
pulchrosoma pulchrosoma (trematoda: cathaemasiidae) in ringed kingfishers (megaceryle torquata torquata) from iquitos, peru: with inferences on life-cycle the winter of 2001, four ringed kingfishers (megaceryle torquata torquata) were imported from iquitos, peru for the zoological garden faunia in madrid. two individuals were necropsied, and infections by the digenean trematode pulchrosoma pulchrosoma were discovered inside granulomas located in the lung, trachea and coelomic cavity. the life cycle of this trematode species is unknown. in one case the host maintained the parasite infection for at least 5 months, which represents a relatively lo ...200317585458
karyotype description and comparative analysis in ringed kingfisher and green kingfisher (coraciiformes, alcedinidae).kingfishers comprise about 115 species of the family alcedinidae, and are an interesting group for cytogenetic studies, for they are among birds with most heterogeneous karyotypes. however, cytogenetics knowledge in kingfishers is extremely limited. thus, the aim of this study was to describe the karyotype structure of the ringed kingfisher (megaceryle torquata linnaeus, 1766) and green kingfisher (chloroceryle americana gmelin, 1788) and also compare them with related species in order to identi ...201829780444
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