
synchronized mating signals in a communication network: the challenge of avoiding predators while attracting mates.conspicuous mating signals attract mates but also expose signallers to predators and parasites. signal evolution, therefore, is driven by conflicting selective pressures from multiple receivers, both target and non-target. synchronization of mating signals, for example, is an evolutionary puzzle, given the assumed high cost of reduced female attraction when signals overlap. synchronization may be beneficial, however, if overlapping signals reduce attraction of non-target receivers. we investigat ...201931594513
prey exploits the auditory illusions of eavesdropping predators.mating signals have evolved to attract target receivers, even to the point of exploiting receivers through perceptual manipulation. signals, however, can also expose signalers to nontarget receivers, including predators and parasites, and thus have also evolved to decrease enemy attraction. here we show that male tree frogs (smilisca sila) reduce their attractiveness to eavesdropping enemies (bats and midges) by overlapping their calls at near-perfect synchrony with the calls of neighboring cons ...202032364791
synchronized calling in a treefrog (smilisca sila). short behavioral latencies and implications for neural pathways involved in call perception and production.a neotropical treefrog, smilisca sila, exhibits an unusual ability to synchronize its calling with that of neighbors such that calls often overlap temporally. call playback experiments measured the latency to evoked calling in response to one-note and two-note mating calls. approximately one-half of the responses overlapped the one-note stimulus call, while 20% overlapped the two-note stimulus call. minimum response latencies were 55 ms and 78 ms in response to the one-note and two-note calls, r ...19863594203
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