
archigetes sieboldi (cestoda: caryophyllaeidae) in north america. 19665942519
vitellogenesis in archigetes sieboldi leuckart, 1878 (cestoda, caryophyllidea, caryophyllaeidae), an intestinal parasite of carp (cyprinus carpio l.).vitellogenesis in the caryophyllidean tapeworm archigetes sieboldi leuckart, 1878, from carp cyprinus carpio l. in slovakia, has been examined using transmission electron microscopy and cytochemical staining with periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate (pa-tsc-sp) for glycogen. vitelline follicles extend in two lateral bands in the medullary parenchyma along both sides of the monozoic body. they are surrounded by an external basal lamina and contain vitellocytes and an interstitial tis ...201223059891
on the position of archigetes and its bearing on the early evolution of the tapeworms.the tapeworm archigetes sieboldi leuckart, 1878 (platyhelminthes: cestoda: caryophyllidea) has been cited as a likely representative of the "protocestode" condition, owing to its lack of segmentation and ability to attain sexual maturity in the invertebrate host (aquatic oligochaetes). the idea has been variously amplified or rejected in the literature, although the actual phylogenetic position of the species has not been investigated until now. new collections of archigetes sp. from both its ve ...200818576801
fine structure of the male reproductive ducts, vagina and seminal receptacle of cyathocephalus truncatus (cestoda: spathebothriidea).fine structure of the vas efferens, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct with accessory glands and vagina with seminal receptacle is described in the spathebothriidean tapeworm, cyathocephalus truncatus (pallas, 1781) kessler, 1868. the numerous well-developed prostate glands are characterised by having secretory granules with an electron-dense core surrounded by a matrix of lower electron density. coalescence of the outer part of the granules with each other takes place in the terminal end of the sec ...200516270805
ultrastructure of archigetes sieboldi (cestoda: caryophyllidea): relationship between progenesis, development and evolution.ultrastructural characteristics of progenetic and monoxenic archigetes sieboldi leuckart, 1878 from the oligochaete limnodrilus hoffmeisteri claparède are described. our observations demonstrate that progenetic archigetes sieboldi shares characteristics of both larval (progenetic) and adult stages. the primary larval characteristics are: the presence of a cercomer; a surface filamentous coat covering the whole worm; the presence of the penetration glands and the absence of tegumental ones; wide ...200314971597
caryophyllidean tapeworms (platyhelminthes: eucestoda) from freshwater fishes in japan.the following caryophyllidean tapeworms were found in freshwater fishes from japan (species reported from japan for the first time marked with an asterisk): family caryophyllaeidae: paracaryophyllaeus gotoi (motomura, 1927) from misgurnus anguillicaudatus (cantor); archigetes sieboldi leuckart, 1878 from pseudorasbora parva (temminck et schlegel) and sarcocheilichthys variegatus microoculus mori (new hosts); family lytocestidae: *caryophyllaeides ergensi scholz, 1990 from tribolodon hakuensis (g ...200111817451
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