
arthrobacter enclensis sp. nov., isolated from sediment sample.a novel bacterial strain designated as nio-1008(t) was isolated from marine sediments sample in chorao island india. cells of the strains were gram positive and non-motile, displayed a rod-coccus life cycle and formed cream to light grey colonies on nutrient agar. strain nio-1008(t) had the chemotaxonomic markers that were consistent for classification in the genus arthrobacter, i.e. mk-9(h2) (50.3 %), as the major menaquinone, and the minor amount of mk-7 (h2-27.5 %), mk-8 (h4-11.6 %) and mk-8 ...201425052022
draft genome sequence of arthrobacter enclensis ncim 5488t for secondary, we report the draft genome sequence of arthrobacter enclensis ncim 5488(t), an actinobacterium isolated from a marine sediment sample from chorao island, goa, india. this draft genome sequence consists of 4,226,231 bp with a g+c content of 67.08%, 3,888 protein-coding genes, 50 trnas, and 10 rrnas. analysis of the genome using bioinformatics tools such as antismash and napdos showed the presence of many unique natural product biosynthetic gene clusters.201627257206
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