
prevalence and molecular phylogenetic characterization of trypanosoma (megatrypanum) minasense in the peripheral blood of small neotropical primates after a quarantine period.neotropical primates of the cebidae and callitrichidae, in their natural habitats, are frequently infected with a variety of trypanosomes including trypanosoma cruzi, which causes a serious zoonosis, chagas' disease. the state of trypanosome infection after a 30-day quarantine period was assessed in 85 squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) and 15 red-handed tamarins (saguinus midas), that were wild-caught and exported to japan as companion animals or laboratory animals, for biomedical research, re ...200818576832
temporal and demographic blood parasite dynamics in two free-ranging neotropical primates.parasite-host relationships are influenced by several factors intrinsic to hosts, such as social standing, group membership, sex, and age. however, in wild populations, temporal variation in parasite distributions and concomitant infections can alter these patterns. we used microscropy and molecular methods to screen for naturally occurring haemoparasitic infections in two neotropical primate host populations, the saddleback (leontocebus weddelli) and emperor (saguinus imperator) tamarin, in the ...201728393014
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