Tree View


Diseases included in EID2 Database. You can browse to specific Disease via the tree view or the grid below. The grid allows you to filter (click funnel), sort (click on column name) or page (click on page numbers below).

Disease Name
mycoplasma pneumoniae [m pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.0
klebsiella pneumoniae [k pneumoniae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.1
unspecified escherichia coli [e coli] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.20
shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli [e coli] (stec) o as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.21
other specified shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli [e coli] (stec) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.22
unspecified shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli [e coli] (stec) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.23
other escherichia coli [e coli] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.29
hemophilus influenzae [h influenzae] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.3
proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.4
pseudomonas (aeruginosa) (mallei) (pseudomallei) as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.5
bacteroides fragilis [b fragilis] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.6
clostridium perfringens [c perfringens] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.7
helicobacter pylori [h pylori] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.81
vibrio vulnificus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.82
other specified bacterial agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB96.89
viral agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97
adenovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.0
unspecified enterovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.10
coxsackievirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.11
echovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.12
other enterovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.19
sars-associated coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.21
other coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.29
unspecified retrovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.30
lentivirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.31
oncovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.32
human t-cell lymphotrophic virus, type i [htlv-i] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.33
human t-cell lymphotrophic virus, type ii [htlv-ii] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.34
human immunodeficiency virus, type [hiv ] as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.35
other retrovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.39
respiratory syncytial virus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.4
reovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.5
parvovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.6
papillomavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.7
human metapneumovirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.81
other viral agents as the cause of diseases classified elsewhereB97.89
other infectious diseasesB99 -B99
other and unspecified infectious diseasesB99
other infectious diseaseB99.8
unspecified infectious diseaseB99.9
tick bite paralysis17.11.8.1
lung fluke18.2.5.1
feline infectious peritonitis21.3.21
kidney wormA06.10
urinary capillariasisA06.82.1
urinary capillariasisA06.82.3
urinary capillariasisA06.82.5
infectious canine tracheobronchitisA37.8
lyme diseaseA69.20.1
salmon poisoningA79.89.1
canine distemperB05.10
feline infectious peritonitisB34.2.1
keratinophilic mycosisB35.8.1
american trypanosomiasisB57.6
heartworm diseaseB74.8.1
canine lungwormB83.10
canine tracheal wormB83.11
feline lungwormB83.12
spirocerca lupiB88.0.2
liver flukeB88.8.1
ear mitesB88.8.3
nasal capillariasisB88.9.1
respiratory capillariasisB88.9.2
tyzzer's diseaseB96.9
Displaying items 1201 - 1282 of 1282