
isospora hypoleucae sp. n. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae), a new coccidian parasite found in the pied flycatcher (ficedula hypoleuca).a new coccidia species is reported from the natural population of pied flycatcher (ficedula hypoleuca) in northern germany. sporulated oocysts were found in faeces from 6 of 8 sampled adults. the spherical oocysts of the new isospora species have a brownish, smooth, bi-layered wall. average size of sporulated oocysts was 19.4 x 19.3 microm (17.5-22.8 microm x 17.5-22.8 microm ) with a shape index (length/width) of 1.0. the sporulated oocysts have no micropyle or residuum, but enclose several sma ...200919450377
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