
the effect of midazolam and beta-carboline carboxylic acid ethyl ester on behaviour, steroid hormones and central monoamine metabolites in social groups of talapoin monkeys.established social groups of talapoin monkeys show rank-related differences in aggressive, social and sexual behaviours and visual monitoring, as well as in endocrine and monoamine profiles. here we describe the effects on these variables of an "anxiogenic drug", beta-carboline carboxylic acid ethyl ester (beta-cce), and an anxiolytic drug (midazolam) given to either dominant or subordinate male talapoins. in dominant animals beta-cce increased aggression and visual monitoring but reduced sexual ...19862431430
primate social behavior--anxiety or depression?a review of primate social behavior in different species is presented, with particular emphasis on the talapoin monkey and the concept of dominance and how this may be related to physiological function. social behavior in nonhuman primates can be used to study both anxiety and depression, depending on the precise social setting employed and the way in which the animals are manipulated, for example by drugs. studies relevant to anxiety and depression are described, and indicate that the behavior ...19901975443
relation between aggressive behaviour and circadian rhythms in cortisol and testosterone in social groups of talapoin monkeys.circadian rhythms in cortisol and testosterone in both blood and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) were studied in four groups of male and female talapoin monkeys. samples were taken 4 h apart under two conditions: whilst the sexes were kept separate (isosexual) and again after 24 h of interaction (heterosexual). there were similar rhythms in cortisol in males and females during the isosexual condition, though in blood (but not in csf) mean levels were higher in females. heterosexual interaction increas ...19873668439
modulation by social status of the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid and serum cortisol levels in male talapoin monkeys.serum and cerebrospinal fluid (csf) cortisol were measured by radioimmunoassay in male talapoin monkeys living in social groups. the slopes of the regressions between cortisol in the two compartments were significantly less in dominant than either the most subordinate males or those of intermediate rank. furthermore, the dominants' csf also contained proportionately more cortisol than was predicted from the overall regression analyses of the groups of which they were members. there was no differ ...19863703163
differences in blood levels of androgens in female talapoin monkeys related to their social status.serum testosterone and androstenedione levels were lower in the subordinate female talapoin monkeys of four social groups than either dominant or intermediate-ranking females. this was found in both intact or ovariectomized (oestrogen-treated) animals, which suggests that androgen from the adrenals contributed to this rank-related endocrine effect. these differences disappeared when the females were housed singly, levels in all animals becoming similar to those in subordinates in the group cage. ...19863808219
communication among captive talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin). 19724631134
t-strain mucoplasmas and reproductive failure in monkeys.t-strain mycoplasmas were isolated from the genital tracts of 3 genera of female monkeys: the talapoins, miopithecas talapoin, the patas, erythrocebus patas, and the macaques, macaca fascicularis. the talapoins have not reproduced successfully for the past 2 yr. fertility in the patas has also been reduced, with a high incidence of stillbirths and spontaneous abortions. the macaques were not permitted to breed.1975805883
antibodies to type d retrovirus in talapoin monkeys.sera from 154 african non-human primates were screened for the presence of antibodies to type d retrovirus proteins. four of five talapoin monkeys (miopithecus sp.) captured in western africa were positive for antibodies to type d retrovirus by elisa and by immunoblot reactivity. talapoins are the only african non-human primates that have so far shown evidence for type d retrovirus infection. thus, talapoin monkeys appear to be a reservoir of type d retrovirus infection.19911847180
changes in social organization during the breeding season of wild talapoin monkeys.two adjacent troops of talapoin monkeys were studied near mbalmayo, cameroon, during a predicted 3-month breeding season. mating continued for just over 2 months. one troop began to mate at least 2 weeks before the other, suggesting that, though climatic changes were probably important, precise timing was mediated through some intra-troop social facilitation effect. before the breeding season, adult males and females lived in separate sub-groups. males began to move into female sub-groups before ...1975806684
behaviour of the talapoin monkey (miopithecus talapoin) studied in groups, in the laboratory. 1975806484
reproductive cycles of the talapoin monkey (miopithecus talapoin).reproductive cycles of female talapoins living in caged breeding groups were followed over 7 years, using visible changes of the perineum. changes in the perineum during the extended adolescence of this species are described. there was a clearly defined breeding season, although its onset was not so abrupt as in the wild. during the summer months females show very small perineal swellings or none at all. even during the breeding season all stages of the follicular phase of cycles are highly vari ...1977410712
a quantitative analysis of the organization of a group of captive talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin).grooming and avoiding scores were used as measures of the attractive and repulsive forces operatinc in a group of eight monkeys. the results revealed: (1) three unisexual grooming subgroups; (2) two focal monkeys (one female and one male) which were each avoided by five animals, one female avoided by three animals, the rest avoided by one or none; (3) that each monkey was 'friendly' with one to three others and was 'antagonistic' toward all the rest; (4) that males were socially inactive, ranked ...1977401754
red cell and serum proteins of talapoin, patas and vervet monkeys. 19715003341
a müllerian duct remnant in an aged male talapoin monkey.a pelvic mass in an aged, male talapoin monkey, believed to be of müllerian duct origin, is described. histologically, the mass was composed of smooth muscle cells and glandular epithelium, although the typical uterine organization of these tissues was not observed. the remainder of the genital system was that of a normal male primate.1977405493
gonadal hormones and sexual behavior in groups of adult talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin). 1977405305
influences of the dominance hierarchy on luteinizing hormone, testosterone and prolactin in male talapoin monkeys [proceedings]. 1979118228
tularemia in a group of nonhuman an episode of tularemia in a canadian zoologic garden, three black and red tamarins (sanguinus nigricollis) and one talapoin (cercopithecus talapoin) died. a second talapoin developed abscesses in the tongue and submandibular area; this animal recovered with treatment. francisella tularensis was isolated from lung, liver, and spleen from each dead monkey and from pus collected from the tongue abscess of the sick talapoin. the attending veterinarian contracted the disease from a tamarin bite. ...1979118145
sarcocystis in man: a review and report of five cases.sarcocystis was identified in biopsy specimens of skeletal muscle from two adults in singapore and one in bombay, and in muscle obtained at autopsy from an adult in uganda, and in the heart of a child in costa rica. review of case reports revealed that in seven reported cases, including three reported by lindemann, non-parasite objects were misinterpreted as sarcocysts; in four instances organisms of undetermined classification were described, and in 35 cases true sarcocysts were observed. among ...1979114067
double aortic arch in a talapoin monkey (miopithecus talapoin). 1979108845
identity of euchromatic bands from man to cercopithecidae (cercopithecus aethiops, cercopithecus sabaeus, erythrocebus patas, and miopithecus talapoin).the karyotypes of four species of cercopithecidae: cercopithecus aethiops tantalus, c. sabaeus, erythrocebus patas, and miopithecus talapoin are analysed with nearly all the banding techniques. they are compared with each other, and with the karyotypes of the baboon p. papio and with that of man. it can be concluded that the quasi-totality or the totality of the euchromatin is common to all, but has undergone structural rearrangements, generally detectable. the heterochromatin, defined by c-band ...1978104920
the effects of testosterone on the sexual skin and genitalia of the male talapoin monkey. 19744210215
suppression of oestrogen-induced lh surges by social subordination in talapoin monkeys. 197898718
subordination in male talapoin monkeys lowers sexual behaviour in the absence of dominants.three experiments assessed the consequences of social status for the socio-sexual behaviour and endocrine state of adult male talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin). in the first study, each of five males was individually placed into a group of adult females. neither behavioural responses, nor plasma levels of testosterone, cortisol, or prolactin, predicted males' rank or hormone levels when all males were subsequently placed with these females. in the second study, each of four mixed-sex socia ...19854080831
correlation between anxiety and serum prolactin in humans.the organised social structure of primate species largely determines individual behaviour. moreover keverne et al. in advanced views in primate biology, springer, berlin (1982) [1] have demonstrated that social interaction among confined male talapoin monkeys may result in endocrine changes, and that these in turn may modify behaviour. we have undertaken a study to determine whether similar endocrine changes can be induced in confined human volunteers. five men were confined on a boat for fourte ...19863723452
urinary bladder involvement in the talapoin (cercopithecus talapoin schreber) due to infection with schistosoma haematobium (bilharz, 1852) weinland, 1858. 19704249263
beta-endorphin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of male talapoin monkeys in social groups related to dominance status and the luteinizing hormone response to naloxone.beta-endorphin-like immunoreactivity was measured in the cerebrospinal fluid of 20 male talapoin monkeys living in mixed-sex social groups. it was shown that beta-endorphin was the major immunoreactive peptide; there was no evidence for high molecular weight precursors, or for either n-acetyl or c-shortened metabolites. dominant males (those at the top of the social hierarchy) had lower levels of beta-endorphin than those of intermediate rank; subordinate males had higher levels than either of t ...19862944031
learning-set formation and transfer in rhesus and talapoin monkeys. 19724628331
sequence divergence and copy number of the middle- and long-wave photopigment genes in old world monkeys.we have studied the sequence and organization of the genes for the middle-wave (mw) and long-wave (lw) cone photopigment genes in six species of old world monkeys. previous studies have shown that the mw and lw pigments of all six species exhibit peak sensitivities near 535 nm and 565 nm, respectively, and thus resemble the equivalent human pigments. in the case of man, the protein components of the mw and lw photopigments differ by 15 amino acids, although only seven of these differences involv ...19921349182
social organization of wild talapoin monkeys. 19734632109
proceedings: gonadal hormones and aggressive behaviour in captive groups of talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin). 19744857697
ocular dominance columns in area 17 of old world macaque and talapoin monkeys: complete reconstructions and quantitative analyses.the effects of monocular deprivation on cytochrome-oxidase (co) expression were used to reveal ocular dominance columns in flatmounts of the striate cortex in macaque (macaca fascicularis) and talapoin (miopithecus talapoin) monkeys. this procedure allowed the first direct visualization of the complete pattern of ocular dominance bands in macaque monkeys, and less complete reconstructions in talapoin monkeys. in a second macaque monkey, the ocular dominance organization was revealed by injecting ...19921375096
the menstrual cycle and behaviour of the talapoin monkey (m. talapoin). 19704990614
hormones and reproductive behaviour in rheusus and talapoin monkeys. 19704986008
mirror responses in a group of miopithecus talapoin.studies of non-human primate self-recognition in mirrors demonstrate variation both within and between species. this study applied a rigorous methodology that took into account habituation of subjects to the mirror as an object and to the experimental situation. the species observed in our study was miopithecus talapoin, which has been little studied in the wild or in captivity. although this species shows several interesting characteristics, including complex social organisation and a high ence ...200515696262
opiate antagonists stimulate affiliative behaviour in monkeys.the effects of treating captive talapoin monkeys acutely (twice daily for 7 days) with naltrexone hydrochloride (0.25 mg 0.5 mg and 1 mg/kg intramuscular injections twice daily), naloxone hydrochloride (0.5 mg/kg im twice daily) and sulpiride (1.5 mg/kg im twice daily) was studied in social pairs and singly caged animals. the behaviour of social pairs and endocrine changes in all treated monkeys were monitored before, during and after withdrawal of the course of drug treatment. naltrexone and na ...19826280208
red cell and serum proteins of talapoin, patas and vervet monkeys. 19715005746
comparison of human and animal ureaplasmas by one- and two-dimensional protein analysis on polyacrylamide slab gel.the proteins of twelve serologically distinct ureaplasma strains of human origin, eleven of bovine origin and seven from other animal species were examined by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by two-dimensional analysis. about 40 bands were seen in the protein profiles and more than 100 spots were detected on the protein maps. the human ureaplasmas differentiated into two distinct groups: group a comprised serotypes 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (of black), serotype 9 (of robertson and ...19816798909
composition of milk from talapoin monkeys. 19704992327
social influences on sex differences in the behavior and endocrine state of talapoin monkeys. 19846084846
social influences on behaviour and neuroendocrine responsiveness of talapoin monkeys. 19826892363
sequence and evolution of the blue cone pigment gene in old and new world primates.the sequences of the blue cone photopigments in the talapoin monkey (miopithecus talapoin), an old world primate, and in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus), a new world monkey, are presented. both genes are composed of 5 exons separated by 4 introns. in this respect, they are identical to the human blue gene, and intron sizes are also similar. based on the level of amino acid identity, both monkey pigments are members of the s branch of pigments. alignment of these sequences with the human gene r ...19957558038
sequence divergence, polymorphism and evolution of the middle-wave and long-wave visual pigment genes of great apes and old world man, the spectral shift between the middle-wave (mw) and long-wave (lw) visual pigments is largely achieved by amino acid substitution at two codons, both located in exon 5. a third amino acid site coded by exon 3 is polymorphic between pigments. we have studied the equivalent regions of the cone opsin genes in two members of the hominidea (the gorilla, gorilla gorilla and the chimpanzee, pan troglodytes) and in three members of the cercopithecoidea family of old world primates (the diana mon ...19947975287
sexual and aggressive behaviour in social groups of talapoin social groups not all monkeys are equal, in terms of either their behaviour or their endocrine status. when a dominant monkey is compared with one that is subordinate the level of sexual behaviour is high in the dominant and low in the subordinate monkey, while levels of aggression received follow an inverse pattern. attention in terms of visual monitoring is primarily focused on the dominant animal even when overt aggression is extremely low. cortisol and prolactin concentrations tend to be ...1978111907
variation in age at puberty in monkeys.5 female and 3 male patas monkeys and 6 female and 3 male talapoin monkeys matured in a captive breeding colony. age at puberty is given, and some variation discussed. the talapoin, a very small monkey, becomes adult at 4 1/2 years for females, 1 or 2 years later for males. the patas, a rather large monkey, becomes adult at 2 1/2 years, for females, and 1 or 2 years later for males. both these ages for puberty differ from data for the rhesus monkey which has been accepted as generalizable to all ...197718386
isolation and partial characterization of a lentivirus from talapoin monkeys (myopithecus talapoin).we have identified a novel lentivirus prevalent in talapoin monkeys (myopithecus talapoin), extending previous observations of human immunodeficiency virus-1 cross-reactive antibodies in the serum of these monkeys. we obtained a virus isolate from one of three seropositive monkeys initially available to us. the virus was tentatively named simian immunodeficiency virus from talapoin monkeys (sivtal). despite the difficulty of isolating this virus, it was readily passed between monkeys in captivit ...199910405363
social influences on circulating levels of cortisol and prolactin in male talapoin monkeys.three captive groups of adult talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin), each with four males and four or five ovariectomized, estrogen-treated females, were observed. behavioral interactions were recorded and levels of cortisol and prolactin were measured. in each group, males formed a linear dominance order, determined by the direction of spontaneous aggression; highest male rank was associated with frequent socio-sexual interactions and lowest rank with infrequent socio-sexual behavior. the fir ...19836683410
a novel population of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurones in the basal forebrain of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).we have observed in the basal forebrain of the common marmoset a group of neurones which display tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (thir) with three different polyclonal antibodies and one monoclonal antibody, and which express th mrna as shown by in situ hybridization histochemistry. the population of cells is composed of large multipolar neurones and is located predominantly in the substantia innominata and at the ventral, medial and lateral margins of the external segment of the globus pa ...19938097024
are subordinates always stressed? a comparative analysis of rank differences in cortisol levels among primates.among primate species there is pronounced variation in the relationship between social status and measures of stress physiology. an informal meta-analysis was designed to investigate the basis of this diversity across different primate societies. species were included only if a substantial amount of published information was available regarding both social behavior and rank-related differences in stress physiology. four old world and three new world species met these criteria, including societie ...200312614636
genetically engineered mengo virus vaccination of multiple captive wildlife species.encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv), has caused the deaths of many species of animals in zoological parks and research institutions. the audubon park zoo, (new orleans, louisiana, usa) attempted vaccination of several species with a killed emcv vaccine with mixed results. this paper reports an attempt at vaccination against emcv using a genetically engineered, live attenuated mengo virus (vmc0) at the audubon park zoo and miami metro zoo, (miami, florida, usa) from december 1996 to june 1997. seve ...199910231768
primate genus miopithecus: evidence for the existence of species and subspecies of dwarf guenons based on cellular and endogenous viral sequences.sequence data from the mitochondrial 12s rrna gene were combined with endogenous retrovirus sequences to study the position of the genus miopithecus in the primate tree. the mitochondrial sequences indicated that miopithecus is a true genus distinct from cercopithecus, although talapoin monkeys are commonly referred to as dwarf guenons. the existence of two species of dwarf guenons, suggested by differences in coat color, pigmentation, and geographic location, was supported by substantial mitoch ...200010712845
dermatosis in talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin) with response to zinc and animal protein. 200111486772
new multiple antigenic peptide-based enzyme immunoassay for detection of simian immunodeficiency virus infection in nonhuman primates and humans.infections with human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (hiv-1 and hiv-2, respectively) are zoonotic infections. in africa, the potential exists for additional cross-species transmissions from at least 33 different species of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv)-infected nonhuman primates (nhps) through hunting and butchering of these animals for food. here we describe a highly sensitive and specific enzyme immunoassay (eia) with chemically modified, multiple antigenic peptides (maps) develope ...200415528710
[4647-cell culture for preparation of recombinant bivaccine against smallpox and hepatitis b].the seeding and working banks of a 4647-cell culture have been created. the 4647-cell culture in these banks has a high proliferative activity, as well as the morphology, typical of this line, and the karyotype and the enzymogram, which are characteristic for the cells of an african talapoin (cercopithecus aethiops). the culture is not contaminated with bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, and viruses, including oncoviruses. the deposited 4647 cells have high viral productive properties for the accumula ...200717500238
widely varying siv prevalence rates in naturally infected primate species from cameroon.although it is now well established that a substantial proportion of wild-living primates in sub-saharan africa harbor siv, no study to date has examined to what extent the various species are naturally infected. in this study, we first describe the development and validation of sensitive and specific siv antibody detection assays representing all major known primate lentiviral lineages on a panel of 207 sera from 11 different primate species with known infection status. the newly developed assa ...200616257029
molecular characterization of a novel simian immunodeficiency virus lineage (sivtal) from northern talapoins (miopithecus ogouensis).simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) are found in an extensive number of african primates, and humans continue to be exposed to these viruses by hunting and handling of primate bushmeat and following occupational exposures to captive nonhuman primates. here, we report the molecular characterization of a new siv lineage, sivtal, from wild-caught and captive talapoin monkeys (miopithecus ogouensis) from cameroon and u.s. zoos, respectively. phylogenetic tree analyses of a small fragment in the p ...200616469345
a mobile element-based evolutionary history of guenons (tribe cercopithecini).guenons (tribe cercopithecini) are a species-rich group of primates that have attracted considerable attention from both primatologists and evolutionary biologists. the complex speciation pattern has made the elucidation of their relationships a challenging task, and many questions remain unanswered. sines are a class of non-autonomous mobile elements and are essentially homoplasy-free characters with known ancestral states, making them useful genetic markers for phylogenetic studies.200717266768
influence of habitat and seasonal variation on wild mammal diversity and distribution with special reference to the trypanosoma brucei gambiense host-reservoir in bipindi (cameroon).to evaluate the role of wildlife in the resurgence and perenisation of human african trypanosomiasis (hat), we investigated the influence of habitat and seasonal variations on the diversity and spatial distribution of wild mammals, with special reference to those recognised as potential host-reservoirs of trypanosoma brucei gambiense in bipindi (southwestern cameroon). to achieve this, we carried out transect surveys in four habitat types over two years. a total of 31 mammal species were recorde ...200919732737
social influences on plasma testosterone levels in male talapoin monkeys. 19807191826
behavioural and endocrine effects of naltrexone in male talapoin monkeys.the effect of treating captive male talapoin monkeys with naltrexone hydrochloride (500 micrograms/kg intra-muscular injection twice daily) was studied both in socially living and singly caged animals. the behaviour of the group males and endocrine changes in all treated animals were monitored during the course of treatment and on drug withdrawal. naltrexone significantly reduced sexual behaviour in previously active males, while increasing grooming interactions. aggressive behaviour did not cha ...19807192404
phylogeny of african monkeys based upon mitochondrial 12s rrna sequences.the suborder anthropoidea of the primates has traditionally been divided in three superfamilies: the hominoidea (apes and humans) and the cercopithecoidea (old world monkeys), together comprising the infraorder catarrhini, and the ceboidea (new world monkeys) belonging to the infraorder platyrrhini. we have sequenced an approximately 390-base-pair part of the mitochondrial 12s rrna gene for 26 species of the major groups of african monkeys and apes and constructed an extensive phylogeny based up ...19957535363
effects of rank and novel females on behaviour and hormones in male talapoin monkeys.two social groups of captive talapoin monkeys (miopithecus talapoin), each with three intact adult males and three or four ovariectomized, estrogen-treated adult females, were observed. socio-sexual and aggressive interactions were recorded, and levels of testosterone, cortisol, and prolactin were measured in male serum. cortisol and prolactin titers did not reflect male rank, nor did changes in one of these hormones parallel changes in the other. in both groups males formed a linear dominance h ...19827202225
interlimb coordination, gait, and neural control of quadrupedalism in chimpanzees.interlimb coordination is directly relevant to the understanding of the neural control of locomotion, but few studies addressing this topic for nonhuman primates are available, and no data exist for any hominoid other than humans. as a follow-up to jungers and anapol's ([1985] am. j. phys. anthropol. 67:89-97) analysis on a lemur and talapoin monkey, we describe here the patterns of interlimb coordination in two chimpanzees as revealed by electromyography. like the lemur and talapoin monkey, ips ...19979066899
[social organization of a band of talapoins (miopithecus talapoin) of northeast gabon]. 19704984815
mites of the genus paracoroptes lavoipierre, 1955 (acariformes: psoroptidae)--skin parasites of the african monkeys of the family cercopithecidae (primates).two new species of paracoroptes lavoipierre, 1955 (acariformes: psoroptidae: paracoroptinae) are described: paracoroptes miopithecus sp. n. from miopithecus talapoin (schreber) and paracoroptes piliocolobus sp. n. from piliocolobus badius (kerr) (primates: cercopithecidae)--both are from the democratic republic of the congo. a key to all 6 species of the genus is provided and host-parasite relationships of its representatives are discussed.201425543932
competence of non-human primates to transmit leishmania infantum to the invertebrate vector lutzomyia longipalpis.leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease of worldwide relevance. visceral leishmaniasis is endemic in brazil, where it is caused by leishmania infantum with lutzomyia longipalpis being the most important invertebrate vector. non-human primates are susceptible to l. infantum infection. however, little is known about the role of these species as reservoirs. the aim of this study was to evaluate the transmissibility potential of visceral leishmaniasis by non-human primates through xenodiagnosis using th ...201930995227
banding patterns of the chromosomes of miopithecus talapoin compared with macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops.the g-, c-, and q-banding and nor patterns of the chromosomes of miopithecus talapoin are described. g-banding patterns are compared with those of macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops which show large homoeologies.19807449434
Displaying items 1 - 66 of 66