
psammolestes arthuri (hemiptera: reduviidae) and its parasite telenomus capito (hymenoptera: scelionidae) in colombia. 19846389870
[attalea butyracea palms adjacent to housing as a source of infestation by rhodnius prolixus (hemiptera: reduviidae)].the presence of rhodnius prolixus in palms on the eastern plains area of colombia provide a high risk for infection with trypanosoma cruzi. intensive surveillance of the palm tree habitat are necessary to confirm the presence of bugs and provide evidence that this habitat is a source of house infestations.201223242302
epidemiology of trypanosoma cruzi in the oriental plains of colombia.epidemiologic studies to define the domiciliary and extradomiciliary transmission cycles of trypanosoma cruzi and trypanosoma rangeli in the oriental plains of colombia were conducted in the gallery forests near carimagua and el porvenir. one-hundred and seven palm trees belonging to nine genera were examined; triatomines were found in only three palm species, the leaves of which are locally used for roof thatching: 2/29 maximiliana elegans, 1/7 mauritia flexuosa and 7/7 scheelea sp. bugs were a ...19846439062
human trypanosomiasis in the eastern plains of colombia: new transmission scenario.characteristics of trypanosoma cruzi infection were studied in a rural area of the eastern plains of colombia. using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and indirect fluorescent-antibody tests, the infection was determined in 11.6% of the inhabitants of 142 dwellings. during 6 months of community surveillance, in 42.3% dwellings, 609 triatomines were collected (597 rhodnius prolixus and seven, three, one, and one of panstrongylus geniculatus, psammolestes arturi, eratyrus mucronatus, and triatoma ...201626728765
risks associated with dispersive nocturnal flights of sylvatic triatominae to artificial lights in a model house in the northeastern plains of colombia.control initiatives and continuous surveillance of vector-borne transmission have proved to be effective measures for diminishing the incidence of chagas disease in endemic countries. however, the active dispersal of infected sylvatic adult triatomines by flight represents one of the main obstacles to eliminating domestic transmission.201526582012
a microhymenopteran parasite of eggs of psammolestes arthuri (hemiptera: reduviidae) and observations of experimental parasitism of eggs of rhodnius prolixus (hemiptera: reduviidae). 1978344883
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