
the next step in cicada audition: measuring pico-mechanics in the cicada's ear.female cicadas use sound when they select a mate from a chorus of singing males. the cicada has a tympanal ear; and the tympanal membrane, and constituent tympanal ridge, act as both acousto-mechanical transducers and frequency filters. the tympanal ridge is physically connected to a large number of mechanoreceptor neurons via a cuticular extension known as the tympanal apodeme. using microscanning laser doppler vibrometry, we measured for the first time the in vivo vibrations of the apodeme of ...200919946087
tuning the drum: the mechanical basis for frequency discrimination in a mediterranean cicada.cicadas are known to use sound to find a mate. while the mechanism employed by male cicadas to generate loud calling songs has been described in detail, little information exists to explain how their ears work. using microscanning laser doppler vibrometry, the tympanal vibrations in the cicada cicadatra atra are measured in response to acoustic playbacks. the topographically accurate optical measurements reveal the vibrational behaviour of the anatomically complex tympanal membrane. notably, the ...200617023605
morphological and acoustic characters of cicadatra platyptera fieber, 1876.acoustic and morphological characters are very important to distinguish species of cicadidae. in this study, the morphological and acoustic characters of cicadatra platyptera fieber, 1876 (hemiptera, cicadidae) collected from turkey were analysed. the external morphological structures of two species were drawn and photographs of some specimens were taken. we evaluated taxonomically important morphological characters such as body shape, colors, patterns, structure, and genital structure. we evalu ...201323794875
sexual dimorphism in auditory mechanics: tympanal vibrations of cicada cicadas, the tympanum is anatomically intricate and employs complex vibrations as a mechanism for auditory frequency analysis. using microscanning laser doppler vibrometry, the tympanal mechanics of cicada orni can be characterized in controlled acoustical conditions. the tympanum of c. orni moves following a simple drum-like motion, rather than the travelling wave found in a previous study of cicadatra atra. there is a clear sexual dimorphism in the tympanal mechanics. the large male tympanu ...200818626071
sound emission and reception tuning in three cicada species sharing the same habitat.many animal species acoustically communicate at the same place and time generating complex acoustic environments. however, the acoustic parameter space is usually structured, with each species emitting identifiable signals. while signal partitioning has been reported, very few analyses include the mechanical spectral response of auditory organs. the loud chorus generated by three cicadas (cicada orni, cicadatra atra, and lyristes plebejus) was studied. the vibration pattern of l. plebejus shows ...201020329866
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