
gross morphology and histology of head and salivary apparatus of the predatory bug, rhynocoris marginatus.rhynocoris marginatus fabricius (hemiptera: reduviidae) is an important biological control agent against more than 25 insect pests in india. for a better understanding of the feeding adaptation of this bug, the gross morphology and histology of its head and salivary apparatus were studied using both a light microscope and scanning electron microscope. the head is more or less elongate, mobile, and immersed into the eyes. r. marginatus has a three-segmented curved rostrum; the middle segment is l ...201222943262
biochemical and electrophoretic analyses of saliva from the predatory reduviid species rhynocoris marginatus (fab.).the saliva of rhynocoris marginatus consists of amylase, invertase, trehalase, protease, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phospholipase, lipase, trypsin, hyaluronidase, and esterase. all enzyme activities were significantly higher in the saliva of female r. marginatus when compared to the saliva of male individuals. the saliva was analyzed by tricine sds/page, sephadex column chromatography, ft-ir, and maldi-tof. the ph of the saliva was slightly alkali. the sds/page revealed a few protei ...201323513191
impacts of synergy-505 on the functional response and behavior of the reduviid bug, rhynocoris marginatus.the impact of the insecticide, synergy-505 (chlorpyrifos 50% and cypermethrin 5% e.c), on the functional response, predatory behavior, and mating behavior of a non-target reduviid, rhynocoris marginatus (fabricius) (hemiptera: reduviidae), a potential biological control agent, were studied. though both normal and synergy-505-exposed r. marginatus exhibited holling's type ii curvilinear functional response, synergy-505 caused a less pronounced type ii functional response with reduced numbers of p ...201021265616
zootoxic effects of reduviid rhynocoris marginatus (fab.) (hemiptera: reduviidae) venomous saliva on spodoptera litura (fab.).rhynocoris marginatus is a predominant and potential reduviid predator of many economically important pests in india. the venomous saliva (vs) was collected by milking method and diluted with hplc grade water to prepare different concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000ppm). the vs from r. marginatus was found to be toxic and the ld(50) of the vs in spodoptera litura third instar were 768 and 929ppm at 48 and 96h for microinjection and oral toxicity studies, respectively. level of hydrolase a ...201121787800
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