
surveillance for eurasian-origin and intercontinental reassortant highly pathogenic influenza a viruses in alaska, spring and summer 2015.eurasian-origin and intercontinental reassortant highly pathogenic (hp) influenza a viruses (iavs) were first detected in north america in wild, captive, and domestic birds during november-december 2014. detections of hp viruses in wild birds in the contiguous united states and southern canadian provinces continued into winter and spring of 2015 raising concerns that migratory birds could potentially disperse viruses to more northerly breeding areas where they could be maintained to eventually s ...201627036114
evidence that life history characteristics of wild birds influence infection and exposure to influenza a viruses.we report on life history characteristics, temporal, and age-related effects influencing the frequency of occurrence of avian influenza (ai) viruses in four species of migratory geese breeding on the yukon-kuskokwim delta, alaska. emperor geese (chen canagica), cackling geese (branta hutchinsii), greater white-fronted geese (anser albifrons), and black brant (branta bernicla), were all tested for active infection of ai viruses upon arrival in early may, during nesting in june, and while molting ...201323469210
a review of episodes of zinc phosphide toxicosis in wild geese (branta spp.) in oregon (2004-2011).epizootic mortality in several geese species, including cackling geese (branta hutchinsii) and canada geese (branta canadensis), has been recognized in the willamette valley of oregon for over a decade. birds are generally found dead on a body of water or are occasionally observed displaying neurologic clinical signs such as an inability to raise or control the head prior to death. investigation of these epizootic mortality events has revealed the etiology to be accidental poisoning with the rod ...201323293161
a history of hybrids? genomic patterns of introgression in the true geese.the impacts of hybridization on the process of speciation are manifold, leading to distinct patterns across the genome. genetic differentiation accumulates in certain genomic regions, while divergence is hampered in other regions by homogenizing gene flow, resulting in a heterogeneous genomic landscape. a consequence of this heterogeneity is that genomes are mosaics of different gene histories that can be compared to unravel complex speciation and hybridization events. however, incomplete lineag ...201728830337
outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in zoo birds caused by ha clade h5n6 subtype viruses in japan in winter late 2016, two zoos, one in northern japan and the other in central japan, experienced highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) outbreaks, in which multiple zoo birds were infected with h5n6 subtype hpai virus (hpaiv). here, we report an overview of these hpai outbreaks. hpaiv infections were confirmed by virus isolation in three black swans (cygnus atratus) and three snowy owls (bubo scandiacus) kept in the omoriyama zoo hospital. at higashiyama zoo and botanical gardens, following the death ...202031605424
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