
genotyping of cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds from wild and domestic birds, cryptosporidiosis is often associated with infections by cryptosporidium galli, cryptosporidium baileyi and cryptosporidium meleagridis. in addition to these species, a number of avian cryptosporidium species yet to be fully characterized are commonly found among exotic and wild avian isolates. the present study aimed to detect and identify samples of cryptosporidium spp. from free-living wild birds, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the variability of this p ...201021035268
molecular confirmation of trichomonas gallinae and other parabasalids from brazil using the 5.8s and its-1 rrna regions.clinical, gross, and histopathology lesions and molecular characterization of trichomonas spp. infection were described in two striped owls (asio (rhinoptynx) clamator), one american kestrel (falco sparverius), two green-winged saltators (saltator similis), and in a toco toucan (ramphastos toco) from brazil. these birds presented clinical signs including emaciation, ruffled feathers, abundant salivation and open mouth breathing presumably due to abundant caseous material. gross lesions were char ...201222749289
oocyst shedding by green-winged-saltator (saltator similis) in the diagnostic of coccidiosis and isospora similisi n. sp. (apicomplexa: eimeriidae).diurnal periodicity is a phenomenon that has been observed in coccidian of isospora parasites of passerines, which have been eliminated great number of oocysts at dusk. the objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of periodicity of oocysts presence in the green-winged-saltator saltator similis, and its use in the diagnosis of coccidiosis in wild birds in captivity. a total of 220 fecal samples were collected from birds, apprehended from illegal trading and kept in quarantine in cet ...201324252953
potential bird dispersers of psychotria in a area of atlantic forest on ilha grande, rj, southeastern brazil: a biochemical analysis of the fruits.the present study assessed the fruiting pattern, bird foraging behavior, and sugar content of ripe fruits of two sympatric species of rubiaceae (psychotria brasiliensis and p. nuda). this study was carried out in an atlantic forest area on ilha grande, rj, between august 1998 and july 1999. fruit production occurred year round, with a peak of mature p. brasiliensis fruits in december 1998 and another of p. nuda in february of 1999. lipaugus lanioides (cotingidae), baryphtengus ruficapillus (momo ...200616680300
frugivory and seed dispersal of solanum granuloso-leprosum dunal (solanaceae) by birds in deciduous seasonal forest.the goal of this study was to identify which bird species consume solanum granuloso-leprosum fruits and disperse its seeds. 60 hours of focal observations were carried out between april and may 2006 on the edge of a deciduous forest fragment in the uruguay river region, rio grande do sul state, brazil. ten species were observed in total removing 443 fruits. saltator similis removed 61.8% of the fruits, followed by tangara sayaca (17.1%), pipraeidea bonariensis (11.7%), and t. preciosa (6.8%), wh ...201727191463
isospora vanriperorum levine, 1982 (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) in the green-winged saltator, saltator similis (passeriformes: cardinalinae) in southeastern brazil.isospora vanriperorum from the green-winged saltator (saltator similis) is described in southeastern brazil. oocysts are spherical to subspherical, 19.4-26 by 18.3-26 micro (23.1 by 22.4 micro), shape index 1.04 with a single layered wall, fine, smooth and yellowish. micropyle and residuum are absents, but one elliptical polar granule is present. sporocysts are ovoid, 14.5-20.2 by 8.1-12.5 micro (16.3 by 10.8 micro), shape index 1.53 with prominent stieda body, barely discernible substieda body ...200818373897
immature ticks on wild birds and the molecular detection of a novel rickettsia strain in the ibitipoca state park, southeastern brazil.birds are recognized hosts of ticks, especially for the immature stages which may harbor various species and strains of rickettsia. to explore landscapes inhabited by birds and their ticks would expand the knowledge on host-parasite relationships and the rickettsiae. the aim of this paper was to record the diversity of ticks collected on wild birds and assess the phylogenetic position of a novel rickettsia strain detected in immature ticks. birds were captured in the ibitipoca state park, locate ...202032643110
pathological and molecular characterization of systemic isosporosis (atoxoplasmosis) in captive green-winged saltator (saltator similis).systemic isosporosis, also called atoxoplasmosis or visceral coccidiosis, is a disease that affects birds in general. pathogenesis of systemic isosporosis and its etiologic agent have not been well characterized, but taxonomically atoxoplasma is currently considered a junior objective synonym of isospora. the present report aimed to describe pathological and molecular findings of systemic isosporosis in captive green-winged saltators (saltator similis) from the state of espírito santo, brazil. i ...201829773145
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