
aquatic tetrasporoblastic microsporidia from caddis flies (insecta, trichoptera): characterisation, phylogeny and taxonomic reevaluation of the genera episeptum larsson, 1986, pyrotheca hesse, 1935 and cougourdella hesse, microsporidian species infecting caddis fly larvae, corresponding to conventional genera episeptum, pyrotheca and cougourdella were studied using light and electron microscopy. parts of their small subunit, its and large subunit ribosomal rna genes were sequenced and compared with sequences of rdna obtained from syntype slides of cougourdella polycentropi weiser 1965 and pyrotheca sp. from hydropsyche pellucidula. all studied caddis fly microsporidia form a closely related group. their dev ...200717531454
on the cytology and life cycle of cougourdella polycentropi weiser, 1965, with comments on the taxonomy of the genus cougourdella hesse, 1935 (microspora, cougourdellidae).the cytology and life cycle of a microsporidium identified as cougourdella polycentropi, with provenance from southern sweden, is described using light and electron microscopy methods. the life cycle is comprised of two merogonial cycles followed by tetrasporoblastic sporogony in sporophorous vesicles. the lageniform, 7.0-7.7 μm long spores have an anisofilar polar filament arranged in 6-7 coils, a layered exospore and chambered/lamellar polaroplast of unusual construction. the sporophorous vesi ...198923195785
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