
gastrointestinal symbionts of chimpanzees in cantanhez national park, guinea-bissau with respect to habitat of the major factors threatening chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus) in guinea-bissau is habitat fragmentation. such fragmentation may cause changes in symbiont dynamics resulting in increased susceptibility to infection, changes in host specificity and virulence. we monitored gastrointestinal symbiotic fauna of three chimpanzee subpopulations living within cantanhez national park (cnp) in guinea bissau in the areas with different levels of anthropogenic fragmentation. using standard coprosc ...201323776090
assessment of gastrointestinal parasites in wild chimpanzees (pan troglodytes troglodytes) in southeast cameroon.we tested 114 faecal samples from wild simian immunodeficiency virus (siv)-positive (nā€‰=ā€‰43) and siv-negative (nā€‰=ā€‰71) chimpanzees (pan troglodytes troglodytes) in southeast cameroon for the presence of gastrointestinal parasites by direct smear. we observed cysts from different protozoa (entamoeba coli and entamoeba histolytica / entamoeba dispar, endolimax nana, iodamoeba butschlii, chilomastix mesnili, balantidium coli and blastocystis cells) and trophozoites from troglodytella abrassarti and ...201424781023
the ciliate, troglodytella abrassarti, contributes to polysaccharide hydrolytic activities in the chimpanzee colon.entodiniomorphid ciliates are intestinal protists inhabiting the colons of african great apes. the participation of intestinal entodiniomorphid ciliates in ape hindgut digestion has been proposed, but little data have been available to support the hypothesis. we measured the specific activities of carboxymethyl cellulase, xylanase, inulinase, and +¦-amylase against different polysaccharides in the feces of captive chimpanzees and evaluated the participation of the entodiniomorphid ciliate, trogl ...201121818613
demographic and ecological effects on patterns of parasitism in eastern chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in gombe national park, tanzania.from january 2006 to january 2008, we collected 1,045 fecal samples from 90 individually-recognized, free-ranging, eastern chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) inhabiting gombe national park, tanzania to determine how patterns of parasitism are affected by demographic and ecological covariates. seventeen parasite species were recovered, including eight nematodes (oesophagostomum sp., necator sp., probstmayria gombensis, strongyloides fulleborni, ascaris sp., trichuris sp., abbreviata cau ...201020623606
the occurrence and ape-to-ape transmission of the entodiniomorphid ciliate troglodytella abrassarti in captive gorillas.entodiniomorphid ciliates are often present in the colons of wild apes. in captive apes the infection tends to gradually disappear, with the exception of troglodytella abrassarti. we used fecal examinations to screen the gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) in european (czech republic, uk) and australian zoos to explore the ape-to-ape transmission pattern of t. abrassarti. gorillas from two out of three european zoos were positive for t. abrassarti, while gorillas from the australian zoo were nega ...200919335778
phylogenetic analysis of troglodytella abrassarti isolated from chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus) in the wild and in captivity. 200819164884
parasitological analyses of the male chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at ngogo, kibale national park, uganda.numerous intestinal parasites identified in populations of wild nonhuman primates can be pathogenic to humans. furthermore, nonhuman primates are susceptible to a variety of human pathogens. because of increasing human encroachment into previously nonimpacted forests, and the potential for disease transmission between human and nonhuman primate populations, further detailed investigations of primate ecological parasitology are warranted. for meaningful comparisons to be made, it is important for ...200515706587
new host record for the entodiniomorphid ciliate, troglodytella abrassarti, from siamangs (hylobates syndactylus).examination of faecal samples from several diarrhoeic siamangs hylobates syndactylus (anthropoidea: hylobatidae) revealed the presence of numerous entodiniomorphid ciliates whose morphological and ultrastructural characteristics were consistent with those of troglodytella abrassarti previously recorded from chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas (anthropoidea: pongidae).19938359993
the intestinal entodiniomorph ciliates of wild lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) in gabon, west africa.examination of 109 fecal samples from wild lowland gorillas revealed the presence of five species of entodiniomorph ciliates: troglodytella abrassarti, troglodytella gorillae, and three unclassified species. these latter three species were also found in the feces of a captive gorilla in gabon and are considered to be intestinal parasites or commensals.19836438333
the intestinal parasites of a community of feral chimpanzees, pan troglodytes schweinfurthii.fecal specimens from 32 champanzees living in gombe national park, tanzania, were examined. six species of helminths and 2 species of ciliates were found: probstmayris gombensis file (in press), strongyloides fuelleborni von linstow 1905, necator sp., oesophagostomum sp., abbreviata caucasica von linstow 1902, trichuris sp., troglodytella abrassarti brumpt and joyeux 1921, and an unidentified ciliate. none of the parasitic infections were heavy. this is the first such survey of the chimpanzee in ...1976817011
patterns of gastro-intestinal parasites and commensals as an index of population and ecosystem health: the case of sympatric western chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus) and guinea baboons (papio hamadryas papio) at fongoli, senegal.the exponential decline of great apes over the past 50 years has resulted in an urgent need for data to inform population viability assessment and conservation strategies. health monitoring of remaining ape populations is an important component of this process. in support of this effort, we examined endoparasitic and commensal prevalence and richness as proxies of population health for western chimpanzees (pan troglodytes verus) and sympatric guinea baboons (papio hamadryas papio) at fongoli, se ...201120853397
molecular diversity of entodiniomorphid ciliate troglodytella abrassarti and its coevolution with chimpanzees.the entodiniomorphid ciliate troglodytella abrassarti is a colonic mutualist of great apes. its host specificity makes it a suitable model for studies of primate evolution. we explored molecular diversity of t. abrassarti with regard to large geographical distribution and taxonomic diversity of its most common host, the chimpanzee. we found a very low diversification of t. abrassarti in chimpanzees across africa. distribution of two types of t. abrassarti supports evolutionary separation of the ...201222576323
parasitology of five primates in mahale mountains national park, tanzania.parasitological surveillance in primates has been performed using coprological observation and identification of specimens from chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in mahale mountains national park, tanzania (mahale). in this study, we conducted coprological surveillance to identify the fauna of parasite infection in five primate species in mahale: red colobus (procolobus badius tephrosceles), red-tailed monkeys (cercopithecus ascanius schmidti), vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops p ...201222661394
gastrointestinal parasites of the chimpanzee population introduced onto rubondo island national park, tanzania.the release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. we describe the results of long-term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees int ...201020014274
prevalence of troglodytella abrassarti brumpt and joyeux, 1912 in wild chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at mahale mountains national park in western tanzania.we examined stool samples for trophozoites of the entodiniomorphid ciliate troglodytella abrassarti brumpt and joyeux, 1912, from a habituated group of chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at mahale mountains national park in western tanzania. in our study, fresh fecal samples from identified individuals were collected immediately after defecation and fixed in 10% formalin. in total, 52 samples from 38 chimpanzees (61% of 62 chimpanzees in the group) were examined using a direct smear me ...201019799491
the effect of low- and high-fiber diets on the population of entodiniomorphid ciliates troglodytella abrassarti in captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).troglodytella abrassarti is an intestinal entodiniomorphid ciliate commonly diagnosed in the feces of wild and captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). entodiniomorphids could be considered to have a mutualistic relationship with the great apes, in that the ciliates benefit from the intestinal ecosystem of the host, while also contributing to the fiber fermentation process. we examined the effect of diet on the infection intensities of t. abrassarti in two captive chimpanzees in the liberec zoo, c ...201222553174
survival and morphologic changes of entodiniomorphid ciliate troglodytella abrassarti in chimpanzee feces.entodiniomorphid ciliates occur in the hindgut of both captive and wild african great apes. these ciliates do not form cysts, and therefore they are more susceptible for degradation. this present study focused on the survival, quantification, and decomposition processes of troglodytella abrassarti trophozoites in the feces of captive chimpanzees. fecal samples were examined using wet mounts and the merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde concentration method, and the number of ciliates was expressed as ...201122946373
validation of flotac for the detection and quantification of troglodytella abrassarti and neobalantidium coli in chimpanzees and pigs.we carried out a calibration of flotac for ciliates troglodytella abrassarti and neobalantidium coli based on the selection of a most appropriate flotation solutions, and we also tested its accuracy (i.e., number of detected stages out of known added number of stages to fecal samples) and sensitivity for trophozoites of both ciliates in chimpanzee feces and n. coli cysts in pig feces, compared the detection threshold of flotac with mif-based sedimentation, and, subsequently, tested the losses of ...201424870981
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