
bayesian species delimitation in west african forest geckos (hemidactylus fasciatus).genealogical data are an important source of evidence for delimiting species, yet few statistical methods are available for calculating the probabilities associated with different species delimitations. bayesian species delimitation uses reversible-jump markov chain monte carlo (rjmcmc) in conjunction with a user-specified guide tree to estimate the posterior distribution for species delimitation models containing different numbers of species. we apply bayesian species delimitation to investigat ...201020519219
species delimitation using genome-wide snp data.the multispecies coalescent has provided important progress for evolutionary inferences, including increasing the statistical rigor and objectivity of comparisons among competing species delimitation models. however, bayesian species delimitation methods typically require brute force integration over gene trees via markov chain monte carlo (mcmc), which introduces a large computation burden and precludes their application to genomic-scale data. here we combine a recently introduced dynamic progr ...201424627183
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