
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 april 2013-31 may 2013.this article documents the addition of 234 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: acipenser sinensis, aleochara bilineata, aleochara bipustulata, barbus meridionalis, colossoma macropomum, delia radicum, drosophila nigrosparsa, fontainea picrosperma, helianthemum cinereum, liomys pictus, megabalanus azoricus, pelteobagrus vachelli, pleuragramma antarcticum, podarcis hispanica type 1a, sardinella brasiliensis and scle ...201323937578
social behavior, chemical communication, and adult neurogenesis: studies of scent mark function in podarcis wall lizards.lacertid lizards have been hailed as a model system for the study of reptilian chemical communication. however, results obtained with the genus podarcis, a diverse group of wall lizards with complex systematics, challenge emerging paradigms and caution against hasty generalizations. here we review the available evidence on the role of chemical stimuli in male-female and male-male interactions in iberian podarcis. males of several species can discriminate between chemicals left on substrates by f ...201222406138
rapid learning of a spatial memory task in a lacertid lizard (podarcis liolepis).mammals and birds are capable of navigating to a goal using learned map-like representations of space (i.e. place learning), but research assessing this navigational strategy in reptiles has produced inconclusive results, in part due to the use of procedures that do not take account of the peculiarities of reptilian behavior and physiology. here i present a procedure suitable for testing spatial cognition that exploits a naturally evolved, ethologically relevant ability common to many lizards (i ...201931545992
correction: seasonal and interpopulational phenotypic variation in morphology and sexual signals of podarcis liolepis lizards.[this corrects the article doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211686.].201930986269
seasonal and interpopulational phenotypic variation in morphology and sexual signals of podarcis liolepis lizards.widespread species often show extensive phenotypic variation due to the contrasting abiotic and biotic factors that shape selective pressures in different environments. in this context, the gradual and predictable patterns of variation in climatic and environmental conditions found in mountain areas offer a great opportunity to explore intraspecific phenotypic variation. for instance, temperature is negatively correlated with altitude and virtually all aspects of the behavior and physiology of e ...201930875384
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