
variations in circulating thyroxine and triiodothyronine concentration in relation to spring migration in rosy pastor, sturnus rosy pastor, sturnus roseus, the spring premigratory fattening observed during april was preceded by a significant increase in circulating thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3) concentrations. plasma t4 and t3 both declined significantly by may when in nature the migrating conspecifics had departed for their breeding ground. a possible role of thyroid hormones in the migratory disposition of this bird is, therefore, suggested.19846735365
preliminary study on avian fauna of the krishna river basin sangli district, western maharashtra, india.the present study on avifaunal diversity carried out for three years at the krishna river basin, sangli district revealed a total of 126 species of birds belonging to 30 families, of which 91 species were resident, 16 migratory, 12 resident and local migratory and 7 species were resident and migratory. among the migrant birds, rosy starling sturnus roseus was dominant in the study area. commonly recorded resident bird species were, red vented bulbul, jungle crow, house sparrow, common myna, brah ...201425522499
energy expenditure during flight in relation to body mass: effects of natural increases in mass and artificial load in rose coloured starlings.rose coloured starlings (sturnus roseus) flew repeatedly for several hours in a wind tunnel while undergoing spontaneous variation in body mass. the treatments were as follows: flying unrestrained (u), with a control harness of 1.2% of their body mass (c), or with a harness of 7.4% of their body mass, which was either applied immediately before the flight (ls) or at least 9 days in advance (ll). energy expenditure during flight (ef in w) was measured with the doubly labelled water method. flight ...200818481070
water and heat balance during flight in the rose-colored starling (sturnus roseus).water imbalance during flight is considered to be a potentially limiting factor for flight ranges in migrating birds, but empirical data are scarce. we studied flights under controlled ambient conditions with rose-colored starlings in a wind tunnel. in one experiment, we measured water fluxes with stable isotopes at a range of flight speeds (9-14 m s(-1)) at constant temperature (15 degrees c). in a second experiment, we measured evaporation rates at variable ambient temperatures (ta = 5 deg -27 ...200816826502
metabolic costs of avian flight in relation to flight velocity: a study in rose coloured starlings (sturnus roseus, linnaeus).the metabolic costs of flight at a natural range of speeds were investigated in rose coloured starlings (sturnus roseus, linnaeus) using doubly labelled water. eight birds flew repeatedly and unrestrained for bouts of 6 h at speeds from 9 to 14 m s(-1) in a low-turbulence wind tunnel, corresponding to travel distances between 200 and 300 km, respectively. this represents the widest speed range where we could obtain voluntarily sustained flights. from a subset of these flights, data on the wing b ...200616425018
diurnal and seasonal variation in liver glycogen and fat in relation to metabolic status of liver and m. pectoralis in the migratory starling, sturnus roseus, wintering in india.1. levels of glycogen and fat in the liver showed a diurnal difference, being higher at dusk than at dawn during the post- and premigratory periods. 2. fat level increased by at least more than double from its lowest in the postmigratory period (august) to highest towards migration time (21-30 april) at both dawn as well as dusk. 3. with the steady increase in liver fat, there was a gradual decrease in liver glycogen up to about the middle of april and a slight increase thereafter. 4. rq values ...19836132705
capacity for fatty acid oxidation by the breast muscle of the starling (sturnus roseus) in the pre- and post-migratory periods. 196414324177
lipase and succinic dehydrogenase activity of the particulate fractions of the breast muscle homogenate of the migratory starling sturnus roseus in the pre-migratory and post-migratory periods. 196414187283
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