rickettsia monteiroi sp. nov., infecting the tick amblyomma incisum in brazil. | free-living adult amblyomma incisum ticks were collected in an atlantic rainforest area at intervales state park, state of s+úo paulo, brazil. from an a. incisum specimen, rickettsiae were successfully isolated in vero cell culture by the shell vial technique. rickettsial isolation was confirmed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and pcrs targeting portions of the rickettsial genes glta, htra, rrs, and sca1 on infected cells. fragments of 1,089, 457, 1,362, and 443 nucleoti ... | 2011 | 21685169 |
a novel rickettsia species detected in vole ticks (ixodes angustus) from western canada. | the genomic dna of ixodid ticks from western canada was tested by pcr for the presence of rickettsia. no rickettsiae were detected in ixodes sculptus, whereas 18% of the i. angustus and 42% of the dermacentor andersoni organisms examined were pcr positive for rickettsia. the rickettsiae from each tick species were characterized genetically using multiple genes. rickettsiae within the d. andersoni organisms had sequences at four genes that matched those of r. peacockii. in contrast, the rickettsi ... | 2013 | 24077705 |
rickettsia infection in amblyomma tonelliae, a tick species from the amblyomma cajennense complex. | the present study was performed to evaluate the rickettsia infection in amblyomma tonelliae ticks from argentina. all ticks were subjected to dna extraction and tested by a battery of pcrs to amplify fragments of four rickettsial genes, 23s-5s, glta, ompa and htra. two ticks were positive. the rickettsia detected in one tick represents a new lineage which is named rickettsia sp. strain el tunal. this new strain belongs to the canadensis group because it is closely related to rickettsia monteiroi ... | 2015 | 25544308 |