
eperythrozoon ovis. iii. the effect of infection on blood ph, concentrations of pyruvate, lactate and glucose in blood, haematology, and on concurrent and superimposed trypanosoma vivax infection in sheep.infections of sheep with eperythrozoon ovis has been shown to increase pyruvate and lactate concentrations in blood and to reduce blood ph over a period of 10-14 days post-inoculation. there was no effect on the concentration of blood glucose. however, if care is not taken to inhibit glycolysis, the concentration of blood glucose in samples of blood taken for analysis falls markedly. rapid destruction of erythrocytes started about 10 days post-inoculation and was progressive. superimposition of ...197833476
eperythrozoon ovis--a cause of anaemia, reduced production and decreased exercise tolerance in sheep. 1979539947
the transmission of a sheep strain of eperythrozoon ovis to goats and the development of a carrier state in the goats. 1979539950
the natural occurrence in a goat of an organism resembling eperythrozoon ovis. 1979539951
eperythrozoon ovis -- a cause of anaemia, reduced production and decreased exercise tolerance in sheep.sheep infected with e. ovis have lowered hb and pcv values, reduced weight gains, reduced wool production and decreased exercise tolerance when compared with uninfected sheep.1979543836
letter: the occurrence of eperythrozoon ovis in queensland. 1976962744
eperythrozoon ovis: the difference in carbohydrate metabolism between infected and uninfected sheep erythrocytes.the glucose utilization lactic and pyruvic acid production and oxygen uptake of normal and eperythrozoon ovis infected sheep erythrocytes were measured under aerobic conditions. infected cells showed marded increases in both glucose utilization and acid production as compared with controls. uninfected erythocyte samples which included a percentage of reticulocytes comparable to that found in e. ovis infection showed no apparent difference in glucose utilization and lactic acid production form th ...19761021090
naturally occurring eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep reduces wool production. 19921449464
naturally occurring eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep reduces wool production. 19921492832
a cross-sectional study to show eperythrozoon ovis infection is prevalent in western australian sheep farms.a serological survey and risk factor study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of eperythrozoon ovis infection in western australian weaner sheep, the prevalence of farms with infected sheep, and to identify factors affecting initiation and maintenance of infection on the farm. the study was conducted on 91 farms, purposively chosen from 41 randomly selected regional shires stratified by sheep number and rainfall zones. twenty sheep were selected systematically from a mixed-sex flock on eac ...19911883295
susceptibility of sheep and goats to eperythrozoon ovis infection. 19912043086
experimental eperythrozoon ovis infection in goats. 19892673181
role of the spleen and rosette-formation response in experimental eperythrozoon ovis infection.the role of the spleen and rosette-formation responses was investigated in sheep experimentally infected with eperythrozoon ovis. phagocytic activity was observed in the spleen 19 days after primary infection. phagocytosis of e. ovis-parasitised and non-parasitised erythrocytes by cordal reticular cells occurred. e. ovis organisms seemed to be detached from the erythrocytes by pseudopodia extending from macrophages and cordal reticular cells without causing damage to the plasmalemma of the eryth ...19892773265
detection of antibodies to eperythrozoon ovis by the use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.specific antibody to eperythrozoon ovis was detected by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) in the sera of infected sheep. in the presence of parasite antigen, positive control serum showed a reaction approximately eight times that of negative serum. when compared to an immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat), the elisa was eight times more sensitive. positive control sera gave a titre of 1:3200 by ifat and 1:25,600 by elisa. through the use of a reference titration curve elisa could be ...19873317583
the identification of eperythrozoon ovis in anemic sheep.eperythrozoon ovis, a rickettsial parasite of erythrocytes, was found in anemic lambs maintained for reproductive endocrinology research. the parasite was identified in the blood films of 13 animals in the flock of 30. the sexes were infected equally (7/16 males versus 6/14 females). the relationship between the severity of the anemia and the presence of organisms in blood was statistically significant. one animal died with severe anemia. light, scanning electron, and transmission electron micro ...19883374094
effect of eperythrozoon ovis on the lysis of sheep erythrocytes in the complement fixation test.when erythrocytes from sheep experimentally infected with eperythrozoon ovis were used in the titration of reagents for a standardised complement fixation test, increased amounts of both haemolysin and complement were required for erythrocyte lysis compared with preinfection titrations. the haemolysin requirement increased by up to 125% at 55 days post-infection and complement requirement increased by up to 40% at 40 days post-infection. these changes appeared to correlate with the development o ...19873433658
the effects of eperythrozoon ovis in sheep.infection of adult sheep with a single strain of eperythrozoon ovis led to three different situations. first, the animal resisted the organism and no haematological changes occurred. second, the host developed a controllable parasitaemia in which erythrocyte values fell shortly after peak parasitaemia and then returned to normal. third, the host failed to control the parasitaemia and chronic low grade anaemia developed. dexamethasone sometimes caused a resurgence of parasitaemia in sheep.19873628990
changing morphology of eperythrozoon ovis.light microscopy studies of eperythrozoon ovis in sheep revealed that giemsa stain was only less reliable than acridine orange as a means of parasite identification when low parasitaemias were present. the morphology of e ovis altered as the degree of parasitaemia increased.19873628991
humoral immune response of sheep to infection with eperythrozoon ovis.circulating antibody was detected by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) in the serum of sheep infected experimentally with eperythrozoon ovis. antibodies were first detected 15 to 32 days after infection with e ovis and titres peaked at 41 days. this antibody may be associated, at least in part, with protection against infection with e ovis since the initial increase in antibody titre coincided with a fall in the primary parasitaemia. a role for antibody is suggested further by the fac ...19853909275
experimental eperythrozoon ovis infection of sheep. 19734519923
scanning and transmission electron microscopy of haemobartonella canis and eperythrozoon ovis. 19734747041
the effect of spirotrypan on eperythrozoon ovis in sheep. 19734762297
eperythrozoon ovis--a blood parasite of sheep. 19704920579
diagnosis of eperythrozoon ovis infection. 19725067396
[eperythrozoon ovis infections in sheep in northern germany]. 19715107228
observations on mortality in lambs in victoria associated with eperythrozoon ovis. 19715171271
eperythrozoon ovis infection in a lamb. 19675232321
studies on eperythrozoon ovis-infection in sheep. 19695265005
eperythrozoon ovis infection and the antiglobulin test. 19675299097
eperythrozoon ovis infection in western australia. 19695389533
the incidence and clinical significance of eperythrozoon ovis infections of sheep in victoria. 19695393083
the effect of eperythrozoon ovis infection on body weight gain and haematology of lambs in victoria. 19695393084
the antiglobulin (coombs) test in eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep. 19695393085
[experiments in the transmission of eperythrozoon ovis by the ticks h. plumbeum and rh. bursa]. 19695393434
eperythrozoon ovis infection. 19685761411
eperythrozoon ovis infection in south australia. 19666012533
eperythrozoon ovis and copper poisoning as causes of jaundice in lamb carcases.a total of 126 lamb carcases, of which 80 were jaundiced and 46 were grossly normal at routine meat inspection, were examined. two specific diseases were demonstrated to be associated with jaundiced carcases. eperythrozoon infection was demonstrated in 65% of jaundiced, and 12% of non-jaundiced carcases from jaundice-affected lots, but not in 5 normal carcases from unaffected killing lots. copper poisoning was demonstrated in 2 of the jaundiced carcases. infection with eperythrozoon ovis was the ...19846525115
scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations of eperythrozoon ovis (e. ovis). 19827098233
listeriosis in sheep. eperythrozoon ovis infection used as a model to study predisposing factors. 19807223578
eperythrozoon ovis recorded in tasmania in association with heinz body development. 19817236144
investigations on a babesia isolated from scottish sheep.the pathognomic, serologic and morphometric identity of a babesia sp. recently isolated from sheep in argyllshire was studied. initially, problems were encountered due to the occurrence of eperythrozoon ovis as a contaminant of the isolate and treatment with neoarsphenamine failed to remove it. finally, a combination of oxytetracycline therapy and rapid passage allowed isolation of the babesia sp. and its preservation in the form of a glycerolized, infected blood stabilate. inoculation of the st ...19817329723
nematocera (ceratopogonidae, psychodidae, simuliidae and culicidae) and control methods.the biology, veterinary importance and control of certain nematocera are described and discussed. culicoides spp. (family ceratopogonidae) transmit the arboviruses of bluetongue (bt), african horse sickness (ahs), bovine ephemeral fever (bef) and akabane. some other arboviruses have been isolated from these species, while fowl pox has been transmitted experimentally by culicoides. these insects are vectors of the parasitic protozoans leucocytozoon caulleryi and haemoproteus nettionis, and the pa ...19947711309
[eperythrozoonosis in sheep].in 1990/91 eperythrozoonosis in the sheep was seen in our clinic for the first time. in 10 animals out of 4 flocks infection with eperythrozoon ovis was diagnosed. most of the animals showed a transient parasitaemia with a temporary anaemia. a chronic high grade parasitaemia and anaemia were produced in one sheep by splenectomy. this animal showed haemoglobinuria following a haemolytic attack. in a lamb a high grade chronic parasitaemia occurred spontaneously. the parasitaemia lasted for over 7 ...19938488499
[field studies in sheep infected with eperythrozoon ovis].the concentration of hemoglobin, hematocrit, number of erythrocytes and content of iron in the bloodserum of 35 sheep or lambs from five herds in which eperythrozoon ovis was demonstrated in summer 1994 in bloodsmears by staining with acridinorange are compared with the findings in 70 animals of the same farms which did not suffer from eperythrozoonosis or which were already treated. sick animals showed significantly lower levels than clinically healthy sheep except for iron. eperythrozoonosis i ...19958585056
eperythrozoon ovis infection in a commercial flock of sheep.a flock of sheep consisting of 60-70 winterfed ewes was examined. blood was collected from approximately 30% of the sheep four times from 1991 to 1995. eperythrozoon ovis (ep. ovis) organisms were not detected in blood smears stained with wright's stain in 1991 and 1993. in 1995, examination of blood smears stained with acridine orange revealed ep. ovis organisms in 11 of 26 sheep, whereas examination of smears stained with wright's stain revealed organisms in only one ewe with a high degree of ...19979270352
prevalence of antibodies to eperythrozoon ovis in norwegian sheep. 19979270354
morphologic, antigenic, and pathogenic characteristics of eperythrozoon ovis and eperythrozoon wenyoni. 196314035671
mycoplasma ovis comb. nov. (formerly eperythrozoon ovis), an epierythrocytic agent of haemolytic anaemia in sheep and goats.eperythrozoon ovis, an erythrocytic agent that causes haemolytic anaemia in sheep and goats, occurs worldwide and is currently thought to be a rickettsia. to determine the relationship between this agent and other haemotrophic bacterial parasites, the 16s rrna gene of this organism was sequenced. phylogenetic analysis revealed that this wall-less bacterium is not a rickettsia, but a mycoplasma. this mycoplasma is related closely to several other uncultivated, epierythrocytic mycoplasmas that com ...200415023944
artifactual hypoglycemia associated with hemotrophic mycoplasma infection in a lamb.a 35-day-old male lamb with mycoplasma ovis infection (previously eperythrozoon ovis) was evaluated because of severe hypoglycemia (serum glucose 4 mg/dl, hitachi 704 automated chemistry analyzer) inconsistent with the animal's condition. whole blood glucose concentration measured with a glucometer was 74 mg/dl.200415570563
[clinical mycoplasmosis outbreak due to mycoplasma ovis in sheep from shalta, argentina. clinical, microbiological and molecular diagnosis].mycoplasma ovis is an obligatory parasite of the erythrocytes from small ruminants (sheep, goat), wherein it causes chronic or acute anaemia. this agent shows worldwide distribution. however, its dispersion is still unknown in argentina. this work describes an outbreak of mycoplasmosis occurred in january 2007 in a sheep flock from rosario de la frontera, salta, argentina. adult sheep became ill with a mortality rate of 17.8%. all blood smears (n = 11) examined by giemsa stain showed the presenc ...200920085183
mycoplasma ovis detected in free-living japanese serows, capricornis crispus.nineteen blood samples collected from free-ranging wild japanese serows, capricornis crispus, between 2006 and 2008 in iwate prefecture were examined for the hemoplasma infection by real-time pcr targeting the 16s rrna gene. five (26.3%) out of the 19 samples were positive in real-time pcr with an average melting temperature at 85.18 °c. the positive samples in the real-time pcr were reconfirmed by conventional pcr, and one of them was successful for direct dna sequencing. the nucleotide sequenc ...201020962460
tick-borne diseases of sheep and goats and their related vectors in iran.haemoparasitic diseases have long been considered as a major problem to efficient sheep and goats production in iran. theileriosis due to theileria hirci and babesiosis due to babesia ovis and b. motasi are the most pathogenic protozoa. b. crassa, anaplasma ovis and eperythrozoon ovis are usually non-pathogenic and do not cause any apparent problem. the major tick genera found on sheep and goats are hyalomma, rhipicephalus, haemaphysalis, ixodes and rarely dermacentor distributed in all part of ...19979530694
the protection of lambs from eperythrozoon infection while suckling eperythrozoon ovis carrier ewes.when lambs born to and suckling eperythrozoon ovis carrier ewes were inoculated with heparinised blood containing large numbers of e. ovis organisms, the lambs were either sterilised of the infection or patent infection was suppressed till the lambs were weaned. in vitro infection, transplacental transfer of antibodies or soluble antigens could not be demonstrated.19827201710
separation of eperythrozoon ovis from erythrocytes. 19863787995
chemotherapeutic efficacy of imidocarb dipropionate on experimental eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep.non-splenectomised cheviot and soay sheep experimentally infected with eperythrozoon ovis were treated subcutaneously with two doses of 4 mg/kg of imidocarb dipropionate 24 hours apart. a rapid reduction in e. ovis parasitaemias following the first injection of imidocarb was observed and e. ovis organisms were not demonstrable 48 hours after the first treatment. however, recrudescences of infection were observed 14 and 28 days after treatment in the soay and cheviot sheep respectively. side-effe ...19863739001
a modified indirect immunofluorescent assay for the detection of antibody to eperythrozoon ovis in sheep.experimental ovine eperythrozoonosis was studied using giemsa staining of blood films and a modified indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay (ifaa). the serums of 21 border leicester merino cross lambs between 12 weeks and 7 months-of-age were analysed before and after infection with eperythrozoon ovis (e. ovis) using the ifaa test. no rise in the ifaa titre was seen until day 7 and this coincided with the first detection of e. ovis organisms in blood smears stained with giemsa. the percentage ...19863530231
the prevalence of eperythrozoon ovis infection in weaner and adult sheep in north eastern victoria.a survey of weaner (6 to 12 months) and adult sheep for the presence of eperythrozoon ovis antibodies using an immunofluorescent antibody assay was carried out. in 22 shires in north eastern victoria over 2 years infection was demonstrated in 10% and 51% of weaner and adult sheep respectively.19863527135
the significance of eperythrozoon ovis in ill-thrift in sheep in the eastern cape coastal areas of south africa.ill-thrift in sheep in the coastal region of the eastern cape is described. it is shown to be a complex problem attributable to many causes, most of which can be eliminated by supplementary feeding, drenching, vaccination, dipping and management. however, studies on the aetiology of ill-thrift in young sheep indicate that arthropod-borne anaemia-producing pathogens are an important contributing factor, which cannot readily be diagnosed and controlled. experiments were conducted on various farms ...19883210217
the effect of artificial eperythrozoon ovis infection on the growth rate of stressed and nonstressed sheep. 19892775055
a serological survey of eperythrozoon ovis in goats and sheep in tasmania. 19892658946
the determination of the level of eperythrozoon ovis parasitaemia in chronically infected sheep and its significance to the spread of infection. 19911675051
preliminary observations on the use of the capillary flocculation test for the diagnosis of heartwater (cowdria ruminantium infection).a capillary flocculation test was developed to diagnose heartwater disease of ruminants. antigen was prepared from the brains of cattle and goats highly infected with cowdria ruminantium. sera were obtained from experimentally infected ruminants which either recovered naturally or with the aid of oxytetracycline treatment. antibodies were first detected one to two weeks after clinical recovery or after treatment, and persisted for periods varying between one and four weeks. control sera collecte ...19761030824
the effect of eperythrozoon ovis infection on the glucose level and some acid-base factors in the venous blood of sheep.eperythrozoon ovis infected sheep have low venous blood glucose levels and correspondingly increased blood lactic acid levels as compared with control sheep. acid-base studies showed that these changes were accompanied by significant falls in venous ph, and standard bicarbonate as well as a negative base excess. all these changes were considered to result from the increased alvcolytic activity of infected erythrocytes. the acidosis and hypoglycaemia associated with e. ovis infection, while not h ...1977612321
eperythrozoon ovis. ii. prevalence studies in sheep in nigeria using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test.a serological survey of eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep was carried out in the main sheep farming areas of nigeria, using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. out of a total of 402 animals surveyed, 145, representing 36 per cent, were found to be serologically positive. approximately 90 per cent of the sero-positives were sheep kept under intensive or semi-intensive systems of management indicating that close contact facilitated spread of the parasite. microscopic examination of r ...1978364799
observations on the pathology of eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep. 1978281661
eperythrozoon ovis. i. serological diagnosis of infection by the indirect immunoflurescent antibody test.the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat) was evaluated for the detection of eperythrozoon ovis infection in sheep. the test first became positive, on the average, 10 days following exposure to e. ovis and remained positive for 24 months, the longest period checked. reciprocal titres in the first three days after becoming positive in the ifat were between 4 and 80, but rose to 640 within 9 weeks; in general titres were between 4 and 640, exceptionally titres of 1280 were obtained. nega ...197883044
first molecular isolation of mycoplasma ovis from small ruminants in north africa.eperythrozoonosis is a small ruminant disease caused by the bacterium mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as eperythrozoon ovis). whilst acute infection in sheep may result in an anaemia and ill thrift syndrome, most animals do not develop clinical signs. molecular methods were used to compare and evaluate the prevalence of infection with m. ovis in sheep and goats in tunisia. a total of 739 whole blood samples from 573 sheep and 166 goats were tested for the m. ovis 16s rrna gene using pcr. the ove ...201526244681
detection of hemoplasma infection of goats by use of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay and risk factor analysis for infection.objective to develop and validate a real-time quantitative pcr (qpcr) assay for the detection and quantification of mycoplasma ovis in goats and investigate the prevalence and risk factors for hemoplasma infection of goats located in indiana. animals 362 adult female goats on 61 farms. procedures primers were designed for amplification of a fragment of the dnak gene of m ovis by use of a qpcr assay. blood samples were collected into edta-containing tubes for use in total dna extraction, blood fi ...201627463552
infection with hemotropic mycoplasma species in patients with or without extensive arthropod or animal contact.pcr amplification targeting the 16s rrna gene was used to test individuals with and without extensive arthropod and animal contact for the possibility of hemotropic mycoplasma infection. the prevalence of hemotropic mycoplasma infection (4.7%) was significantly greater in previously reported cohorts of veterinarians, veterinary technicians, spouses of veterinary professionals, and others with extensive arthropod exposure and/or frequent animal contact than in a previously reported cohort of pati ...201323863574
Identification of a Mycoplasma ovis-like organism in a herd of farmed white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in rural Indiana.Mycoplasma ovis is a hemoplasma parasite of sheep, goats, and reindeer; however, natural hemoplasma infection in white-tailed deer has not previously been reported. Subsequent to finding many coccoid, bacillary, and ring-shaped organisms, consistent with hemotropic mycoplasmas, on RBCs from a 72-day-old female white-tailed fawn, we sought to (1) identify the putative hemoplasma observed in blood from the fawn, (2) evaluate others in the herd for hemoplasma infection, and (3) identify clinicopath ...201122112325
Prevalence and molecular characterization of Mycoplasma ovis in selected free-ranging Brazilian deer populations.Mycoplasma ovis is a hemoplasma that may cause anemia and mortality in small ruminants. Our aim was to determine whether M. ovis infects populations of free-ranging deer in Brazil. Buffy coat samples from 64 Blastocerus dichotomus from Porto Primavera, 18 Ozotocerus bezoarticus from Pantanal, and 21 O. bezoarticus from Emas National Park were tested. Using a M. ovis PCR protocol to amplify extracted DNA, 46/64 (72%) of deer from Porto Primavera, 10/18 (56%) from Pantanal, and 4/21 (19%) from Ema ...201122102675
A Clinical Case of Severe Anemia in a Sheep Coinfected with Mycoplasma ovis and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemovis' in Hokkaido, Japan.A 2-year-old East Friesian sheep imported from Australia exhibited severe anemia after contagious pustular dermatitis in Hokkaido, Japan. Hemoplasma infection was confirmed in blood smears. Both Mycoplasma ovis and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemovis' were detected by PCR and sequence analyses. In the epidemiological analysis, dual pathogens were detected in 6 of 12 (50.0%) sheep imported from Australia with the infected ewe at the same time, 1 of 5 (20.0%) sheep introduced from a domestic farm in H ...201121869571
mycoplasma ovis in captive cervids: prevalence, molecular characterization and phylogeny.hemotrophic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) are bacteria that attach to red blood cells of mammals, leading to acute and/or subclinical disease in infected animals. it has been suggested that mycoplasma ovis, a hemoplasma that infects sheep and goats worldwide, may also infect deer. the aim of this study was to evaluate whether south american deer are infected with m. ovis. edta-anticoagulated blood samples from a herd of 32 captive south american deer were collected. dna extraction of blood samples w ...201121640523
human coinfection with bartonella henselae and two hemotropic mycoplasma variants resembling mycoplasma ovis.two variants of an organism resembling the ovine hemoplasma, mycoplasma ovis, were detected by pcr in blood samples from a veterinarian in texas. coinfection with similar variants has been described in sheep. this represents the first report of human infection with this organism. the veterinarian was coinfected with bartonella henselae.201020702675
molecular characterization of two different strains of haemotropic mycoplasmas from a sheep flock with fatal haemolytic anaemia and concomitant anaplasma ovis infection.after the first outbreak of fatal mycoplasma ovis infection (eperythrozoonosis) in a sheep flock in hungary (1997), a second wave of the disease was noted in 2006, with different seasonal pattern and affected age group, as well as increased mortality (5.5%). the aim of the present study was to molecularly characterize the causative agent and to reveal underlying factors of the second wave of the disease. remarkably, among the 33 sheep examined, 17 were infected with two strains of haemotropic my ...200919091491
identification of a haemomycoplasma species in anemic reindeer (rangifer tarandus).during an 18-mo period (may 2002-november 2003), 10 animals in a herd of 19 reindeer (rangifer tarandus) at the national animal disease center (nadc) experienced episodes of anemia. affected animals had histories of weight loss, unthriftiness, occasionally edema of dependent parts and moderate anemia characterized by microcytosis or macrocytosis, hypochromasia, schistocytosis, keratocytosis, acanthocytosis, and dacryocytosis. numerous basophilic punctate to ring-shaped bodies, measuring less tha ...200616870847
first molecular isolation of <i>mycoplasma ovis</i> from small ruminants in north africa.eperythrozoonosis is a small ruminant disease caused by the bacterium mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as eperythrozoon ovis). whilst acute infection in sheep may result in an anaemia and ill thrift syndrome, most animals do not develop clinical signs. molecular methods were used to compare and evaluate the prevalence of infection with m. ovis in sheep and goats in tunisia. a total of 739 whole blood samples from 573 sheep and 166 goats were tested for the m. ovis 16s rrna gene using pcr. the ove ...201528235260
complete genome sequence of mycoplasma ovis strain michigan, a hemoplasma of sheep with two distinct 16s rrna genes.we report the complete genome sequence of mycoplasma ovis strain michigan. its single circular chromosome has 702,511 bp and contains 2 copies of the 16s rrna gene, one corresponding to m. ovis and the other to "candidatus mycoplasma haemovis." all housekeeping genes and the 5s-23s rrna genes are present in single copies.201424482515
first molecular identification of mycoplasma ovis and 'candidatus m. haemoovis' from goat, with lack of haemoplasma pcr-positivity in order to investigate haemotropic mycoplasma (formerly eperythrozoon) infection of goats, blood samples and blood-sucking lice (linognathus stenopsis) were collected in two goat herds. dna was extracted from 20 blood samples and from 49 lice allocated to six pools according to host individuals. haemoplasma infection was detected in four goats by real-time pcr. from the sample with the highest bacterial load the simultaneous presence of m. ovis and 'candidatus m. haemoovis' was demonstrated by ...201222903080
molecular characterization of hemotropic mycoplasmas (mycoplasma ovis and 'candidatus mycoplasma haemovis') in sheep and goats in china.hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) are emerging zoonotic pathogens with a worldwide distribution that can cause mild to severe hemolytic anemia, icterus, ill-thrift, infertility, and poor weight gain. however, understanding of the molecular epidemiology of hemoplasmas (mycoplasma ovis and 'candidatus mycoplasma haemovis') is limited in sheep and goats, and the hemoplasma strain/species/variant 'candidatus m. haemovis' was poorly studied throughout the world and had never been detected in china ...201728549435
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