
gene rearrangements in gekkonid mitochondrial genomes with shuffling, loss, and reassignment of trna genes.vertebrate mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are 16-18 kbp double-stranded circular dnas that encode a set of 37 genes. the arrangement of these genes and the major noncoding region is relatively conserved through evolution although gene rearrangements have been described for diverse lineages. the tandem duplication-random loss model has been invoked to explain the mechanisms of most mitochondrial gene rearrangements. previously reported mitogenomic sequences for geckos rarely included gene re ...201425344428
microstructure of scales in selected lizard the present study, it was hypothesized that micromorphology of the surface of many lizard scales appears to mimic the topography of the habitat in which they live. many authors have suggested that the microstructure of the superficial surface of scales have undergone important adaptations and have functional value in lizards. in this study, we investigated the variation and adaptation of the micromorphology and microstructure of the superficial surface of the dorsal and ventral scales from th ...201930622416
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