37.5
coccidioidomycosis meningitisB38.4
disseminated coccidioidomycosisB38.7
Displaying items 601 - 700 of 1282