
the taxonomic position of roesleria subterranea.the genus roesleria was introduced with the single species roesleria hypogaea (current name: r. subterranea) by thümen in 1877. the species was originally described from roots of grapevine and recognised as a facultative root-rotting parasite. the mazaediate ascoma with evanescent asci led to the assumption that roesleria would be an ally of mazaediate lichens. in this study we calculate 28s, 18s as well its1-5.8s-its2 rdna phylogenies. these data indicate that roesleria is closely related to hy ...200818693105
a dna based method to detect the grapevine root-rotting fungus roesleria subterranea in soil and root samples.roesleria subterranea causes root rot in grapevine and fruit trees. the fungus has long been underestimated as a weak parasite, but during the last years it has been reported to cause severe damages in german vineyards. direct, observation-based detection of the parasite is time consuming and destructive, as large parts of the rootstocks have to be uprooted and screened for the tiny, stipitate, hypogeous ascomata of r. subterranea. to facilitate rapid detection in vineyards, protocols to extract ...200921442023
is roesleria subterranea a primary pathogen or a minor parasite of grapevines? risk assessment and a diagnostic decision the past the root rot pathogen roesleria subterranea (ascomycota) was generally considered as a minor parasite, a view with which we were often confronted during field work in german wine-growing regions where this ascomycete recently caused serious problems in established vineyards and at replant sites. to irrevocably demonstrate that r. subterranea is not a minor, but a primary pathogen of grapevines (and fruit trees) a pest risk analysis was carried out according to the guidelines defined ...201122318129
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