
species composition and community structure of small pest rodents (muridae) in cultivated and fallow fields in maize-growing areas in mayuge district, eastern uganda.pest rodents remain key biotic constraints to cereal crops production in the east african region where they occur, especially in seasons of outbreaks. despite that, uganda has scant information on rodents as crop pests to guide effective management strategies.a capture-mark-recapture (cmr) technique was employed to study the ecology of small rodents, specifically to establish the species composition and community structure in a maize-based agro ecosystem. trapping of small rodents was conducted ...201931346445
evolution of the grey-bellied pygmy mouse group: highly structured molecular diversity with predictable geographic ranges but morphological crypsis.the grey-bellied pygmy mouse (mus triton) from the endemic african subgenus nannomys is a widespread rodent species inhabiting the highlands of eastern and central africa. although it has long been considered as a single species, recent data has suggested the existence of a species complex. in order to evaluate the geographical structure and current taxonomy of m. triton, we analysed one mitochondrial and six nuclear genes from individuals covering most of its distribution range. our analysis re ...201930321697
multiple mammarenaviruses circulating in angolan rodents.rodents are a speciose group of mammals with strong zoonotic potential. some parts of africa are still underexplored for the occurrence of rodent-borne pathogens, despite this high potential. angola is at the convergence of three major biogeographical regions of sub-saharan africa, each harbouring a specific rodent community. this rodent-rich area is, therefore, strategic for studying the diversity and evolution of rodent-borne viruses. in this study we examined 290 small mammals, almost all rod ...202134070551
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