
genetic and epidemiological characterization of middle point orbivirus, a novel virus isolated from sentinel cattle in northern australia.middle point orbivirus (mpov) was isolated in 1998 from a healthy cow pastured at beatrice hill farm, middle point (formerly coastal plains research station), 50 km east of darwin in australia's northern territory. the isolate could not be identified by using conventional serological tests, and electron microscopy indicated that it belongs to the family reoviridae, genus orbivirus. genetic sequencing of segments 2 and 3 revealed that this virus is related to yunnan orbivirus, an orbivirus known ...200718024911
persistent and recrudescent infection in cattle following natural infection with middle point orbivirus.middle point orbivirus (mpov) is a recently described australian arbovirus, related to yunnan orbivirus from china. analysis of genetic variation within the major serotype gene of mpov isolates collected from sentinel cattle has identified eight co-circulating strains. the pattern of strain isolation from individual animals during the study period was consistent with an interpretation of persistent mpov infection of up to five months, featuring episodes of quiescence (below levels required for v ...201222415142
mobuck virus genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis: identification of a novel orbivirus isolated from a white-tailed deer in missouri, usa.the genus orbivirus includes a diverse group of segmented dsrna viruses that are transmitted via arthropods, have a global distribution and affect a wide range of hosts. a novel orbivirus was co-isolated with epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) from a white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) exhibiting clinical signs characteristic of ehdv. using antiserum generated against ehdv, a pure isolate of the novel non-cytopathic orbivirus was obtained in aedes albopictus cell culture. genomic ...201424114792
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