isolation of a type c virus (fs-1) from the european wildcat (felis sylvestris). | | 1975 | 49122 |
diseases of the european wildcat (felis silvestris schreber, 1777) in great britain. | the author describes an examination conducted in collaboration with the nature conservancy council of great britain into the status with regard to disease, conservation and genetics of the european wildcat (felis silvestris). feline leukaemia virus (felv) infection was detected by positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in blood from 2 of 23 wildcats and was tested and confirmed by felv isolation in one of the two cats. this is the first time the virus has been clearly demonstrated in a free- ... | 1992 | 1339067 |
some viral and protozool diseases in the european wildcat (felis silvestris). | ten european wildcats (felis silvestris) were examined at necropsy and an additional 23 were examined clinically for evidence of viral diseases in scotland. two plasma samples taken from live free-living wildcats showed positive elisa reactions to feline leukemia antigen. a feline leukemia virus of subgroup a was isolated from one of these samples, taken from a wildcat in north-western scotland. no antibodies to feline coronavirus or feline immunodeficiency virus were detected in any sample. thr ... | 1991 | 1758037 |
[weight of the european wildcat (felis silvestris schreber 1777)]. | | 1971 | 4940961 |
[identification of the european wildcat, felis s. silvestris schreber 1777 by means of an osteometric method]. | | 1969 | 5394218 |
an extended outbreak of infectious peritonitis in a closed colony of european wildcats (felis silvestris). | feline infectious peritonitis is a multisystemic disease of domestic and exotic cats caused by a coronavirus. an outbreak of feline infectious peritonitis was investigated in a closed colony of european wildcats (felis silvestris) at a zoological garden. over a six-year period, a putative fading kitten syndrome occurred in six of 11 litters born and severe lesions of infectious peritonitis occurred in five of the eight wildcats retained in the colony during this period. lesions were more acute i ... | 1993 | 8386199 |
feline viruses in wildcats from scotland. | few data are available on the prevalence of feline viruses in european wildcats (felis silvestris). previous surveys have indicated that wildcats may be infected with the common viruses of domestic cats, apart from feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv). in the present study, 50 wildcats trapped throughout scotland (uk) between august 1992 and january 1997 were tested for evidence of viral infection. all were negative for fiv by several serological or virological methods. by contrast, 10% of the ca ... | 1999 | 10073361 |
viral infections in free-living populations of the european wildcat. | while the importance of viral infections is well studied in domestic cats, only limited information is available on their occurence and prevalence in the european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris). the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies to feline coronavirus (fcov), calicivirus (fcv), herpesvirus (fhv), parvovirus (fpv), immunodeficiency virus (fiv), leukemia virus (felv), and felv antigenemia in 51 european wildcat sera. samples were collected between 1996 and 1 ... | 1999 | 10574526 |
hematologic and serum chemistry values of the captive european wildcat. | hematologic and serum chemistry values were determined for 20 adult captive european wildcats (felis silvestris) in lleida (catalonia, spain). seven wildcats (4 females and 3 males) were captured in the wild and 13 (4 females and 9 males) were born and raised in captivity. samples were collected between september and december from 1993 to 1998. blood was obtained by jugular venipuncture after administration of either ketamine and xylazine or ketamine and medetomidine. females had significantly h ... | 2000 | 10941728 |
feline leukemia virus in a captive bobcat. | an 11-mo-old captive-bred male neutered bobcat (felis rufus) presented with lethargy, anorexia, leukopenia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, and nonregenerative anemia. the animal was diagnosed as feline leukemia virus (felv) positive by immunofluorescent antibody and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (elisa) testing. it died despite supportive care. pathologic examination revealed multifocal non-suppurative encephalitis, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, multifocal hepatocellular necrosis, non-suppurati ... | 2001 | 11272497 |
genetic identification of wild and domestic cats (felis silvestris) and their hybrids using bayesian clustering methods. | crossbreeding with free-ranging domestic cats is supposed to threaten the genetic integrity of wildcat populations in europe, although the diagnostic markers to identify "pure" or "admixed" wildcats have never been clearly defined. here we use mitochondrial (mt) dna sequences and allelic variation at 12 microsatellite loci to genotype 128 wild and domestic cats sampled in italy which were preclassified into three separate groups: european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris), sardinian wildcat ... | 2001 | 11504848 |
genetic distinction of wildcat (felis silvestris) populations in europe, and hybridization with domestic cats in hungary. | the genetic integrity and evolutionary persistence of declining wildcat populations are threatened by crossbreeding with widespread free-living domestic cats. here we use allelic variation at 12 microsatellite loci to describe genetic variation in 336 cats sampled from nine european countries. cats were identified as european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris), sardinian wildcats (f. s. libyca) and domestic cats (f. s. catus), according to phenotypic traits, geographical locations and indepe ... | 2003 | 12969463 |
worldwide occurrence of feline hemoplasma infections in wild felid species. | while hemoplasma infections in domestic cats are well studied, almost no information is available on their occurrence in wild felids. the aims of the present study were to investigate wild felid species as possible reservoirs of feline hemoplasmas and the molecular characterization of the hemoplasma isolates. blood samples from the following 257 wild felids were analyzed: 35 iberian lynxes from spain, 36 eurasian lynxes from switzerland, 31 european wildcats from france, 45 lions from tanzania, ... | 2007 | 17301277 |
copy number polymorphism of endogenous feline leukemia virus-like sequences. | in the cat genome, endogenous feline leukemia virus (enfelv) exists as multiple, nearly full-length proviral sequences. even though no infectious virus is produced from enfelv sequences, transcription and translation have been demonstrated in tissues of healthy cats and in feline cell lines. to test the hypothesis that the enfelv loads play a role in exogenous felv-a infection and pathogenesis, we designed three real-time pcr assays to quantify u3 and env enfelv loads (two within u3 amplifying d ... | 2007 | 17329079 |
the near eastern origin of cat domestication. | the world's domestic cats carry patterns of sequence variation in their genome that reflect a history of domestication and breed development. a genetic assessment of 979 domestic cats and their wild progenitors-felis silvestris silvestris (european wildcat), f. s. lybica (near eastern wildcat), f. s. ornata (central asian wildcat), f. s. cafra (southern african wildcat), and f. s. bieti (chinese desert cat)-indicated that each wild group represents a distinctive subspecies of felis silvestris. f ... | 2007 | 17600185 |
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii antibodies in wild carnivores from spain. | serum samples from 282 wild carnivores from different regions of spain were tested for antibodies to toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test using a cut-off value of 1:25. antibodies to t. gondii were found in 22 of 27 (81.5%) of iberian lynx (lynx pardinus), 3 of 6 european wildcats (felis silvestris), 66 of 102 (64.7%) red foxes (vulpes vulpes), 15 of 32 (46.9%) wolves (canis lupus), 26 of 37 (70.3%) eurasian badgers (meles meles), 17 of 20 (85.0%) stone martens (martes foina), 4 ... | 2007 | 17689869 |
quantification of endogenous and exogenous feline leukemia virus sequences by real-time pcr assays. | endogenous retroviruses are integrated in the genome of most vertebrates. they represent footprints of ancient retroviral infection and are vertically transmitted from parents to their offspring. in the genome of all domestic cats, sequences closely related to exogenous felv known as endogenous feline leukemia virus (enfelv), are present. enfelv are incapable of giving rise to infectious virus particles. however, transcription and translation of enfelv have been demonstrated in tissues of health ... | 2008 | 18295344 |
hybridization versus conservation: are domestic cats threatening the genetic integrity of wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) in iberian peninsula? | cross-breeding between wild and free-ranging domestic species is one of the main conservation problems for some threatened species. the situation of wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) in europe is a good example of this critical phenomenon. extensive hybridization was described in hungary and scotland, contrasting with occasional interbreeding in italy and germany. first analyses in portugal revealed a clear genetic differentiation between wild and domestic cats; however, four hybrids were d ... | 2008 | 18522917 |
neospora caninum antibodies in wild carnivores from spain. | serum samples from 251 wild carnivores from different regions of spain were tested for antibodies to neospora caninum by the commercial competitive screening enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (c-elisa) and confirmed by neospora agglutination test (nat) and/or by indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). samples with antibodies detected by at least two serological tests were considered seropositive. antibodies to n. caninum were found in 3.2% of 95 red foxes (vulpes vulpes); in 21.4% of 28 wolve ... | 2008 | 18556128 |
parvovirus infection in a eurasian lynx (lynx lynx) and in a european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris). | a eurasian lynx and a european wildcat from the same wildlife park were submitted for necropsy examination after sudden death and after death following a clinical history of lethargy, respectively. neither animal had been vaccinated against feline parvovirus (feline panleukopenia virus). feral domestic cats were widespread in the area of the wildlife park and a number of these animals that had been captured had recently died from parvovirus infection. gross and microscopical findings in the two ... | 2009 | 19135211 |
detection and identification of bartonella sp. in fleas from carnivorous mammals in andalusia, spain. | a total of 559 fleas representing four species (pulex irritans, ctenocephalides felis, ctenocephalides canis and spilopsyllus cuniculi) collected on carnivores (five iberian lynx lynx pardinus, six european wildcat felis silvestris, 10 common genet genetta genetta, three eurasian badger meles meles, 22 red fox vulpes vulpes, 87 dogs and 23 cats) in andalusia, southern spain, were distributed in 156 pools of monospecific flea from each carnivore, and tested for bartonella infection in an assay ba ... | 2009 | 19941605 |
use of spatial capture-recapture modeling and dna data to estimate densities of elusive animals. | assessment of abundance, survival, recruitment rates, and density (i.e., population assessment) is especially challenging for elusive species most in need of protection (e.g., rare carnivores). individual identification methods, such as dna sampling, provide ways of studying such species efficiently and noninvasively. additionally, statistical methods that correct for undetected animals and account for locations where animals are captured are available to efficiently estimate density and other d ... | 2010 | 21166714 |
quantification and molecular characterization of the feline leukemia virus a receptor. | virus receptors and their expression patterns on the cell surface determine the cell tropism of the virus, host susceptibility and the pathogenesis of the infection. feline thiamine transport protein 1 (fthtr1) has been identified as the receptor for feline leukemia virus (felv) a. the goal of the present study was to develop a quantitative, taqman real-time pcr assay to investigate fthtr1 mrna expression in tissues of uninfected and felv-infected cats, cats of different ages, in tumor tissues a ... | 2011 | 21889617 |
integrative taxonomy at work: dna barcoding of taeniids harboured by wild and domestic cats. | in modern taxonomy, dna barcoding is particularly useful where biometric parameters are difficult to determine or useless owing to the poor quality of samples. these situations are frequent in parasitology. here, we present an integrated study, based on both dna barcoding and morphological analysis, on cestodes belonging to the genus taenia, for which biodiversity is still largely underestimated. in particular, we characterized cestodes from italian wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris), free-r ... | 2012 | 22233209 |
environmental determinants of spatial and temporal variations in the transmission of toxoplasma gondii in its definitive hosts. | toxoplasmosis is a major zoonosis, and its prevention requires multiple approaches due to the complex life-cycle of its causative agent, toxoplasma gondii. environmental contamination by oocysts is a key factor in the transmission of t. gondii to both humans and meat-producing animals; however, its spatial and temporal variations are poorly understood. we analysed the distribution of t. gondii seropositivity in a sample of 210 cats, including the european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris), t ... | 2013 | 24533347 |
european wildcat populations are subdivided into five main biogeographic groups: consequences of pleistocene climate changes or recent anthropogenic fragmentation? | extant populations of the european wildcat are fragmented across the continent, the likely consequence of recent extirpations due to habitat loss and over-hunting. however, their underlying phylogeographic history has never been reconstructed. for testing the hypothesis that the european wildcat survived the ice age fragmented in mediterranean refuges, we assayed the genetic variation at 31 microsatellites in 668 presumptive european wildcats sampled in 15 european countries. moreover, to evalua ... | 2015 | 26811770 |
mitochondrial haplotypes of aelurostrongylus abstrusus and troglostrongylus brevior (nematoda, metastrongyloidea) from domestic and wild felids. | the lungworm aelurostrongylus abstrusus is the most important respiratory parasite of domestic cats. pulmonary aelurostrongylosis has been reported in wild felids, though unequivocally evidence of wildlife infection by a. abstrusus is scant. recently, troglostrongylus brevior, a lungworm usually infecting wild felids, has been described in domestic cats from mediterranean areas. the present work evaluates the sequence variation of an informative region within the gene encoding the mitochondrial ... | 2017 | 28197762 |
occurrence of lungworms in european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) of central italy. | the increasing focus on infections in domestic cats ( felis catus ) has raised questions about lungworm distribution in wild hosts. to enhance knowledge of the occurrence of lungworms in enzootic regions of central italy, we examined the carcasses of 16 european wildcats ( felis silvestris silvestris). adult nematodes, feces, respiratory flushings, and pulmonary tissues were collected at necropsy and then microscopically and genetically analyzed. fourteen wildcats had single or mixed lungworm sp ... | 2016 | 26967134 |
occurrence of aelurostrongylus abstrusus and troglostrongylus brevior in domestic cats in greece. | despite the evidence that mediterranean europe offers suitable conditions for the biology of felid respiratory metastrongyloids, no updated data on the presence of felid lungworms are available for greece. although the cat lungworm aelurostrongylus abstrusus is considered as enzootic in domestic cats (felis silvestris catus) living in some areas of continental greece, conversely, troglostrongylus brevior, has only been reported in the island of crete. the present study aimed to evaluate the occu ... | 2015 | 26577206 |
large-scale serosurvey of besnoitia besnoiti in free-living carnivores in spain. | the disease bovine besnoitiosis is responsible for severe economic losses caused by the protozoan besnoitia besnoiti. the identity of the definitive host (dh) of this parasite has yet to be determined, although it is presumed to be a carnivore. with the aim of advancing in the identification of b. besnoiti dh, a necessary step in implementing control strategies, the contact rate of 205 free-roaming carnivores with this parasite in spain was studied. the study included 16 wolves (canis lupus), 41 ... | 2012 | 22770702 |
virological survey in free-ranging wildcats (felis silvestris) and feral domestic cats in portugal. | to determine the presence of viral pathogens in natural areas a survey was conducted on an opportunistic sample of fifty eight wild (felis silvestris silvestris) and feral cats (f. s. catus). the biological materials included serum, lung tissue extract and stool. feline leukemia virus p27 antigen was detected in 13/50 serum/lung tissue extract samples (26%), canine distemper virus antibodies were detected in 2/26 serum/lung tissue extract samples (7.7%), feline coronavirus rna was present in 6/2 ... | 2012 | 22424865 |
wide exposure to coxiella burnetii in ruminant and feline species living in a natural environment: zoonoses in a human-livestock-wildlife interface. | assessment of the role of wild and domestic hosts as potential reservoirs of misdiagnosed zoonoses, such as q fever by coxiella burnetii, is an important public health issue today both for wildlife conservation and management of disease in human-livestock-wildlife interface. this study used elisa, an indirect antibody, to research (2003-2013) c. burnetii infection in seven free-living wild and domestic ruminant species and in european wildcats (felis silvestris). the animals studied were 0 europ ... | 2017 | 27776577 |
survey on parasitic infections in wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris schreber, 1777) by scat collection. | wildcats are endangered felid species living in europe, asia, and africa. regrettably, scientific information on parasites of wildcats is particularly meager and they often rely on data gained by necropsies of a small number of animals. in the present study, scat collection was used to assess the parasite spectrum of european wildcats living in the etna park (sicily, italy). scat collection was performed from may to september 2010 by weekly walking four transects for a total of 391 km. samples w ... | 2016 | 26377843 |
first detection of cytauxzoon spp. infection in european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) of italy. | cytauxzoonosis is an emerging, tick-transmitted, protozoan disease affecting domestic and wild felids and caused by cytauxzoon felis, cytauxzoon manul and cytauxzoon spp. this study aimed to determine the presence of infection with cytauxzoon spp. in felis silvestris silvestris in italy, in order to enhance the comprehension of its pattern distribution among domestic cat populations. in addition, wildcats were tested for other endemic vector-borne pathogens in italy. the carcasses of 21 f. s. si ... | 2016 | 27150590 |
echinococcus multilocularis detection in the intestines and feces of free-ranging domestic cats (felis s. catus) and european wildcats (felis s. silvestris) from northeastern france. | experimental studies have demonstrated that cats can be infected by echinococcus multilocularis, although few data are available concerning their natural infection. this study was designed to compare experimental findings with information on the prevalence of natural e. multilocularis infections of cats in a rural high endemic area. of 19 intestines of domestic cats (felis s. catus) and five of european wildcats (felis s. silvestris) analyzed by segmental sedimentation and counting technique (ss ... | 2015 | 26206606 |
the european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) as reservoir hosts of troglostrongylus brevior (strongylida: crenosomatidae) lungworms. | the increasing reports of troglostrongylus brevior lungworm in domestic cats from italy and spain raised questions on its factual distribution and on the role wildcats play as reservoirs of these parasites. carcasses of 21 wildcats were collected in natural parks of southern italy (i.e., catania, sicily n=5 and matera, basilicata n=16) and biometrically and genetically identified as felis silvestris silvestris, but two as hybrids. troglostrongylus brevior and eucoleus aerophilus lungworms were f ... | 2014 | 25027610 |
annotated features of domestic cat - felis catus genome. | domestic cats enjoy an extensive veterinary medical surveillance which has described nearly 250 genetic diseases analogous to human disorders. feline infectious agents offer powerful natural models of deadly human diseases, which include feline immunodeficiency virus, feline sarcoma virus and feline leukemia virus. a rich veterinary literature of feline disease pathogenesis and the demonstration of a highly conserved ancestral mammal genome organization make the cat genome annotation a highly in ... | 2014 | 25143822 |
hepatozoon silvestris sp. nov.: morphological and molecular characterization of a new species of hepatozoon (adeleorina: hepatozoidae) from the european wild cat (felis silvestris silvestris). | based on morphological and genetic characteristics, we describe a new species of hepatozoon in the european wild cat (felis silvestris silvestris), herein named hepatozoon silvestris sp. nov. the study also provides the first data on the occurrence of h. felis in this wild felid. hepatozoon meronts were observed in multiple cross-sections of different organs of four (44%) cats. additionally, extracellular forms, resembling mature gamonts of hepatozoon, were found in the spleen and myocardium of ... | 2017 | 27938443 |
first evidence of hemoplasma infection in free-ranging namibian cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus). | infections with feline hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) have been documented in domestic cats and free-ranging feline species with high prevalences in iberian lynxes (lynx pardinus), eurasian lynxes (lynx lynx), european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris), african lions (panthera leo) in tanzania and domestic cats in south africa. the prevalence of hemoplasmas has not yet been investigated in free-ranging felids in southern africa. in this study we screened 73 blood samples from 61 cheet ... | 2013 | 23123173 |
genetic characterisation of toxoplasma gondii isolates from european beavers (castor fiber) and european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris). | six free-ranging european beavers (castor fiber) from berlin greater metropolitan area and twelve european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) originating from the german federal state of saxony-anhalt were found dead and their carcasses were submitted for necropsy. brain and lung samples were analysed for the presence of toxoplasma gondii dna. histo-pathologic analysis of one beaver revealed several cyst-like protozoal structures in parts of the brain. tissue dna isolated from all animal sam ... | 2013 | 22989954 |
environmental factors associated with the seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in wild boars (sus scrofa), france. | toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite infecting humans and animals. wild boars sus scrofa are a potential source of human infection and an appropriate biological model for analyzing t. gondii dynamics in the environment. here, we aimed to identify environmental factors explaining the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in french wild boar populations. considering 938 individuals sampled from 377 'communes', overall seroprevalence was 23% (95% confidence interval: [22-24]). using a poisson regres ... | 2012 | 22820902 |
the population origins and expansion of feral cats in australia. | the historical literature suggests that in australia, the domestic cat (felis catus) had a european origin [~200 years before present (ybp)], but it is unclear if cats arrived from across the asian land bridge contemporaneously with the dingo (4000 ybp), or perhaps immigrated ~40000 ybp in association with aboriginal settlement from asia. the origin of cats in australia is important because the continent has a complex and ancient faunal assemblage that is dominated by endemic rodents and marsupi ... | 2016 | 26647063 |
angiostrongylus chabaudi (biocca, 1957) in wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris, s) from romania. | angiostrongylus chabaudi is a rare cardio-pulmonary nematode infecting felids. although almost 60 years have passed since the original description of the species in italy, this parasite has been seldom found in domestic and wildcats in southern europe. the present study aims to report a new case of patent a. chabaudi infection in a road-killed wildcat from maramureČ™ county in northern romania. the necropsy revealed the presence of parasites in the pulmonary arteries and the right ventricle, and ... | 2016 | 27106235 |
concurrent transitional meningioma and ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma in a scottish wildcat hybrid (felis silvestris). | the scottish wildcat (felis silvestris) is an iconic and endangered subpopulation of the european wildcat (f. silvestris silvestris). there is much research devoted to the ecology, genetics and conservation of this animal, but little published information on pathology and disease. the investigation and reporting of such information is vital to furthering understanding of the effects of hybridization, a factor that is crucial if we are to secure a future for the scottish wildcat. this report desc ... | 2017 | 26778210 |
first evidence of the european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris) as definitive host of angiostrongylus chabaudi. | angiostrongylus chabaudi (strongylida, angiostrongylidae) is a parasitic nematode described for the first time last century from the pulmonary arteries of six european wildcats (felis silvestris silvestris) in central italy. since then, this parasite remained practically unknown until recently, when immature a. chabaudi have been reported from one wildcat in germany and two domestic cats (felis silvestris catus) in italy. the present report describes the first record of a. chabaudi in greece and ... | 2016 | 26637312 |
strong spatial segregation between wildcats and domestic cats may explain low hybridization rates on the iberian peninsula. | the european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris) is an endangered felid impacted by genetic introgression with the domestic cat (felis silvestris catus). the problem of hybridization has had different effects in different areas. in non-mediterranean regions pure forms of wildcats became almost extinct, while in mediterranean regions genetic introgression is a rare phenomenon. the study of the potential factors that prevent the gene flow in areas of lower hybridization may be key to wildcat con ... | 2015 | 26358989 |
toward a genome-wide approach for detecting hybrids: informative snps to detect introgression between domestic cats and european wildcats (felis silvestris). | endemic gene pools have been severely endangered by human-mediated hybridization, which is posing new challenges in the conservation of several vertebrate species. the endangered european wildcat is an example of this problem, as several natural populations are suffering introgression of genes from the domestic cat. the implementation of molecular methods for detecting hybridization is crucial for supporting appropriate conservation programs on the wildcat. in this study, genetic variation at 15 ... | 2015 | 26103945 |
the genetic integrity of the ex situ population of the european wildcat (felis silvestris silvestris) is seriously threatened by introgression from domestic cats (felis silvestris catus). | studies on the genetic diversity and relatedness of zoo populations are crucial for implementing successful breeding programmes. the european wildcat, felis s. silvestris, is subject to intensive conservation measures, including captive breeding and reintroduction. we here present the first systematic genetic analysis of the captive population of felis s. silvestris in comparison with a natural wild population. we used microsatellites and mtdna sequencing to assess genetic diversity, structure a ... | 2014 | 25162450 |
development of snp markers identifying european wildcats, domestic cats, and their admixed progeny. | introgression can be an important evolutionary force but it can also lead to species extinction and as such is a crucial issue for species conservation. however, introgression is difficult to detect, morphologically as well as genetically. hybridization with domestic cats (felis silvestris catus) is a major concern for the conservation of european wildcats (felis s. silvestris). the available morphologic and genetic markers for the two felis subspecies are not sufficient to reliably detect hybri ... | 2013 | 23398610 |
the plant physical features selected by wildcats as signal posts: an economic approach to fecal marking. | the chemical signals of solitary and territorial felid species are essential for their intraspecific communication. we studied the selection of plant substrates during the fecal marking behavior of the european wildcat felis silvestris from september 2008 to june 2009 in a protected area in northwest spain. the aim of the study was to examine the selection of plants as signal posts with respect to their physical characteristics. we hypothesized that wildcats deposit their fecal marks on plants w ... | 2012 | 22926138 |
cats of the pharaohs: genetic comparison of egyptian cat mummies to their feline contemporaries. | the ancient egyptians mummified an abundance of cats during the late period (664 - 332 bc). the overlapping morphology and sizes of developing wildcats and domestic cats confounds the identity of mummified cat species. genetic analyses should support mummy identification and was conducted on two long bones and a mandible of three cats that were mummified by the ancient egyptians. the mummy dna was extracted in a dedicated ancient dna laboratory at the university of california - davis, then direc ... | 2012 | 22923880 |
blood group system in a captive population of european wildcats (felis silvestris). | | 2006 | 17056656 |
assessing snp genotyping of noninvasively collected wildlife samples using microfluidic arrays. | noninvasively collected samples are a common source of dna in wildlife genetic studies. currently, single nucleotide polymorphism (snp) genotyping using microfluidic arrays is emerging as an easy-to-use and cost-effective methodology. here we assessed the performance of microfluidic snp arrays in genotyping noninvasive samples from grey wolves, european wildcats and brown bears, and we compared results with traditional microsatellite genotyping. we successfully snp-genotyped 87%, 80% and 97% of ... | 2017 | 28883428 |