
[genetic variation of manchurian pheasant (phasianus colchicus pallasi rotshild, 1903) inferred from mitochondrial dna control region sequences].sequence variation of the mitochondrial dna control region was studied in manchurian pheasants (phasianus colchicus pallasi rotshild, 1903) representing three geographic populations from the southern part of the russian far east. extremely low population genetic differentiation (f(st) = 0.0003) pointed to a very high gene exchange between the populations. combination of such characters as high haplotype diversity (0.884 to 0.913), low nucleotide diversity (0.0016 to 0.0022), low r2 values (0.123 ...200919507706
[rapd-pcr analysis of genetic diversity in the manchurian pheasant].the genetic diversity of a local population of the manchurian pheasant phasianus colchicus pallasi was studied using rapd-pcr. based on the dna patterns obtained in pcr with five arbitrary decanucleotide primers, we assessed genetic polymorphism of this population, estimated genetic distances between individuals, and constructed an nj phylogenetic tree, and an upgma dendrogram of genetic similarity. the population was shown to exhibit high average genetic polymorphism (p = 79.4%) and genetic dis ...200212138783
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