
gastrointestinal parasites of owls (strigiformes) kept in captivity in the southern region of brazil.the aim of this research was to study the gastrointestinal parasitism in 12 adult owls kept in captivity in the southern region of brazil. cloacal contents of the species rhinoptynx clamator, tyto alba, athene cunicularia, megascops spp., and bubo virginianus were evaluated. feces and urine were collected and analyzed by the zinc sulfate centrifugal-flotation method and stained by the modified ziehl-neelsen technique. eggs of capillaria spp. and strongylida, oocysts of cryptosporidium spp., eime ...200919005679
the use of sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles for contrast-enhanced ocular ultrasonography of the pecten oculi in birds.the pecten oculi is a vascular and pigmented structure localized within the posterior segment of all avian eyes. its primary function is not fully understood yet.201930109756
molecular confirmation of trichomonas gallinae and other parabasalids from brazil using the 5.8s and its-1 rrna regions.clinical, gross, and histopathology lesions and molecular characterization of trichomonas spp. infection were described in two striped owls (asio (rhinoptynx) clamator), one american kestrel (falco sparverius), two green-winged saltators (saltator similis), and in a toco toucan (ramphastos toco) from brazil. these birds presented clinical signs including emaciation, ruffled feathers, abundant salivation and open mouth breathing presumably due to abundant caseous material. gross lesions were char ...201222749289
lws visual pigment in owls: spectral tuning inferred by genetics.owls constitute a diverse group of raptors, active at different times of the day with distinct light conditions that might be associated with multiple visual adaptations. we investigated whether shifts in the spectral sensitivity of the l cone visual pigment, as inferred by analysis of gene structure, could be one such adaptive mechanism. using sanger sequencing approach, we characterized the long wavelength-sensitive (lws) opsin gene expressed in the retina of five owl species, specifically cho ...201931706045
complete genome sequence of a vaccinal newcastle disease virus strain isolated from an owl (rhinoptynx clamator).a newcastle disease virus (ndv) was isolated in chicken embryonated eggs after detection by real-time reverse transcription-pcr (rrt-pcr) from a captive owl swab. the complete genome sequence of apmv-1/rhinoptynx clamator/brazil/22516/2009 (apmv-1, avian paramyxovirus type 1) was obtained using illumina sequencing. phylogenetic analysis of the complete genome classified the isolate within ndv class ii genotype ii.201627856578
new records of three hippoboscid species on newly captured birds from nature in paraná, brazil.the aims of this study was to provide new records of hippoboscid flies collected over an one-year period on newly captured birds from nature in the state of paraná, brazil. the birds were received by a wildlife center in tijucas do sul and the hippoboscid flies were collect by hand or by tweezers, generating a prevalence of 0.7% (16/2232) of parasitized birds. new information about distribution of hippoboscid flies on asio clamator, rupornis magnirostris and athene cunicularia was reported in th ...201627737369
some aspects of neuromorphology, and the co-localization of glial related markers in the brains of striped owl (asioclamator) from north east nigeria.the striped owl (asioclamator) is unique with its brownish white facial disc and they are found in the north eastern part of nigeria. little is known in the literature on the basic neuroanatomy of this species. this study focuses on the histology and glial expression of some brain regions of the striped owl. five owls were obtained in the wild, and their brains were routinely prepared for haematoxylin and eosin, and cresyl violet staining. immunostaining was done with anti-calbindin, anti mbp, a ...202033084626
ultrasonographic aspects and biometry of striped owl's eyes (rhinoptynx clamator).to report the biometric values and ultrasonographic aspects of the normal eye of the striped owl (rhinoptynx clamator). sample population  twenty-seven healthy, free-living, adult striped owls from the ecological park of tiete veterinary ambulatory (sao paulo, brazil).201020840095
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