
multifactorial mortality in bongos and other wild ungulates in the north of the congo republic.wildlife mortality involving bongos, tragelaphus eurycerus, and other ungulates was investigated in the north of the congo republic in 1997. four bongos, one forest buffalo, syncerus caffer nanus, and one domestic sheep were examined and sampled. although an outbreak of rinderpest had been suspected, it was found that the animals, which had been weakened by an elaeophora sagitta infection and possibly also by adverse climatic conditions, had been exsanguinated and driven to exhaustion by an unus ...200112026060
phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data in haematophagous flies support the paraphyly of the genus stomoxys (diptera: muscidae).the genus stomoxys geoffroy (diptera; muscidae) contains species of parasitic flies that are of medical and economic importance. we conducted a phylogenetic analysis including 10 representative species of the genus including multiple exemplars, together with the closely related genera prostomoxys zumpt, haematobosca bezzi, and haematobia lepeletier & serville. phylogenetic relationships were inferred using maximum likelihood and bayesian methods from dna fragments from the cytochrome c oxidase s ...201121324380
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