
effects of matrix characteristics and interpatch distance on functional connectivity in fragmented temperate rainforests.the connectivity of remnant patches of habitat may affect the persistence of species in fragmented landscapes. we evaluated the effects of the structural connectivity of forest patches (i.e., distance between patches) and matrix class (land-cover type) on the functional connectivity of 3 bird species (the white-crested elaenia [elaenia albiceps], the green-backed firecrown hummingbird [sephanoides sephaniodes], and the austral thrush [turdus falklandii]). we measured functional connectivity as t ...201222443129
frugivory on persea lingue in temperate chilean forests: interactions between fruit availability and habitat fragmentation across multiple spatial scales.habitat degradation and fragmentation are expected to reduce seed dispersal rates by reducing fruit availability as well as the movement and abundance of frugivores. these deleterious impacts may also interact with each other at different spatial scales, leading to nonlinear effects of fruit abundance on seed dispersal. in this study we assessed whether the degradation and fragmentation of southern chilean forests had the potential to restrict seed dispersal the lingue (persea lingue) tree, a fl ...201020697745
nest-site selection and breeding success of passerines in the world's southernmost forests.birds can maximize their reproductive success through careful selection of nest-sites. the 'total-foliage' hypothesis predicts that nests concealed in vegetation should have higher survival. we propose an additional hypothesis, the 'predator proximity' hypothesis, which states that nests placed farther from predators would have higher survival. we examined these hypotheses in the world's southernmost forests of navarino island, in the cape horn biosphere reserve, chile (55°s). this island has be ...202033005489
external and intestinal parasites of the austral thrush turdus falcklandii (aves, turdidae) in central chile.a total of thirty austral thrushes turdus falcklandii quoy & gaimard, 1824 (turdidae) carcasses were brought to the departamento de ciencia animal, facultad de ciencias veterinarias, universidad de concepción, to be examined for ecto- and endoparasites. ectoparasites were found on 20% (6/30) of the thrushes and belonged to species brueelia magellanica cichino, 1986 (phthiraptera), menacanthus eurysternus burmeister, 1838 (phthiraptera) and tyrannidectes falcklandicus mironov & gonzález-acuña, 20 ...201931531671
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