
climate, demography and lek stability in an amazonian bird.lekking is a rare, but iconic mating system where polygynous males aggregate and perform group displays to attract females. existing theory postulates that demographic and environmental stability are required for lekking to be an evolutionarily viable reproductive strategy. however, we lack empirical tests for the hypotheses that lek stability is facilitated by age-specific variation in demographic rates, and by predictable, abundant resources. to address this knowledge gap, we use multistate mo ...201626791615
proximity data-loggers increase the quantity and quality of social network network analysis is an ideal quantitative tool for advancing our understanding of complex social behaviour. however, this approach is often limited by the challenges of accurately characterizing social structure and measuring network heterogeneity. technological advances have facilitated the study of social networks, but to date, all such work has focused on large vertebrates. here, we provide proof of concept for using proximity data-logging to quantify the frequency of social interactio ...201222859558
understanding testosterone variation in a tropical lek-breeding bird.male reproductive coalitions, in which males cooperate to attract females, are a rare strategy among vertebrates. while some studies have investigated ultimate aspects of these relationships, little is known about the mechanistic role that hormones play in modulating cooperative behaviours. here, we examined male testosterone variation in a tropical lekking bird, the wire-tailed manakin (pipra filicauda), which exhibits cooperative male-male display coalitions. we found that testosterone levels ...201121325306
it takes two to tango: reproductive skew and social correlates of male mating success in a lek-breeding bird.variance in reproductive success among individuals is a defining characteristic of many social vertebrates. yet, our understanding of which male attributes contribute to reproductive success is still fragmentary in most cases. male-male reproductive coalitions, where males jointly display to attract females, are of particular interest to evolutionary biologists because one male appears to forego reproduction to assist the social partner. by examining the relationship between social behaviour and ...200919324732
social networks in the lek-mating wire-tailed manakin (pipra filicauda).how social structure interacts with individual behaviour and fitness remains understudied despite its potential importance to the evolution of cooperation. recent applications of network theory to social behaviour advance our understanding of the role of social interactions in various contexts. here we applied network theory to the social system of lek-mating wire-tailed manakins (pipra filicauda, pipridae, aves). we analysed the network of interactions among males in order to begin building a c ...200818381257
testosterone modulates status-specific patterns of cooperation in a social network.stable cooperation requires plasticity whereby individuals are able to express competitive or cooperative behaviors depending on social context. to date, however, the physiological mechanisms that underlie behavioral variation in cooperative systems are poorly understood. we studied hormone-mediated behavior in the wire-tailed manakin (pipra filicauda), a gregarious songbird whose cooperative partnerships and competition for status are both crucial for fitness. we used automated telemetry to mon ...202031868543
gene expression in the social behavior network of the wire-tailed manakin (pipra filicauda) brain.the vertebrate basal forebrain and midbrain contain a set of interconnected nuclei that control social behavior. conserved anatomical structures and functions of these nuclei have now been documented among fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, and these brain regions have come to be known as the vertebrate social behavior network (sbn). while it is known that nuclei (nodes) of the sbn are rich in steroid and neuropeptide activity linked to behavior, simultaneous variation in the express ...202030756473
sampling baseline androgens in free-living passerines: methodological considerations and solutions.obtaining baseline hormone samples can be challenging because circulating hormone levels often change rapidly due to the acute stress of capture. although field protocols are established for accurately sampling baseline glucocorticoid concentrations, fewer studies have examined how common sampling techniques affect androgens levels. indeed, many studies focused on understanding the functional significance of baseline androgen levels use sampling methods known to activate the endocrine responses ...201930056137
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