anisakiasis | B81.0 |
other specified intestinal helminthiases | B81.8 |
intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified | B82.0 |
internal hirudiniasis | B83.4 |
helminthiasis, unspecified | B83.9 |
mixed pediculosis and phthiriasis | B85.4 |
scabies | B86 |
nasopharyngeal myiasis | B87.3 |
genitourinary myiasis | B87.81 |
other arthropod infestations | B88.2 |
other specified infestations | B88.8 |
sequelae of genitourinary tuberculosis | B90.1 |
sequelae of tuberculosis of other organs | B90.8 |
sequelae of leprosy | B92 |
sequelae of trachoma | B94.0 |
streptococcus, group a, as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B95.0 |
enterococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B95.2 |
unspecified staphylococcus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B95.8 |
mycoplasma pneumoniae [m pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B96.0 |
unspecified shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli [e coli] (stec) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B96.23 |
hemophilus influenzae [h influenzae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B96.3 |
other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B96.89 |
adenovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B97.0 |
unspecified retrovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B97.30 |
oncovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B97.32 |
respiratory syncytial virus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B97.4 |
parvovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere | B97.6 |
unspecified infectious disease | B99.9 |
coccidiosis | |
urinary capillariasis | A06.82.1 |
urinary capillariasis | A06.82.3 |
infectious canine tracheobronchitis | A37.8 |
lyme disease | A69.20.1 |
american trypanosomiasis | B57.6 |
cestodiasis | B68.2 |
ascariasis | B83.8.1 |
demodicosis | B88.0.1 |
nasal capillariasis | B88.9.1 |
tyzzer's disease | B96.9 |
cholera | A00 |
cholera due to vibrio cholerae , biovar eltor | A00.1 |
typhoid arthritis | A01.04 |
typhoid and paratyphoid feverswith other complications | A01.09 |
other salmonella infections | A02 |
salmonella sepsis | A02.1 |
salmonella meningitis | A02.21 |
salmonella with other localized infection | A02.29 |
salmonella infection, unspecified | A02.9 |
shigellosis, unspecified | A03.9 |
enteropathogenic escherichia coli infection | A04.0 |
enterocolitis due to clostridium difficile | A04.7 |
bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified | A04.9 |
foodborne vibrio parahaemolyticus intoxication | A05.3 |
foodborne vibrio vulnificus intoxication | A05.5 |
ameboma of intestine | A06.3 |
amebic lung abscess | A06.5 |
other protozoal intestinal diseases | A07 |
giardiasis [lambliasis] | A07.1 |
protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified | A07.9 |
rotaviral enteritis | A08.0 |
viral intestinal infection, unspecified | A08.4 |
infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified | A09 |
tuberculous pleurisy | A15.6 |
other respiratory tuberculosis | A15.8 |
tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord | A17.81 |
tuberculous neuritis | A17.83 |
other musculoskeletal tuberculosis | A18.09 |
tuberculosis of kidney and ureter | A18.11 |
tuberculosis of other female genital organs | A18.18 |
tuberculous peritonitis | A18.31 |
tuberculous episcleritis | A18.51 |
tuberculous chorioretinitis | A18.53 |
tuberculosis of digestive tract organs, not elsewhere classified | A18.83 |
tuberculosis of spleen | A18.85 |
miliary tuberculosis, unspecified | A19.9 |
plague | A20 |
septicemic plague | A20.7 |
plague, unspecified | A20.9 |
other forms of tularemia | A21.8 |
anthrax | A22 |
brucellosis | A23 |
brucellosis due to brucella abortus | A23.1 |
glanders and melioidosis | A24 |
acute and fulminating melioidosis | A24.1 |
rat-bite fever, unspecified | A25.9 |
cutaneous erysipeloid | A26.0 |
other forms of leptospirosis | A27.89 |
other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified | A28 |
zoonotic bacterial disease, unspecified | A28.9 |
leprosy [hansen's disease] | A30 |
other forms of leprosy | A30.8 |
infection due to other mycobacteria | A31 |
cutaneous listeriosis | A32.0 |
listerial meningoencephalitis | A32.12 |
listeriosis, unspecified | A32.9 |
tetanus neonatorum | A33 |
obstetrical tetanus | A34 |
nasopharyngeal diphtheria | A36.1 |
cutaneous diphtheria | A36.3 |
other diphtheritic complications | A36.89 |