
phylogeny and ultrastructure of oxymonas jouteli, a rostellum-free species, and opisthomitus longiflagellatus sp. nov., oxymonadid flagellates from the gut of neotermes jouteli.the biodiversity of oxymonadid flagellates in termite hindguts is not fully explored. many species have been differentiated only by morphological features, and small-celled species have been overlooked or ignored. our analysis of the dry wood termite neotermes jouteli by light and electron microscopy revealed the presence of two distinct morphotypes of oxymonads. the larger one matched the morphology of oxymonas jouteli, the only oxymonad species described from this termite. although it generall ...201424878512
cyclic co(2) release in cryptotermes cavifrons banks, incisitermes tabogae (snyder) and i. minor (hagen) (isoptera: kalotermitidae).co(2) release patterns of three drywood termite species were investigated using flow-through respirometry techniques. eight hours of real-time co(2) release data were recorded for pseudergates of cryptotermes cavifrons banks, incisitermes minor (hagen), and i. tabogae (snyder) at 20-40 degrees c. cyclic release of co(2) was observed in 20-90% of c. cavifrons, 70-100% of i. tabogae, and 87-100% of i. minor pseudergates. variability of the recordings (calculated as the coefficient of variability o ...200111423337
treponema isoptericolens sp. nov., a novel spirochaete from the hindgut of the termite incisitermes tabogae.a novel spirochaete, treponema sp. strain spit5t, was isolated from hindgut contents of the drywood termite incisitermes tabogae (snyder). the cells of strain spit5t were motile, helical in shape, 0.4-0.5 microm in diameter and generally 12-20 microm long. the strain is obligately anaerobic and ferments different mono-, di- and oligosaccharides by forming ethanol as the main liquid fermentation end product. furthermore, strain spit5t was able to grow anaerobically with yeast extract as sole carb ...200818450692
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