detection of nucleolus organizer regions in chromosomes of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan and gibbon. | nucleolus organizer regions were detected by the ag-as silver method in fixed metaphase chromosomes from human and primates. in the human, silver was deposited in the secondary constriction of a maximum of five pairs of acrocentric chromosomes: 13, 14, 15, 21 and 22. the chimpanzee also had five pairs of acrocentric chromosomes stained, corresponding to human numbers 13, 14, 18, 21 and 22. a gibbon had a single pair of chromosomes with a secondary constriction, which corresponded to the nucleolu ... | 1976 | 61844 |
hepatitis b outbreak among chimpanzees at the london zoo. | persistent carriage of hepatitis b virus in extremely high titre was identified in 5 out of 9 chimpanzees kept at the london zoo. antibody to this virus was present in the other 4 chimpanzees. serological survey of the other primates in the regent's park collection did not reveal the presence of the surface antigen in 2 gorillas, 11 orang-utans, and 2 gibbons, although surface antibody was present in the serum of 1 gorilla and 2 orang-utans. 3 of the carrier chimpanzees were born at the zoo and ... | 1978 | 80578 |
establishment of a lymphoblastoid cell line and isolation of an epstein-barr-related virus of gorilla origin. | a b-lymphoid cell line was established from a normal gorilla. the cells contained epstein-barr virus-related antigens, and herpesvirus particles were demonstrated by electron microscopy. dna-dna reassociation kinétics revealed 30 to 40% hybridization to epstein-barr virus with 50 genomes per cell. examination of the viral nuclear antigen with gorilla sera showed this to be a unique isolate termed herpesvirus gorilla. h. gorilla transformed gibbon b-lymphocytes in vitro. | 1979 | 92573 |
production of antibodies to human immunoglobulins in a gibbon. | immunization of a chimpanzee, a gibbon, a baboon and a rhesus monkey with human globulins gave different results. while chimpanzees did not produce any anti-human antibodies, baboon and rhesus monkey responded by producing anti-human igg antibodies that did not show subclass or allotype specificity. in the gibbon antiserum, on the other hand, six different antibodies were demonstrated with a specificity against one or more of the four human igg subclasses, including one allotype. comparative inv ... | 1979 | 93346 |
an analysis of tooth and body size relationship in five primate taxa. | the strength and the nature of the covariance between tooth and body size was investigated in homo, gorilla, pan, papio and colobus. when sexes are combined in each taxon, the correlations are strong enough to compare the allometry coefficients of taxa, and the non-human taxa show a sufficiently strong linear relationship to compute 'interspecific' allometry coefficients. allometry coefficients for each variable were not uniform among the taxa, and coefficients also differed from one variable to ... | 1979 | 116945 |
quantitative comparison of the hominoid thalamus. i. specific sensory relay nuclei. | studies to date have indicated few differences in sensory perception among hominoids. sensory relay nuclei in the dorsal thalamus--portions of the medial and lateral geniculate bodies (mgbp, lgbd) and the ventrobasal complex (vb)--in two gibbons, one gorilla, one chimpanzee and three humans were examined for anatomical similarity by measuring and estimating the nuclear volumes, neuronal densities, numbers of neurons per nucleus, and volumes of neuronal perikarya. the absolute volumes of these nu ... | 1979 | 119437 |
estrogen and luteinizing hormone secretion in diverse primate species from simplified urinary analysis. | a practical approach for monitoring urinary estrogen and luteinizing hormone (lh) in various primate species is described. total immunoreactive estrogen (et) levels, measured without chromatography, provided a convenient estimation of estrone, estradiol and estriol as the sum of their separated parts. bioactive lh in urine was measured by the rat interstitial cell testosterone (rict) in vitro bioassay. correction for urinary creatinine content allowed for the comparison of hormone production fro ... | 1979 | 120442 |
evolution of type c viral genes: evidence for an asian origin of man. | old world monkeys and apes, including man, possess, as a normal component of their cellular dna, gene sequences (virogenes) related to the rna of a virus isolated from baboons. a comparison of the viral gene sequences and the other cellular sequences distinguishes those old world monkeys and apes that have evolved in africa from those that have evolved in asia. among the apes, only gorilla and chimpanzee seem by these criteria to be african, whereas gibbon, orang-utan and man are identified as a ... | 1976 | 179013 |
assignment of inosine triphosphatase gene to gorilla chromosome 13 and to human chromosome 20 in primate-rodent somatic cell hybrids. | | 1976 | 185023 |
"nonproductive" mouse sarcoma virus transformed gorilla cells which contain noninfectious type c virus particles. | | 1978 | 210462 |
facial duplication -- the unique case of antonio. | a case of facial duplication with its surgical correction in childhood and the consequences on facial growth is reported. it is a unique case in the duration of observation. the following structures were fully duplicated: the nose, the premaxilla, the cribriform plate, the crista galli. in addition there was an enormous facial cleft including lip, alveolus and palate. additionally there were two rudimentary eye sockets, eyes, and two supplementary eyebrows. the monstrous hypertelorism with the f ... | 1978 | 279636 |
tooth size/body size in gorilla gorilla and pongo pygmaeus. | | 1978 | 280574 |
[anatomical variations and taxonomic relatedness in hominoidea]. | 31 anatomical variations were examined in 125 pan paniscus and 96 gorilla gorilla beringei skulls. comparisons with published data of hominoidea show that differences in their frequencies are proportional and parallel to taxonomic relationships on the subspecific, specific and generic level. | 1977 | 409527 |
analysis of the hominoid os coxae by cartesian coordinates. | this study is based upon 48 3-dimensional coordinates taken on 4 fossil hominid and 127 extant hominoid coxal bones. the follis include sts 14, sk 3155, mld 7, and mld 25. the comparative sample consists of 42 homo sapiens, 27 pan troglodytes, 29 gorilla gorilla and 29 pongo pygmaeus. the coordinates improve the metrical representation of the bone beyond what can be done with linear measurements because the shape complexity of the os coxae is so great. the coordinates are rotated and translated ... | 1978 | 416722 |
two cases of familial paracentric inversion in man associated with sex chromosome anomaly. 47,xxy,inv(5)(q21q32) and 45,x,inv(7)(q11.3q22.3). | a paracentric inversion of chromosome 5 was detected after rhg banding in a subject affected by klinefelter's syndrome. the inversion was also observed in the patient's mother, and was confirmed by qfq- and rba-banding techniques. a second paracentric inversion affecting chromsome 7 was detected in a woman with turner's syndrome. the same structural anomaly was found in her father and her half-brother. the possible relationship between sex chromosome nondisjunction and paracentric inversion is d ... | 1979 | 457116 |
large species differences in the pattern of snpi rna which can distinguish ape from human. | the snpi rna species are a recently described set of molecules whose sizes range from 5s to 10s. they can be labeled in vitro in isolated nuclei and are apparently formed by an rna polymerase i type of activity. however, in contrast to ribosomal precursor rna, the usual polymerase i product, they are not found in the nucleolus but rather are located in the nucleoplasm. the snpi rnas have been found in all mammalian cell types studied. the spectrum seen in gel electrophoresis is unique to each an ... | 1979 | 457770 |
calcaneocuboid joint and stability of the longitudinal arch of the foot at high and low gear push off. | the calcaneocuboid joint was studied in ligamentous specimens of ten human feet, and in skeletons of two gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei), six chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), three orangutans (pongo pygmaeus) and 25 human feet. the movement of the transverse tarsal joint was further studied in a living foot on a walk-way with a glass plate inserted, and with an underlying mirror. in man the joint is shaped as an asymmetrical sector of one end of an hour-glass shaped surface of revolution with ... | 1979 | 511760 |
gingival hyperplasia induced by diphenylhydantoin in a gorilla. | an adult male lowland gorilla had been treated with diphenylhydantoin for 6 months following several acute convulsive episodes. the gorilla remained clinically normal during that period. then, for no apparent reason, it refused its usual diet. physical examination revealed acute inflammatory gingival hyperplasia. full mouth gingivectomy and antibiotic and analgesic therapy resolved the oral inflammation and the anorexia. | 1979 | 521383 |
systematic relationships of gorillas from kahuzi tshiaberimu and kayonza. | previous classifications of gorillas from mt. kahuzi, mt. tshiaberimu and the kayonza forest, placing them in gorilla gorilla graueri or g.g. beringei, somewhat over-simplify a complex situation. both kahuzi and tshiaberimu gorillas are close to graueri and should be placed in that subspecies, but each (in different ways) shows some approach to beringei, either through independent adaptation to extreme montane conditions, or because they may be points along a (now disrupted) cline from one race ... | 1979 | 540892 |
the distribution of sequences complementary to human satellite dnas i, ii and iv in the chromosomes of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orang utan (pongo pygmaeus). | human satellite dnas i, ii and iv were transcribed to yield radioactive complementary rnas (crnas). these crnas were hybridised to metaphase chromosomes of man, chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orang utan (pongo pygmaeus). the results of this in situ hybridisation were analysed quantitatively and compared with accepted chromosome homologies based on giemsa banding patterns. the crna to satellite ii (crnaii) did not hybridise to chimpanzee chromosomes, although its hybr ... | 1977 | 561680 |
strategies of emigration and transfer by primates, with particular reference to gorillas. | in many primate species, more males than females leave their natal group and transfer to another. in man, chimpanzee and the gorilla, however, the reverse is the case. this paper presents detailed data for the gorilla on individuals' movements into and out of breeding units. comparisons are made with other primates, and with data on two non-primate species in which females rather than males move between breeding units. proximate causes and functions of emigration and transfer are considered, and ... | 1978 | 570781 |
progesterone metabolism in the female gorilla. | | 1977 | 591854 |
the gestures of a gorilla: language acquisition in another pongid. | | 1978 | 618570 |
acute pyelonephritis in an adult gorilla (gorilla gorilla). | | 1978 | 633836 |
electromyography of pongid shoulder muscles iii. quadrupedal positional behavior. | electromyographic (emg) recordings were taken from 14 shoulder muscles (or major parts of them) in a gorilla, a chimpanzee and an orangutan as they stood quadrupedally and tripedally, descended from elevated substrates, crutch-walked, and progressed quadrupedally on inclined and level substrates. in the african apes, low potentials commonly (but not always) occurred in the sternocostal pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles during quadrupedal stance. the quad ... | 1978 | 677298 |
patterns of oestrogen and testosterone excretion during pregnancy in a gorilla (gorilla gorilla). | oestrogen and testosterone concentrations in the urine were determined by radioimmunoassay. total oestrogen concentrations rose from 25 ng/mg creatinine in the non-pregnant animal to a mean of about 2 microgram/mg creatinine in the 50 days before term. there was a significant (p less than 0.001) correlation between oestrogen and testosterone concentrations until 11 days before parturition. | 1978 | 690968 |
pelvic and perineal anatomy of the male gorilla: selected observations. | the anatomy of parts of the pelvic outlet and perineum is described in an adult male gorilla. two previously undescribed muscles are presented: (1) the puborectalis muscle, completely separated from the levator ani, arises from the region of the symphysis and forms a sling for the rectum while it also substitutes for the perineal membrane. (2) the puboampullaris muscle, a paired smooth muscle, arises from the pubis and inserts into the rectum to elevate the rectum while additionally providing su ... | 1978 | 697055 |
activities of pongid thigh muscles during bipedal behavior. | electromyographic recordings were taken from 12 thigh muscles (or major parts of them) in a gorilla, from 6 thigh muscles in a chimpanzee, and from 2 thigh muscles in an orangutan as they engaged in bipedal positional behavior, including stance, reaching overhead, lunging, leaping and walking. in the african apes, symmetric bipedal stances with hindlimb flexure were accompanied by notable emg potentials generally increased to or remained at moderate and high levels. our studies on the gluteal (t ... | 1978 | 736109 |
relationship between body size and long bone lengths in pan and gorilla. | measurements of body length (vertex to heel) were abstracted from the field notes of pan and gorilla specimens from the powell-cotton museum. biocondylar femur and humerus length were measured on each skeleton and correlation coefficients with body length were computed. in both the separate sex and the combined sex samples of gorilla, and in the combined sex sample of pan, long bone lengths are significantly correlated with body size, but in pan only 20% of the variance in body length is reflect ... | 1978 | 736111 |
meningoencephalitis secondary to otitis in a gorilla. | an adult female gorilla died following a 13-day illness and was necropsied. gross and microscopic findings included a 2-cm straw deep in the external auditory meatus, suppurative otitis media and interna, and suppurative meningoencephalitis. proteus mirabilis was cultured from the internal acoustic pore. | 1978 | 738932 |
cesarean delivery in a gorilla. | a mature lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla) in the los angeles zoo had destroyed 3 successive infants. to avoid a recurrence, active intervention was instituted during its 4th pregnancy. the period of gestation was estimated by physical examination, radiography, and amniocentesis. intrauterine growth was followed by serial ultrasonographic cephalometry. when fetal maturity was achieved, as determined by amniotic fluid phospholipid profile, the fetus was delivered by cesarean section. | 1978 | 738933 |
male parental behavior in a captive group of lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | in this captive gorilla group, which resembled the central core of the free-ranging gorilla groups, the adult male exhibited a persistent interest in infants. his affiliation patterns with particular infants were directly related to his affiliation patterns with the infants' mothers. the data suggest that development of strong affiliation bonds with particular females may be a strategy uded by dominant males, in addition to ostracism of nondominant males, to increase paternity confidence. by inv ... | 1978 | 758092 |
normal human tissues contain rna and antigens related to infectious adenovirus type 2. | normal human tissues have been found to contain rna which hybridises with four regions of the adenovirus type 2 genome, including one which contains the transforming gene(s) of this virus. the rnas have also been extracted from gorilla organs, but not from those of chickens, suggesting that they are a feature of all normal higher primate tissues. serological test suggest that these homologous rnas are translated into proteins connected with essentially normal and virus-infected cell functions. | 1979 | 763319 |
the ascent of man: deductions based on a multivariate analysis of the brain. | this paper attempts to investigate taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships through an analysis of the distribution of mass within the brain. a multivariate analysis was performed on encephalization ratios for various divisions of the brain, employing volume measurements reported for 63 species by stephan et al. [1970]. the ratios for each brain region were considered to lie along one of the dimensions of eight dimensional 'brain space', and distances between all species were calculated and empl ... | 1975 | 810216 |
biomechanical appraisal of some skeletal features associated with head balance and posture in the hominoidea. | the condylar position index, condylar angle and the area of insertion of the nuchal musculature corrected for condylar position, direction of muscle pull and skull size were determined in homo sapiens, gorilla, pan and the casts of two neanderthal and two australopithecine crania. in all three attributes, the values of h. sapiens exceeded, by statistically significant amounts, those for the ape genera. the greater value for the condylar position index indicates a better balance of the head, that ... | 1975 | 811073 |
comparative immunochemical studies of primate hemoglobins. | the antigenic properties of a number of chromatographically purified primate hemoglobins were compared to those of normal human hemoglobin using a sensitive radioimmunochemical procedure. the degree of inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction with heterologous hemoglobins appeared to be related to the structural similarity of these proteins to the normal human hemoglobin immunogen. with the exception of the baboon hemoglobin, the antigenicity of the hemoglobins paralleled the phylogeny of the ... | 1975 | 812480 |
evaluation of the sub-human primate tube test for pregnancy in primates. | a haemagglutination inhibition test, developed specifically for primates, diagnoses early pregnancy in the chimpanzee, gorilla, orang-utan and baboon. the test was sensitive and reacted positively when the concentration of gonadotrophin in urine was equivalent to 0.03 i.u. human chorionic gonadotrophin per ml. this degree of sensitivity and the certitude that it cross-reacts with primate luteinizing hormone probably accounts for most of the false positive results. | 1976 | 819712 |
primate chorionic gonadotropins: antigenic similarities to the unique carboxyl-terminal peptide of hcgbeta subunit. | antigenic similarities of chorionic gonadotropin from human (hcg), chimpanzee (chcg), gorilla (gcg), orangutan (orcg), baboon (pacg), macaque (mcg), and marmoset (macg) were investigated in a radioimmunoassay system using an antiserum (rabbit h93) with antigenic determinants known to reside in the terminal 15 amino acid residues of the unique carboxyl-terminal peptide of hcgbeta, which makes it highly specific for hcg without crossreactivity to hlh. our findings indicate that the extreme antigen ... | 1976 | 826547 |
blood groups of gorillas: further observations. | four mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei) were tested for their human-type and simian-type blood groups. they were all found to be human-type b, mn, he, rho and chimpanzee simian-type v.o, cef, g, h. | 1976 | 828673 |
assignment of inosine triphosphatase gene to gorilla chromosome 13 and to human chromosome 20 in primate-rodent somatic cell hybrids. | | 1976 | 828864 |
the development of the anterior falcate and lacrimal arteries in the human. | certain arteries of the head were studied in injected human fetuses from 143 to 290 mm c.-r., as well as in the orang-utan and gorilla, and in microscopical sections from 29 to 162 mm c.-r., as well as in an adult. it was found that, during human ontogenesis, an anterior falcate artery supplies the dura mater of the medial part of the frontal bone. it appears at 40 mm and reaches its full development by 115 mm. normally it becomes reduced and is transformed into the anterior meningeal artery pos ... | 1977 | 855940 |
relationship between tooth and long bone size. | canonical correlations between tooth and long bone dimensions showed a greater correlation for anglo-saxons and apes than for nineteenth century londoners, i.e., coefficients of 0.75 for gorilla, 0.72 for chimpanzee, 0.69 for orang-utans, 0.74 for anglo-saxons, but 0.53 for nineteenth century londoners. although based upon limited sample sizes and limited metrical profiles of teeth and long bones, the data support the thesis that modern europeans are under reduced selection pressure to maintain ... | 1977 | 860754 |
the location of dna homologous to human satellite iii dna in the chromosomes of chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and orang utan (pongo pygmaeus). | radioactive rna with sequences complementary to human dna satellite iii was hybridised in situ to metaphase chromosomes of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes), the gorilla (gorilla gorilla) and the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus). a quantitative analysis of the radioactivity, and hence of the chromosomal distribution of human dna satellite iii equivalent sequences in the great apes, was undertaken, and the results compared with interspecies chromosome homologies based upon giemsa banding patterns. in so ... | 1977 | 880842 |
[new studies and considerations on the pathology of the primate skull. a contribution to the "gundu" problem]. | the problem of 'gundu' in primates is discussed. cases of so-called 'gundu' in the literature, two cases in gorilla and one in lagothrix, are dealt with. histological and x-ray techniques are used. one case (lagothrix) represents the so-called simian bone disease, which is metabolic disorder and is due to a secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism. the other two cases (gorilla) show symmetrical bony tumors of the maxilla. the origin is uncertain. gundu, paget's disease and primary hyperparathy ... | 1977 | 914127 |
evolution of primate chromosomes. | human and higher primate chromosomes have been compared by general and regional banding methods, including hybridization in situ. the general banding patterns of the chromosomes of gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan, but not gibbon, are similar to those of the human. preliminary results show that chromosomes with similar banding patterns in different species often carry the same genes. repetitious dna's have undergone changes in structure and distribution which are reflected in changes in the re ... | 1977 | 929190 |
logarithmic growth of the hominoid mandible. | the growth of the basal unit of the mandible was studied by plotting the position, relative to the median plane, of the oval, mandibular and mental foramina in immature and adult skulls of man, chimpanzee and gorilla. in man, the basal unit was found to grow out along a constant logarithmic spiral. in the apes, the basal unit grew along a constant logarithmic spiral, the amount of unfolding being greater in the gorilla than in the chimpanzee. it is argued that the mode of growth seen in the ape ... | 1976 | 999033 |
chromosomal distribution of rdna in pan paniscus, gorilla gorilla beringei, and symphalangus syndactylus: comparison to related primates. | hybridization in situ was used to identify rdna in chromosomes of the pygmy chimpanzee, mountain gorilla, and siamang gibbon. in contrast to other pongids, and man, the gorilla has only two pairs of rdna-containing chromosomes. the single pair in the siamang bears no resemblance to the nucleolar chromosome of the closely related lar gibbon. pan paniscus and p. troglodytes have the same rdna distribution, and similar karyotypes except in the structure of chromosome 23p. grain counts over unbanded ... | 1976 | 1009815 |
a review of the diets of captive gorillas (gorilla gorilla). | it is clear that most zoos feed their gorillas a principally frugivorous diet, while the diets of wild gorilla populations are undoubtedly basically herbivorous. the primary food plant of western and eastern lowland gorillas is aframomum, and blancou (1955) even maintains that these plants possess active parasiticidal qualities, but this subscription is not borne out by recent research. however, it is possible that another plant food, combretum, could have some propensities as a deparasitant. ma ... | 1976 | 1028348 |
dental prophylaxis for a lowland gorilla. | | 1976 | 1051774 |
[comparison of the karyotype of the orangutan (pongo pygmaeus) to those of man, chimpazee, and gorilla]. | various banding thechniques were employed to compare the karyotype of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus) with those of man, the chimpanzee, and the gorilla. the following was concluded: 1) almost all the bands are common, their analogy being close to 99%. the four species derive, therefore, from a common ancestor. the rearrangements which occurred during evolution were generally balanced; 2) the analysis of rearrangements shows that the orang-utan, then the gorilla, then the chimpanzee, and lastly ... | 1975 | 1080978 |
cyclicity in tumescence of the perineal labia of female lowland gorillas. | the first group norms on the periodic occurrence of tumescence in the perineal labia of female lowland gorillas were obtained in 9 captive subjects. individual mean cycle lengths for 8 adult females in 2 experiments ranged from 25.9-36.3 days with overall means of 31.1 and 32.5 days. the one subadult female had a mean cycle length of 40.7 days. the median and modal duration of maximal labial tumescence were 1.8 and 1 day, respectively. data from 3 animals on which menses were recorded during 6 c ... | 1975 | 1119706 |
some data on the systematic position of the eastern gorilla population of the mr. kahuzi region (republique du zaíre). | | 1975 | 1136544 |
the myoglobin of primates. viii. gorilla gorilla beringei (eastern highland gorilla). | on aligning the tryptic peptides of the myoglobin from a gorilla with the homologous human peptides, one amino acid difference was found. by dansyl-edman degradation this was shown to be at position 22, i.e. at a position other than those where man, chimpanzee and gibbon differ from one another. | 1975 | 1148222 |
feeding ecology and nutrition of an eastern gorilla group in the mt. kahuzi region (république du zaïre). | an eastern gorilla group of the mt. kahuzi region (république du zaïre) was studied over 15 months. its migration route was determined, and the various biotopes it visited are described. a record was made of its main food plants, and of the plant parts eaten. for nine important food plants the protein content, the concentration of the individual amino acids and the water content were measured for the plant parts eaten and for those not eaten. for some of these plant parts the na, k, ca and mg co ... | 1975 | 1165081 |
5-methylcytosine in heterochromatic regions of chromosomes: chimpanzee and gorilla compared to the human. | fixed metaphase chromosomes of gorilla and chimpanzee were uv-irradiated to produce regions of single-stranded dna and then treated with antibodies specific for the minor dna base 5-methylcytosine (5 mec). an indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to visualize sites of antibody binding. in the gorilla six pairs of autosomes contained major fluorescent regions, indicating localized regions of highly methylated dna. these corresponded, with the exception of chromosome 19, to the major regi ... | 1975 | 1175458 |
karyotype of the gibbons hylobates lar and h. moloch inversion in chromosome 7. | a karyotype of the gibbon, hylobates, has been prepared based on the chromosome banding patterns produced by quinacrine, trypsin-giemsa, and centromeric heterochromatin stains. the banding patterns of h. lar and h. moloch are virtually identical. no brilliant quinacrine-fluorescent areas are present. the banding pattern of most of the gibbon chromosomes show less resemblance to those of the human, chimpanzee, gorilla, or orangutan than the chromosomes of the higher primates do to each other, sug ... | 1975 | 1183241 |
observations on a small group of mountain gorillas (gorilla gorilla beringei). | on the basis of a 5-month field study, data are presented on home range, patterns of daily movement and social behaviour in a small free-living gorilla group. changes in group composition that occurred during the study are analysed with special reference to their effect on inter-individual distance. the relationships with other groups and lone individuals whose home ranges overlapped with that of the group studied are examined on the basis of intergroup contacts. | 1976 | 1244306 |
comparative morphological remarks on the origin of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. | the origin and course of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve were observed macroscopically in 38 japanese adult cadavers which were dissected in the university of hokkaido, faculty of medicine during the years 1971/72 and the results obtained were compared with those from some other mammals (rat, rabbit, dog and cat) and a number of bibliographical findings on the other animals. on the basis of the archetype of the pudendal plexus, the site of origin of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve w ... | 1976 | 1275304 |
[study of the degree of pneumatization of the viscerocranium in man and pongidae]. | the volumes of the paranasal sinuses of 41 adult skulls of humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans, were examined with use of a computertomograph type somatom dr. the percentage distribution of the volumes of the different paranasal sinuses showed that the maxillary sinus always had the greatest volume. the maxillary sinus of the humans showed the smallest volume percentage in comparison with the pongids. the typical differences between humans and pongids were observed in the ethmoidal cell ... | 1992 | 1296429 |
phylogenetic evidence for multiple alu source genes. | a member of the young pv alu subfamily is detected in chimpanzee dna showing that the pv subfamily is not specific to human dna. this particular alu is absent from the orthologous loci in both human and gorilla dnas, indicating that pv subfamily members transposed within the chimpanzee lineage following the divergence of chimpanzee from both gorilla and human. these findings and previous reports describing the transpositional activity of other alu sequences within the human, gorilla, and chimpan ... | 1992 | 1325566 |
evidence for an alpha-herpesvirus indigenous to mountain gorillas. | sera from wild mountain gorillas were screened for antibodies reactive with primate alpha-herpesviruses. four of seven individuals tested (58%) were positive. in all four sera the highest titers were to hsv-2 followed by hsv-1 and sa8. immunoblot analysis confirmed a preferential reactivity with hsv-2 antigen. further analysis by competition elisa indicated that these gorillas had experienced infection with a virus antigenically similar but not identical to hsv-2. these results represent the fir ... | 1992 | 1328641 |
reexamination of the african hominoid trichotomy with additional sequences from the primate beta-globin gene cluster. | additional dna sequence information from a range of primates, including 13.7 kb from pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus), was added to data sets of beta-globin gene cluster sequence alignments that span the gamma 1, gamma 2, and psi eta loci and their flanking and intergenic regions. this enlarged body of data was used to address the issue of whether the ancestral separations of gorilla, chimpanzee, and human lineages resulted from only one trichotomous branching or from two dichotomous branching ev ... | 1992 | 1342932 |
dna sequence polymorphism within hominoid species exceeds the number of phylogenetically informative characters for a hox2 locus. | within- and between-species variability was examined in a noncoding 238-bp segment of the hox2 cluster. dna of 4-26 individuals of four species (pongo pygmaeus, pan troglodytes, gorilla gorilla, and homo sapiens) was pcr amplified and electrophoresed in a denaturing gradient gel to screen for variability. coupled amplification and sequencing was used to determine the complete sequence for each of the different alleles identified, one each in humans and orangutans, two in chimpanzees, and four in ... | 1992 | 1352841 |
common senescent cell-specific antibody epitopes on fibronectin in species and cells of varied origin. | the phenomenon of in vitro cellular senescence has been demonstrated in cultured cells derived from humans and various other species. we have previously shown that monoclonal antibodies sen-1, sen-2, and sen-3 react to epitopes on fibronectin that are exposed when human diploid fibroblasts become senescent. we here present results demonstrating that exposure of these epitopes is specific to senescence for a variety of human cells: epidermal keratinocytes, mammary epithelial cells, as well as fib ... | 1992 | 1371514 |
quantification and excretion profiles of pteridines in primate urine. | biopterin, 6-hydroxymethyl-pterin, isoxanthopterin, neopterin and, pterin were quantified in stress-free collected spontaneous morning urine samples from callithrix jacchus, saguinus fuscicollis, saguinus labiatus, saimiri sciureus, presbytis entellus, cercopithecus albogularis, cercocebus torquatus, macaca fascicularis, hylobates concolor, pongo pygmaeus, and gorilla gorilla. in most species, biopterin was the most frequent urinary pteridine followed by neopterin. sex differences in biopterin a ... | 1992 | 1404333 |
emergence of the keratinocyte growth factor multigene family during the great ape radiation. | the structural gene for human keratinocyte growth factor (kgf), a member of the fibroblast growth factor family, consists of three coding exons and two introns typical of other fibroblast growth factor loci. a portion of the kgf gene, located on chromosome 15, is amplified to approximately 16 copies in the human genome, and these highly related copies (which consist of exon 2, exon 3, the intron between them, and a 3' noncoding segment of the kgf transcript) are dispersed to multiple human chrom ... | 1992 | 1409637 |
adoption of an additional infant by a western lowland gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla). | a 10-year-old western lowland gorilla, already caring for her own 14-month-old son, adopted a female neonate. the infant's mother (aged 7 years, 4 months) showed no interest in the infant, and it is unclear whether she abandoned the infant or whether it was seized by the dominant foster-mother. the foster-mother gave more maternal attention to the adoptee than to her own son but gave both infants the same protection. she adjusted her forms of transport to the age of each infant. the subadult mot ... | 1992 | 1427502 |
comparative anatomy of the primate major histocompatibility complex dr subregion: evidence for combinations of drb genes conserved across species. | the class ii region of the human major histocompatibility complex (hla) is made up of three major subregions designated dr, dq, and dp. with the aim of gaining an insight into the evolution and stability of dr haplotypes, a total of 63 cosmid clones were isolated from the dr subregion (gogo-dr) of a western lowland gorilla. all but one of these cosmid clones were found to fall into two clusters. the larger cluster, a, was defined by 41 overlapping cosmid clones and contained a drb gene segment m ... | 1992 | 1427850 |
palaeoanthropology. second gorilla or third chimp? | | 1992 | 1436028 |
shared polymorphism between gorilla and human major histocompatibility complex drb loci. | a high degree of polymorphism and high nucleotide diversity mark the functional genes of the major histocompatibility complex (mbc). alleles at the different mbc loci can be classified into distinct lineages that are shared between species and, therefore, are presumed to have been founded before speciation. we have sequenced the most polymorphic part of 25 gorilla mbc-drb genes from six individuals. (the drb genes code for the beta-polypeptide chain of the alpha beta heterodimer that constitutes ... | 1992 | 1464555 |
in vitro fertilization and gamete micromanipulation in the lowland gorilla. | our purpose was to utilize current reproductive technologies to treat an infertile female lowland gorilla. | 1992 | 1472815 |
differences in cell division and thymidine incorporation with rat and primate fibroblasts in collagen lattices. | human and gorilla dermal fibroblasts, primate cells, suspended in a collagen lattice, do not divide for the first 3 days. in contrast, rat fibroblasts divide within 24 hr. in this study, the proliferation of rat fibroblasts were compared to primate fibroblasts. rat fibroblasts in monolayer culture increase from 100,000 to 355,000 in 2 days, and human cells increase from 100,000 to 436,000 in the same period. an initial seeding of 100,000 rat fibroblasts suspended in collagen increased to 163,000 ... | 1992 | 1485326 |
characterisation of eight monoclonal antibodies to involucrin. | involucrin is a precursor of the insoluble protein envelope that is assembled in the outermost layers of the epidermis. the coding sequence of the protein contains a number of short tandem repeats that have been greatly altered during mammalian evolution. we have characterised eight mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against human involucrin, all of which bind to the protein in immunoprecipitation, immunoblot and immunohistochemical preparations. each antibody was screened for cross-reactivity w ... | 1992 | 1500072 |
allometry and prediction in hominoids: a solution to the problem of intervening variables. | to avoid misinterpretation of allometric exponents determined from interspecific allometric comparisons, specific conditions must be met with respect to the common reference variable. body weight is considered to be the best general indication of overall size and is hence widely acknowledged to be the most suitable reference variable. however, because of the paucity of recorded body weights for museum specimens, various comparative studies have used other size indicators as intervening variables ... | 1992 | 1510114 |
psychic change in child analysis. | the paper describes a period of analysis of a 5-year-old boy as an illustration of some ideas about psychic change. psychic change is approached in terms of emotional growth, which is directly associated with the degree of flexibility of the defensive system and its capacity to absorb and re-integrate lost parts of the ego and to be open to new emotional experiences. it is described how, through interpretations, the child's internal objects and relationships changed. in particular, his represent ... | 1992 | 1512120 |
man's place in hominoidea revealed by mitochondrial dna genealogy. | molecular biology has resurrected c. darwin and t.h. huxley's question about the origin of humans, but the precise branching pattern and dating remain controversial. to settle this issue, a large amount of sequence information is required. we determined mitochondrial (mt) dna sequences for five hominoids; pygmy and common chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan, and siamang. the common region compared with the known human sequence is 4759 bp long, encompassing genes for 11 transfer rnas and 6 proteins. ... | 1992 | 1518083 |
homocarnosinosis patients and great apes have a serum protein that cross-reacts with human serum carnosinase. | a specific polyclonal antiserum to human serum carnosinase was raised in rabbits and was used to prepare an agarose-protein a-antibody matrix. an antigen capture procedure showed that sera from homocarnosinosis patients, which lack carnosinase activity, contain an immunoreactive protein (m(r) 75,000) indistinguishable from the carnosinase band from normal serum. other higher primates have active serum carnosinase and a similar immunoreactive m(r) 75,000 protein. the immunoaffinity matrix was use ... | 1992 | 1521330 |
reconstruction of genomic rearrangements in great apes and gibbons by chromosome painting. | the homology between hylobatid chromosomes and other primates has long remained elusive. we used chromosomal in situ suppression hybridization of all human chromosome-specific dna libraries to "paint" the chromosomes of primates and establish homologies between the human, great ape (chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan), and gibbon karyotypes (hylobates lar species group, 2n = 44). the hybridization patterns unequivocally demonstrate the high degree of chromosomal homology and synteny of great ape ... | 1992 | 1528869 |
genital swelling in females of the monogamous gibbon, hylobates (h.) lar. | cyclical changes in the vulvae of five adult lar gibbons (hylobates [h.] lar) were studied and compared with those of eight lowland gorillas. the results reveal that the gibbons have relatively conspicuous and specialized sexual swellings that alter shape and appearance during the ovarian cycle. at maximum extent, the genital swellings of gorillas are relatively and absolutely smaller than those of gibbons, and lack the distinctive coloration seen in the genital swellings of the smaller apes. we ... | 1992 | 1530056 |
the evolutionary origin of the hla-dr3 haplotype. | the human hla-dr3 haplotype consists of two functional genes (drb1*03 and drb3*01) and one pseudogene (drb2), arranged in the order drb1...drb2...drb3 on the chromosome. to shed light on the origin of the haplotype, we sequenced 1480 nucleotides of the hla-drb2 gene and long stretches of two other genes, gogo-drb2 from a gorilla, "sylvia" and patr-drb2 from a chimpanzee, "hugo". all three sequences (hla-drb2, gogo-drb2, patr-drb2) are pseudogenes. the hla-drb2 and gogo-drb2 pseudogenes lack exon ... | 1992 | 1541486 |
electromyography of pronators and supinators in great apes. | we obtained electromyographic recordings from the supinator, biceps brachii, pronator quadratus, and pronator teres muscles of a chimpanzee and a gorilla and from the supinator, pronator quadratus, and biceps brachii muscles of an orangutan as they stood and walked quadrupedally on horizontal and inclined surfaces, engaged in suspensory behavior, reached overhead, and manipulated a variety of foods and artifacts. in pan troglodytes and pan gorilla, as in homo sapiens, the supinator muscle is the ... | 1992 | 1543246 |
seasickness in totally-enclosed motor-propelled survival craft: five offshore oil rig disasters. | five mobile offshore drilling unit disasters--alexander l. kielland, ocean ranger, vinland, ocean odyssey, and rowan gorilla i--were studied to assess the degree to which seasickness occurs and endangers the lives of occupants of totally-enclosed motor-propelled survival craft (tempsc). thousands of other peacetime marine incidents were reviewed and a literature search was conducted to assess the same seasickness problem. the one reported death in the vinland abandonment appears to be the only o ... | 1992 | 1546944 |
evolutionary origin of mutations in the primate cytochrome p450c21 gene. | the cyp21 gene codes for the enzyme cytochrome p450c21 (21-hydroxylase), which is critically involved in the synthesis of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. standard human haplotypes contain two copies of cyp21--a functional gene and a pseudogene. inactivation of the functional gene leads to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (cah). the pseudogene has three main defects: an 8-bp deletion in exon 3, a t insertion in exon 7, and a stop codon in exon 8. to determine the origin of these defects and ... | 1992 | 1550121 |
statistical method for estimating the standard errors of branch lengths in a phylogenetic tree reconstructed without assuming equal rates of nucleotide substitution among different lineages. | a statistical method is developed for estimating the standard errors of branch lengths in a phylogenetic tree reconstructed without assuming equal rates of nucleotide substitution among different lineages. this method can be easily used for testing whether the length of an interior branch in a reconstructed tree is positive, i.e., whether the topology of the tree is correct. computer simulations indicate that this method is appropriate for a statistical test. as an example, this method is applie ... | 1992 | 1552838 |
evolution of the primate beta-globin gene region: nucleotide sequence of the delta-beta-globin intergenic region of gorilla and phylogenetic relationships between african apes and man. | a 6.0-kb dna fragment from gorilla gorilla including the 5' part of the beta-globin gene and about 4.5 kb of its upstream flanking region was cloned and sequenced. the sequence was compared to the human, chimpanzee, and macaque delta-beta intergenic region. this analysis reveals four tandemly repeated sequences (rs), at the same location in the four species, showing a variable number of repeats generating both intraspecific (polymorphism) and interspecific variability. these tandem arrays delimi ... | 1992 | 1556740 |
concerted evolution of the primate immunoglobulin alpha-gene through gene conversion. | we determined four nucleotide sequences of the hominoid immunoglobulin alpha (c alpha) genes (chimpanzee c alpha 2, gorilla c alpha 2, and gibbon c alpha 1 and c alpha 2 genes), which made possible the examination of gene conversions in all hominoid c alpha genes. the following three methods were used to detect gene conversions: 1) phenetic tree construction; 2) detection of a dna segment with extremely low variability between duplicated c alpha genes; and 3) a site by site search of shared nucl ... | 1992 | 1559979 |
corpus callosum in sexually dimorphic and nondimorphic primates. | the midsagittal area and other morphological measures were taken on the corpus callosum of four different species of primate: macaca mulatta, m. fascicularis, callithrix jacchus, and saguinus oedipus. the first two species are strongly dimorphic, whereas the new world forms show little dimorphism with regard to overall body size, canines, and brain weight. neither total corpus callosal area (totalcc), or other parts of the corpus callosum (cc) showed any significant sexual dimorphism in any of t ... | 1992 | 1562061 |
mountain gorilla conservation: a study in human values. | | 1992 | 1568900 |
hemizona assay for measuring zona binding in the lowland gorilla. | the hemizona assay is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the binding potential of spermatozoa to zonae pellucida and has been used to predict fertilization potential in the human. in this study, frozen-thawed gorilla spermatozoa were coincubated with human hemizonae to evaluate tight binding and to assess the use of human zonae in evaluating sperm fertility. matching hemizonae were incubated with human sperm to serve as a control. for evaluation of binding studies in a homologous system, matchin ... | 1992 | 1571161 |
immunoglobulin ch gene family in hominoids and its evolutionary history. | the organization of the human immunoglobulin ch gene suggests that a gene duplication involving the c gamma-c gamma-c epsilon-c alpha region has occurred during evolution. we previously showed that both chimpanzee and gorilla have two 5'-c epsilon-c alpha-3', as in human, and that orangutan, gibbon, and old world monkeys have one c epsilon gene and one, two, and one c alpha gene(s), respectively. in addition to these clustered ch genes, there is one processed c epsilon pseudogene in each species ... | 1992 | 1577482 |
allelic diversity at the primate major histocompatibility complex drb6 locus. | the hla-drb6 gene (also called drb sigma/v1) has been found only in about 26% of human hla haplotypes, i.e.; dr1, drw10, and dr2-bearing ones (corell et al. 1991). in contrast, exon-2 drb6 sequences have been obtained from all tested primates: nine chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), three gorillas (gorilla gorilla) and three orangutans (pongo pygmaeus); other apes which had already been sequenced (one gorilla and one chimpanzee) also had the drb6 gene. thus, all apes tested from three different spec ... | 1992 | 1587552 |
spondyloarthropathy as an old world phenomenon. | the presence of spine and sacroiliac involvement and the nature and distribution of erosive lesions allowed definitive diagnosis of spondyloarthropathy in the great apes (gorilla and pan [chimpanzee]), the lesser ape (hylobates), and old world monkeys (theropithecus, papio, cercopithecus, macaca, colobus, presbytis, and erythrocebus). analysis of lesional character, distribution, radiological appearance, and sex ratios showed a picture indistinguishable from human spondyloarthropathy. this contr ... | 1992 | 1604326 |
molecular and classical cytogenetic analyses demonstrate an apomorphic reciprocal chromosomal translocation in gorilla gorilla. | the existence of an apomorphic reciprocal chromosomal translocation in the gorilla lineage has been asserted or denied by various cytogeneticists. we employed a new molecular cytogenetic strategy (chromosomal in situ suppression hybridization) combined with high-resolution banding, replication sequence analysis, and fluorochrome staining to demonstrate that a reciprocal translocation between ancestral chromosomes homologous to human chromosome 5 and 17 has indeed occurred. | 1992 | 1605320 |
a human moderately repeated y-specific dna sequence is evolutionarily conserved in the y chromosome of the great apes. | evolutionary conservation of the human-derived moderately repeated y-specific dna sequence y-190 (dyz5) was investigated in the chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. southern blot analysis showed the presence of the sequence in the y chromosome of all great apes. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and in situ hybridization revealed that the repeat is organized in one major block and confined to a small region of the y chromosome of the three species. dyz5 was assigned to the proximal short arm of th ... | 1992 | 1612595 |
organization of c4 and cyp21 loci in gorilla and orangutan. | the standard human haplotype contains two c4 and two cyp21 loci arranged in the order c4a ... cyp21p ... c4b ... cyp21 and intercalated between the class i and class ii loci of the hla complex. the c4a gene is 22 kilobases (kb) long; the c4b gene is either 22 kb or 16 kb long. the cyp21p is a pseudogene characterized by an eight base pair (bp) deletion in exon 3 and other defects; the cyp21 is a functional gene. the standard chimpanzee haplotype is arranged in the same way as the standard human ... | 1992 | 1618655 |
a non-alphoid repetitive dna sequence from human chromosome 21. | a non-alphoid repetitive dna from human chromosome 22, consisting of a 48-bp motif, shows homology to both g-group chromosomes in the gorilla, thus indicating the presence of additional repeat family members on further human chromosomes. therefore, we screened a chromosome-21-specific cosmid library using this repetitive sequence from chromosome 22 (d22z3). some 40-50 cosmid clones were positive in tests for hybridization. one of the clones giving the strongest signals was digested with ecori/ps ... | 1992 | 1634230 |
polymorphism of c4 and cyp21 genes in various primate species. | to study the genetic heterogeneity of the c4 and cyp21 genes in selected primate species we used the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp). genomic dna was digested using several restriction endonucleases and filters were hybridized with a 500 bp bamhi/kpni fragment derived from the 5' section of a human c4-cdna and with a 1700 bp bamhi obtained from a human cyp21 gene. abundant rflp heterogeneity was observed for the c4 genes within a rhesus monkey population but not for ... | 1991 | 1681597 |
comparative mapping of zfy in the hominoid apes. | within our project of comparative mapping of candidate genes for sex-determination/testis differentiation, we used a cloned probe from the human zfy locus for comparative hybridization studies in hominoids. as in the human, the zfy probe detects x- and y-specific restriction fragments in the chimpanzee, the gorilla, the orangutan, and the gibbon. furthermore, the x-specific hybridization site in the great apes resides in xp21.3, the same locus defining zfx in the human. the y-specific locus of z ... | 1991 | 1683646 |
cytochemical evaluation of c-heterochromatic-dna in metaphase chromosomes. | a method is proposed to evaluate the amount of dna resistant to the c-banding pretreatments (c-heterochromatic-dna) in metaphase chromosomes. measurements were performed by microfluorometry on propidium iodide stained metaphases of man, gorilla and mouse; in these species, c-heterochromatin exhibits significant differences of both base composition and distribution along the chromosomes. the amount of c-heterochromatic-dna was found to be about 16%, 28% and 58% of the total dna content (genome si ... | 1990 | 1692462 |
three parallel linkage groups of human acidic keratin genes. | two regions of human genomic dna, each containing several keratin genes, were isolated and partially sequenced. the keratin genes are inactive, having suffered deleterious mutations. both regions contain at least four keratin genes arranged in a head-to-tail orientation including a pseudogene for keratin k#16. within each segment there are two keratin genes in close linkage with only 1.5 kb of dna between them. sequence comparison of the two regions showed 98.9% identity in both the coding and t ... | 1990 | 1694815 |