
nomimoscolex suspectus n. sp. (eucestoda: proteocephalidea: zygobothriinae) with morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses of the genus.we describe a new species of nomimoscolex from the amazon siluriform fishes brachyplatystoma filamentosum, b. flavicans and b. vaillanti. it differs from n. piraeeba in a lower mean number of testes, the paramuscular position of the vitelline follicles, the ovarian width/proglottis width ratio and the cirrus-pouch length/proglottis width ratio. protein electrophoresis assays performed for 25 enzymatic systems showed that specimens of n. suspectus n. sp. from the three host species form a homogen ...200011071151
three new species of demidospermus (monogenea: dactylogyridae) parasitic on brachyplatystoma filamentosum (siluriformes: pimelodidae) from the araguaia river, brazil.three new species of dactylogyrids (monogenea) from the araguaia river in brazil are described herein. specimens of demidospermus ceccarellii n. sp., demidospermus brachyplatystomae n. sp., and demidospermus araguaiaensis n. sp. were collected from the gills of the siluriform fish, brachyplatystoma filamentosum (lichtenstein, 1819). the 3 new species can be easily distinguished from their congeners by the shape of the male copulatory organ (mco) and accessory piece. demidospermus ceccarellii n. ...201020486742
mercury in muscle and brain of catfish from the madeira river, amazon, brazil.the central nervous system is a critical target for hg toxicity in all living organisms. total hg (thg) was determined in brain and muscle samples of 165 specimens of eight species of catfish (brachyplatystoma filamentosum; brachyplatystoma platynemum; brachyplatystoma rousseauxii; brachyplatystoma vaillantii; phractocephalus hemiliopterus; pseudoplatystoma punctifer; pseudoplatystoma tigrinum; zungaro zungaro) from the madeira river, brazilian amazon. despite the narrow range of fishbase trophi ...201525913362
diverse early life-history strategies in migratory amazonian catfish: implications for conservation and management.animal migrations provide important ecological functions and can allow for increased biodiversity through habitat and niche diversification. however, aquatic migrations in general, and those of the world's largest fish in particular, are imperiled worldwide and are often poorly understood. several species of large amazonian catfish carry out some of the longest freshwater fish migrations in the world, travelling from the amazon river estuary to the andes foothills. these species are important ap ...201526153984
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