
Morphological and molecular characterization and phylogenetic placement of Sarcocystis capreolicanis and Sarcocystis silva n. sp. from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Norway.Sarcocysts were isolated from the muscle tissue of three roe deer from southeastern Norway and examined by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and/or sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) gene. By light microscopy, four sarcocyst types were found, including those of Sarcocystis gracilis and Sarcocystis oviformis, which had been characterized previously. The third cyst type had about 10 µm long, flexible, hair-like surface protrusions, consistent with those of Sarcoc ...201121853224
sarcocystis in norwegian roe deer (capreolus capreolus): molecular and morphological identification of sarcocystis oviformis n. sp. and sarcocystis gracilis and their phylogenetic relationship with other sarcocystis species.fresh muscle tissue from six roe deer from southeastern norway was examined for sarcocysts. cysts were excised and morphologically classified by light microscopy, and some cysts were further examined by scanning electron microscopy or dna amplification and sequencing of the small subunit (ssu) rrna gene. two sarcocystis species, sarcocystis gracilis and sarcocystis oviformis n. sp., were found and described by morphological and molecular methods. s. gracilis was found in all animals, whereas s. ...200919050921
molecular characterization of sarcocystis species from polish roe deer based on ssu rrna and cox1 sequence analysis.sarcocysts from four polish roe deer were collected and examined by light microscopy, small subunit ribosomal rna (ssu rrna), and the subunit i of cytochrome oxidase (cox1) sequence analysis. this resulted in identification of sarcocystis gracilis, sarcocystis oviformis, and sarcocystis silva. however, we were unable to detect sarcocystis capreolicanis, the fourth sarcocystis species found previously in norwegian roe deer. polish sarcocysts isolated from various tissues differed in terms of thei ...201424948101
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