helminths recovered from black bears in the peace river region of northwestern alberta. | a total of 91 free-ranging black bears (ursus americanus) from the peace river region of northwestern alberta was examined for helminths. four species, baylisascaris transfuga, taenia krabbei, taenia hydatigena and dirofilaria ursi, were found. none of the bears was heavily infected. results are compared with other similar north american surveys. | 1979 | 459048 |
ecto- and endoparasites of the black bear in northern wisconsin. | parasites collected from free-ranging black bears, ursus americanus, in northern wisconsin included dermacentor variabilis, d. albipictus, ixodes scapularis, demodex sp., trichodectes pinguis euarctidos, baylisascaris transfuga and dirofilaria ursi. mange, possibly caused by the demodex sp., also was observed. dental caries were common and periodontal disease was observed in one animal. | 1978 | 633522 |
parasites of black bears of the lake superior region. | parasites collected from free-ranging black bears, ursus americanus pallas, 1780, from northeastern minnesota or northern michigan include the dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say, 1821), the winter tick, d. albipictus (packard, 1869), a louse, trichodectes pinguis euarctidoes hopkins, 1954, an ascarid worm, baylisascaris transfuga (rudolphi, 1819), a filarial worm, dirofilaria ursi yamaguti, 1941, taeniid tapeworms, and unidentified fleas. the broad fish tapeworm, diphyllobothrium latum (linna ... | 1975 | 1142551 |
parasites from the asiatic black bear (ursus thibetanus) on kyushu island, japan. | two dirofilaria ursi, six trichodectes pinguis and numerous haemaphysalis megaspinosa were obtained from an asiatic black bear (ursus thibetanus) shot in kyushu, japan. the presence of two parasites specific to black bears may indicate the existence of a wild population, although the bears are regarded to be extinct on kyushu island. | 1990 | 2304196 |
dirofilaria ursi-like parasites acquired by humans in the northern united states and canada: report of two cases and brief review. | two cases of subcutaneous dirofilariasis acquired in ontario and vermont are reported. the parasites in these and eight cases previously reported from the northern united states and canada are classified as resembling dirofilaria ursi, a primarily subcutaneous parasite of bears, or d. subdermata of porcupines, in the same region. a distinguishing morphological feature of the d. ursi-like group is the presence of distinct longitudinal cuticular ridges regularly and widely spaced on the outer surf ... | 1987 | 3310687 |
filarial parasites from the black bear of japan. | parasitological examinations were made on the tissues and the blood of the black bears (selenarctos thibetanus japonicus) of japan. three kinds of filarial parasites were found in the tissues and the blood of the hosts: dirofilaria ursi, tetrapetalonema (tetrapetalonema) akitensis sp. n. and dipetalonema (chenofilaria) japonica sp. n. the male and the microfilaria of d. ursi were described from the type host animal. japanese specimens of d. ursi were compared with the specimens from american bla ... | 1983 | 6870099 |
subcutaneous dirofilariasis in collier county, florida, usa. | a 10-year review of the surgical pathology files of the department of pathology at naples community hospital (naples, fl, u.s.a.) revealed 10 cases of dirofilaria tenuis and one of dirofilaria ursi infection. the review consisted of only those lesions for which the pathologists had recorded the presence of a worm in the lesion. therefore, an unknown number of subcutaneous lesions without parasites were not reviewed. nine of the 11 cases of dirofilaria were diagnosed as dirofilaria or dirofilaria ... | 1995 | 7611540 |
helminths of the black bear, ursus americanus, in new brunswick. | between may 1989 and october 1991, 544 black bears ursus americanus were collected in new brunswick and examined for trichinella spiralis larvae. in addition, 110 of these bears were examined for filarial nematodes, and the entire intestinal tracts of 12 bears were examined for intestinal helminths. four species of helminths were identified from these bears, including trichinella spiralis, dirofilaria ursi, baylisascaris transfuga, and taenia krabbei. this represents the first documentation of t ... | 1994 | 8195953 |
identification and phylogenetic analysis of dirofilaria ursi (nematoda: filarioidea) from wisconsin black bears (ursus americanus) and its wolbachia endosymbiont. | dirofilaria ursi is a filarial nematode of american black bears (ursus americanus pallas, 1780) that is vectored by black flies (simuliidae) in many parts of the united states. in northwestern wisconsin, the prevalence of microfilaremic bears during the fall hunting season was 21% (n = 47). unsheathed blood microfilariae from wisconsin bears possess characters consistent with the original description of d. ursi, as do adult worms observed histologically and grossly. immunohistochemistry was used ... | 2010 | 19916630 |
helminths of the black bear in quebec. | twenty-one complete carcasses of black bears, ursus americanus , together with 34 intestinal tracts, 86 diaphragms and 168 faecal droppings collected between june, 1971 and november, 1972 in the province of quebec were examinel for helminths. species found and their prevalence were as follows: dirofilaria ursi in 57%; uncinaria yukonensis in 6%; baylisascaris transfuga in 21%; larvae of trichinella spiralis in less than 1%; diphyllobothrium ursi in 36%; and taenia krabbei and taenia hydatigena i ... | 1977 | 24228968 |
subcutaneous dirofilariasis in nova scotia. | a case of dirofilariasis in a 78-year-old woman from nova scotia is described along with the histological findings and the basis of identification of the parasite. the patient developed a subcutaneous nodule, which was excised. dirofilaria ursi and ursi-like nematodes are a rare cause of subcutaneous nodules. this is the first time dirofilariasis has been diagnosed in an adult in atlantic canada. | 1996 | 22514420 |
what is your diagnosis? blood film from a black bear (ursus americanus). | | 2017 | 28745834 |