
phylogeographic patterns, molecular and vocal differentiation, and species limits in schiffornis turdina (aves).establishing species limits can be challenging for organisms in which few variable morphological characters are available, such as schiffornis turdina, a neotropical suboscine bird of long-debated taxonomic affinities. apart from its dull plumage and secretive behavior, this taxon is well-known for its subtle but discrete within-species geographic variation in vocalizations. phylogeographic reconstruction based on three mitochondrial markers sampled across much of the species' range reveals subs ...200717412614
ecological niche conservatism and pleistocene refugia in the thrush-like mourner, schiffornis sp., in the neotropics.recent studies have increasingly implicated deep (pre-pleistocene) events as key in the vertebrate speciation, downplaying the importance of more recent (pleistocene) climatic shifts. this work, however, has been based almost exclusively on evidence from molecular clock inferences of splitting dates. we present an independent perspective on this question, using ecological niche model reconstructions of pleistocene last glacial maximum (lgm) potential distributions for the thrush-like mourner (sc ...200818005155
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