antimalarial effects of eight african medicinal plants. | crude hot water extracts from eight medicinal plants collected in togo, west africa, were examined for antimalarial properties against plasmodium falciparum using an in vitro test. the activity differed with the plant species with extracts of cassia siamea, jatropha gossypiifolia and pavetta crassipes capable of 100% inhibition. | 1989 | 2654489 |
medicinal and ethnoveterinary remedies of hunters in trinidad. | ethnomedicines are used by hunters for themselves and their hunting dogs in trinidad. plants are used for snakebites, scorpion stings, for injuries and mange of dogs and to facilitate hunting success. | 2001 | 11737880 |
piscicidal effect of some common plants of india commonly used in freshwater bodies against target animals. | mortality caused by the aqueous extracts of leaf and stem bark of four plants belonging to family euphorbiaceae and apocynaceae against freshwater fish channa punctatus has been reported. it was found that dilute aqueous solutions of leaf and stem bark were active in killing the fishes. the toxic effect of stem bark of all the plants were time as well as dose dependent. there was significant negative correlation between lc50 and exposure periods. thus, the lc50 values of stem bark extracts of eu ... | 2002 | 12243329 |
the toxicity of four native indian plants: effect on ache and acid/alkaline phosphatase level in fish channa marulius. | the latex of four plants viz. euphorbia royleana, jatropha gossypifolia (euphorbiaceae), nerium indicum and thevetia peruviana (apocynaceae) caused significant reduction in acid/alkaline phosphatase activity and anti-acetylcholinesterase activity in nervous tissue of freshwater air breathing fish channa marulius. the reduction in the activity of both phosphatases and ache were time as well as dose dependent. | 2005 | 15910912 |
[phytotherapeutic evaluation of jatropha gossypiifolia l. on rats ventral abdominal wall wound healing]. | the jatropha gossypiifolia l., which is used in popular medicine is considered to have good diuretic effect in hypertension and is also used as a laxative drug. it seems to have a healing effect, although not proved till now. | 2006 | 17117279 |
[healing process in bladder suture of rats with and without the administration of intraperitoneal jatropha gossypiifolia l. gross extract]. | the suture of tissues and their healing process is one of the basic fundamentals of surgery, and the research on substances which could improve the process is an ongoing challenge. the use of plants has been tested but till nowadays without scientific demonstration. | 2006 | 17117274 |
search for antibacterial and antifungal agents from selected indian medicinal plants. | a series of 61 indian medicinal plants belonging to 33 different families used in various infectious disorders, were screened for their antimicrobial properties. screening was carried out at 1000 and 500 microg/ml concentrations by agar dilution method against bacillus cereus var mycoides, bacillus pumilus, bacillus subtilis, bordetella bronchiseptica, micrococcus luteus, staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptoco ... | 2006 | 16678369 |
hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects of ethanolic extract from jatropha gossypiifolia l. in rats. | the present work was carried out to examine the hypotensive effects of ethanolic extract (ee) from jatropha gossypiifolia l. the oral administration of ee (125 or 250 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) caused a significant and dose-dependent reduction of the systolic blood pressure. the concentration-response curves to norepinephrine (ne) or ca(2+) were non-parallelly shifted to the right and the maximum contractile responses were concentration dependently depressed by ee (0.1 or 0.5 mg/ml) in endothelium-depri ... | 2003 | 14630169 |
isolation and identification of mosquito larvicidal compound from abutilon indicum (linn.) sweet. | larvicidal activity of crude hexane, ethyl acetate, petroleum ether, acetone and methanol extracts of five medicinal plants, abutilon indicum, aegle marmelos, euphorbia thymifolia, jatropha gossypifolia and solanum torvum were assayed for their toxicity against the early fourth-instar larvae of culex quinquefasciatus. the larval mortality was observed after 24 h exposure. all extracts showed moderate larvicidal effects; however, the highest larval mortality was found in petroleum ether extract o ... | 2008 | 18176816 |
antibacterial activity of some plant extracts used in folk medicine. | in the present work, selected plants were screened for their potential antibacterial activity. for evaluating antibacterial activity, both aqueous and organic solvent methanol was used. the plants screened were ocimum sanctum, jatropha gossypifolia, boerhavia diffusa, azadirachta indica, solidago virgaurea, and commelina benghalensis. the antibacterial activity was assessed against six bacterial strains--pseudomonas testosteroni, staphylococcus epidermidis, klebsiella pneumoniae, bacillus subtil ... | 2007 | 18928141 |
[floristic and physiognomic characteristics of disturbed thorny xerophytic scrubland in punta de piedras, miranda municipality, zulia state, venezuela]. | we determined the floristic and physiognomic aspects of disturbed thorny xerophytic scrubland in punta de piedras, miranda municipality, zulia state, venezuela. botanical sampling was done twice monthly (november 2005-june 2006), in both rainy and dry seasons, for a total of 16 samples. the sampling was done in 10 vegetation patches, in an average area of 718,2 +/- 706,24 m2, and adjacent graminoid floristic components were identified using three 400 m2 (20 x 20 m) plots, divided into 4 subplots ... | 2009 | 19637706 |
antimicrobial activity of some indian medicinal plants. | the antimicrobial potential of seventy-seven extracts from twenty-four plants was screened against eight bacteria and four pathogenic fungi, using microbroth dilution assay. lowest concentration of the extract, which inhibits any visual microbial growth after treatment with p-iodonitrotetrazolium violet, was considered to be minimum inhibitory concentration (mic). water extracts of acacia nilotica, justicia zelanica, lantana camara and saraca asoca exhibited good activity against all the bacteri ... | 2007 | 20161895 |
evaluation of 13 selected medicinal plants from burkina faso for their antiplasmodial properties. | the aim of this study was to evaluate the antiplasmodial properties of 13 plants used against malaria in traditional medicine in burkina faso. | 2010 | 20435124 |
complete nucleotide sequence of croton yellow vein mosaic virus and dna-β associated with yellow vein mosaic disease of jatropha gossypifolia in india. | a severe yellow vein mosaic disease was noticed on several jatropha gossypifolia plants growing nearby agriculture fields at lucknow, india. diseased plants exhibited yellow vein mosaic, leaf deformation, vein swelling and stunting. a population of whiteflies (bemisia tabaci) was also noticed in the vicinities; therefore, begomovirus infection was suspected. to confirm begomovirus association, total dna was isolated from symptomatic leaf samples and subjected to pcr using dna-a, dna-b and dna-β- ... | 2011 | 21479677 |
biochemical alteration in freshwater fish channa punctatus due to latices of euphorbia royleana and jatropha gossypifolia. | exposure of fish over 96 h to 40 and 80% of lc(50) (24 h) of aqueous latex extracts of euphorbia royleana and jatropha gossypifolia of family euphorbiaceae significantly altered the level of total protein, total free amino acids, nucleic acids, pyruvate, lactate, glycogen and as well as protease activity also in muscle, liver and gonadal tissue of the fish channa punctatus. the alterations in all the biochemical parameters were significantly dose-dependent. withdrawal study also shows that there ... | 2002 | 21782632 |
[evaluation of the use of raw extract of jatropha gossypiifolia l. in the healing process of skin wounds in rats]. | phytotherapy is one of the research branches in the healing process of surgical wounds. | 2006 | 17293931 |
[comparative study of the healing process of gastrographies with and without the use of jatropha gossypiifolia l. (bellyache bush) extract in rats]. | the healing process of the gastrointestinal tract is of huge importance in the surgical field history, as well as the search for appropriate types of threads and suture techniques and the many factors that influence it. the use of phytotherapic drugs as accelerators of the healing process has been done for many years and is one of the current objectives of scientific researches trying to prove its therapeutic properties. | 2006 | 17293936 |
[effects of jatropha gossypiifolia l. (bellyache bush) extract on the healing process of colonic anastomosis: experimental study in rats]. | phytotherapy has been drawing interest from the scientific community regarding its potential wound healing properties. there are few studies available that present a correct scientific methodology and, therefore, phytotherapy remains an open field for further research. | 2006 | 17293941 |
acetylcholinesterase inhibition by somes promising brazilian medicinal plants. | a microplate assay and a thin-layer chromatography (tlc) "in situ" assay based on the ellman assay was used to screen for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of brazilian medicinal plants of families that, according to the literature, have traditional uses that might be connected with acetylcholinesterase inhibition. eighteen species belonging to convolvulaceae, crassulaceae, euphorbiaceae, leguminosae, malvaceae, moraceae, nyctaginaceae and rutaceae families ... | 2011 | 21881804 |
molecular identification of a new begomovirus associated with yellow mosaic disease of jatropha gossypifolia in india. | yellow mosaic disease was observed on jatropha gossypifolia plants growing in kathaupahadi, madhya pradesh, india, and whiteflies (bemisia tabaci) were found in the vicinity. association of a new begomovirus with yellow mosaic disease of j. gossypifolia has been detected by pcr using begomovirus dna-a-specific primers. the complete dna-a genome (~2.7 kb) of this virus isolate was amplified by rolling-circle amplification (rca) followed by digestion with bam hi. the ~2.7-kb amplicons was cloned a ... | 2011 | 21971870 |
jatropha gossypiifolia l. (euphorbiaceae): a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology of this medicinal plant. | jatropha gossypiifolia l. (euphorbiaceae), widely known as "bellyache bush," is a medicinal plant largely used throughout africa and america. several human and veterinary uses in traditional medicine are described for different parts and preparations based on this plant. however, critical reviews discussing emphatically its medicinal value are missing. this review aims to provide an up-to-date overview of the traditional uses, as well as the phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity data of j. ... | 2014 | 25002902 |
amoebicidal activity of phytosynthesized silver nanoparticles and their in vitro cytotoxicity to human cells. | acanthamoeba causes infections in humans and other animals and it is important to develop treatment therapies. jatropha curcas, jatropha gossypifolia and euphorbia milii plant extracts synthesized stable silver nanoparticles (agnps) that were relatively stable. amoebicidal activity of j. gossypifolia, j. curcas and e. milii leaf extracts showed little effect on viability of acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites. plant-synthesized agnps showed higher amoebicidal activity. agnps synthesized by j. ... | 2013 | 23746354 |
antibacterial and antioxidant properties of the leaves and stem essential oils of jatropha gossypifolia l. | antibacterial and antioxidant properties of the leaves and stem essential oils (eos) of jatropha gossypifolia and their efficacies against infectious and oxidative stress diseases were studied in vitro. the eos obtained using clevenger modified apparatus were characterized by high resolution gc-ms, while their antioxidant and antibacterial properties were examined by spectrophotometric and agar diffusion techniques, respectively. the eos exhibited strong antibacterial activity against escherichi ... | 2016 | 27843951 |
first report of a complete genome sequence for a begomovirus infecting jatropha gossypifolia in the americas. | jatropha gossypifolia is a weed that is commonly found with yellow mosaic symptoms growing along the roadside and in close proximity to cultivated crops in many farming communities in jamaica. for the first time, the complete genome sequence of a new begomovirus, designated jatropha mosaic virus-[jamaica:spanish town:2004] (jmv-[jm:st:04]), was determined from field-infected j. gossypifolia in the western hemisphere. dna-a nucleotide sequence comparisons showed closest identity (84 %) to two tob ... | 2014 | 24872185 |
biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using latex from few euphorbian plants and their antimicrobial potential. | the synthesis of well-dispersed and ultrafine metal nanoparticles has great interest due to their distinctive physicochemical properties and biomedical applications. this study is the first report of one-step solvent-free synthesis of agnps using euphorbiaceae plant latex. among evaluated eight latex-producing plants, four (jatropha curcas, jatropha gossypifolia, pedilanthus tithymaloides, and euphorbia milii) showed high potential to produce physicochemically distinct, small-sized and bacterici ... | 2012 | 22592777 |
genotoxic potential of the latex from cotton-leaf physicnut (jatropha gossypiifolia l.). | jatropha gossypiifolia l. (euphorbiaceae), popularly known as cotton-leaf physicnut, is a milky shrub notable for its medicinal properties. the present study aimed to evaluate the toxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of the latex of j. gossypiifolia, using allium cepa l. as test system. seeds of a. cepa were exposed to five concentrations of the latex (1.25; 2.5; 5; 10 and 20 ml/l) in order to evaluate parameters of toxicity (evaluation of root growth), cytotoxicity (mitotic index frequency) a ... | 2015 | 25983630 |
genotoxic potential of leaf extracts of jatropha gossypiifolia l. | jatropha gossypiifolia l. (euphorbiaceae) is widely used in popular medicine. however, further toxicological studies are necessary for its reliable use. the present study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic, and mutagenic effects of ethanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of j. gossypiifolia, using the test system allium cepa. in addition, the phytochemical profile of the extracts was also obtained. seeds of a. cepa were subjected to different concentrations of the two extracts (0.001, 0.01, ... | 2016 | 26909961 |
biological parameters of bemisia tabaci (gennadius) biotype b (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) on jatropha gossypiifolia, commercial (manihot esculenta) and wild cassava (manihot flabellifolia and m. carthaginensis) (euphorbiaceae). | bemisia tabaci (gennadius) is one of the most important pests of cassava in africa and several countries of asia due to the damage caused by direct feeding, the excretion of honeydew, and its capacity as a vector of cassava mosaic geminivirus. there is a general consensus that b. tabaci is a complex of morphologically indistinguishable populations with different biotypes. in the americas, the polyphagous biotype b does not appear to feed on cassava. recent studies indicate that it is possible, h ... | 2010 | 20877992 |
evaluation of the molluscicidal potential of hydroalcoholic extracts of jatropha gossypiifolia linnaeus, 1753 on biomphalaria glabrata (say, 1818). | the action of extracts from the stem, leaves, and fruit of jatropha gossypiifolia on biomphalaria glabrata was studied by analyzing survival, feeding capacity and oviposition ability. the extracts were obtained by macerating the plant parts in 92% ethanol, which were then evaporated until a dry residue was obtained and phytochemically studied. the molluscicidal activity on b. glabrata was investigated using the procedures recommended by who (1965). the amount of food ingested and oviposition wer ... | 2015 | 25351545 |
inhibition of local effects induced by bothrops erythromelas snake venom: assessment of the effectiveness of brazilian polyvalent bothropic antivenom and aqueous leaf extract of jatropha gossypiifolia. | bothrops erythromelas is a snake of medical importance responsible for most of the venomous incidents in northeastern brazil. however, this species is not included in the pool of venoms that are used in the brazilian polyvalent bothropic antivenom (bav) production. furthermore, it is well known that antivenom therapy has limited efficacy against venom-induced local effects, making the search for complementary alternatives to treat snakebites an important task. jatropha gossypiifolia is a medicin ... | 2017 | 27890774 |
aqueous leaf extract of jatropha gossypiifolia l. (euphorbiaceae) inhibits enzymatic and biological actions of bothrops jararaca snake venom. | snakebites are a serious public health problem due their high morbi-mortality. the main available specific treatment is the antivenom serum therapy, which has some disadvantages, such as poor neutralization of local effects, risk of immunological reactions, high cost and difficult access in some regions. in this context, the search for alternative therapies is relevant. therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the antiophidic properties of jatropha gossypiifolia, a medicinal plant used i ... | 2014 | 25126759 |