
improved antigenic methods for differential diagnosis of bovine, caprine, and cervine alphaherpesviruses related to bovine herpesvirus 1.the control of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis induced by bovine herpesvirus 1 (bohv-1) requires sensitive and specific diagnostic assays. as bohv-1 is antigenically and genetically related to four other alphaherpesviruses of ruminants-namely, bohv-5, caprine herpesvirus 1 (cphv-1), cervine herpesvirus 1 (cvhv-1) and cvhv-2-diagnostic tests able to discriminate bohv-1 from these related viruses are needed to avoid misdiagnosis, especially because some of these viruses are able to cross the spe ...200415004081
cervid herpesvirus 2, the primary agent in an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semidomesticated outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) occurred in semidomesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) in troms county, norway, in february 2009. twenty-eight animals with clinical symptoms and 12 apparently healthy animals were investigated. they ranged in age from calves of the year to 4-year-old animals (mean, 1.9 years; standard deviation, +/-0.9). the seroprevalence of antibodies against cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) was 86% in animals with ikc and 42% in unaffected animals. ...200919726598
experimental infection of reindeer with cervid herpesvirus 2.cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) has been isolated from reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus), and serological data indicate that in reindeer this virus is endemic in fennoscandia, alaska, canada, and greenland. cvhv2 has been described as a cause of subclinical genital infections in reindeer, but little information on primary infections exists. in this study, six seronegative and presumably pregnant reindeer were allocated to one of two groups. two animals were inoculated with cvhv2 intratracheally ...200919846680
cervid herpesvirus 2 causes respiratory and fetal infections in semidomesticated reindeer.members of the viral subfamily alphaherpesvirinae establish latency from which they can be reactivated. bovine herpesvirus 1 causes infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis in cattle, as well as abortion and weak calves. serological evidence of alphaherpesvirus infection has been reported for wild and semidomesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) in norway. to address the possibility that reindeer alphaherpesvirus (cervid herpesvirus 2 [cvhv-2]) infection ...200919279181
isolation and characterisation of a ruminant alphaherpesvirus closely related to bovine herpesvirus 1 in a free-ranging red deer.the genus varicellovirus of the herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae includes a cluster of viruses antigenically and genetically related to bovine herpesvirus 1 (bohv-1): namely bovine herpesvirus 5 (bohv-5), bubaline herpesvirus 1 (buhv-1), caprine herpesvirus 1 (cphv-1), cervid herpesviruses 1 (cvhv-1) and 2 (cvhv-2) and elk herpesvirus 1 (elkhv-1). considering the serological relationship between these ruminant alphaherpesviruses, several surveys have studied the occurrence of bohv-1 re ...200717903260
isolation and characterisation of cervine herpesvirus-1 from red deer semen.this communication describes the isolation of herpesvirus during routine export examination of semen collected from red deer stags in new zealand.200116032173
antibodies to ruminant alpha-herpesviruses and pestiviruses in norwegian cervids.a serologic survey revealed that norwegian populations of free-ranging reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), red deer (cervus elaphus), and moose (alces alces) have been exposed to alpha-herpesviruses and pestiviruses. a total of 3,796 serum samples collected during the period 1993-2000 were tested in a neutralization test for antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1) or cervid herpesvirus 2 (cerhv-2), and 3,897 samples were tested by a neutralization test ...200314733272
restriction maps of the dna of cervid herpesvirus 1 and cervid herpesvirus 2, two viruses related to bovine herpesvirus 1.restriction maps of cervid herpesviruses 1 and 2 which are antigenetically related to bovine herpesvirus 1, were deduced from southern blot hybridization with hindiii restriction fragments of bhv-1 dna as probes.19938382040
serological survey of herpesvirus infections in wild ruminants of france and belgium.the presence of antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1), bovid herpesvirus 6 (bhv-6), herpesvirus of cervidae type 1 (hvc-1), reindeer herpesvirus, bovine herpesvirus 2 (bhv-2) and bovid herpesvirus 4 (bhv-4) was investigated in wild ruminants of france and belgium between 1981 and 1986. there were no animals serologically positive for bhv-4. antibodies against bhv-2 were demonstrated in roe deer (cervus capreolus) (less than 1%) and chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) (1%) in france. animals ...19882836635
a comparison of serological relationships among five ruminant alphaherpesviruses by elisa.using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays the cross reactivity of bovine herpesvirus-1.1, bovine herpesvirus-1.2, caprine herpesvirus-2, cervine (red deer) herpesvirus-1 and rangiferine (reindeer) herpesvirus-1 has been examined using rabbit hyperimmune antisera and convalescent cattle and red deer field sera. significant cross-reactivity among all the five viruses was demonstrated. a detailed analysis showed that: (1) the two bovine herpesviruses are most closely related, (2) the cervine, caprin ...19921605741
comparison of herpesviruses isolated from reindeer, goats, and cattle by restriction endonuclease analysis.a genomic comparison of bovine herpesvirus 1 (bhv-1), caprine herpesvirus (chv-2) and reindeer herpesvirus (rhv), was performed using 5 restriction endonucleases. cross neutralization of these three herpesviruses showed that bhv-1 and chv-2 had a relatively low degree of cross reaction with heterologous viruses. rhv showed a higher degree of such cross reactivity. the restriction endonuclease analyses showed that the migration patterns of the dna segments were different for the three groups of h ...19921314052
cervid herpesvirus 2 and not moraxella bovoculi caused keratoconjunctivitis in experimentally inoculated semi-domesticated eurasian tundra reindeer.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) is a transmissible disease in semi-domesticated eurasian reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus). it is regarded as multifactorial and a single causative pathogen has not yet been identified. from clinical outbreaks we have previously identified cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) and moraxella bovoculi as candidates for experimental investigations. eighteen reindeer were inoculated in the right eye with cvhv2 (n = 5), m. bovoculi (n = 5), cvhv2 and m. bovoculi (n =  ...201728438213
evidence of alphaherpesvirus infections in alaskan caribou and reindeer.the reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) industry in alaska began with animals imported from siberia (russia) in the 1890's. cervid herpes virus 2 (cvhv2) is endemic in reindeer in scandinavia. we sought to determine if the same virus, or similar herpesviruses, were circulating in alaskan reindeer and caribou (rangifer tarandus granti). serum samples from 292 reindeer were collected during annual reindeer handlings (1988-2005) near nome, alaska. in 2005, swab samples were collected from 40 calv ...201222243919
herding conditions related to infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated reindeer: a questionnaire-based survey among reindeer herders.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) in eurasian semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) is a multifactorial disease, associated to infectious agents such as cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) and various species of bacteria, but environmental factors may also be necessary to initiate the disease. little effort seems to have been invested in addressing the herder`s experience with this disease. an information letter with a link to an online questionnaire was sent to 410 herding commun ...201527068819
Pestivirus and alphaherpesvirus infections in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.).Herding semi-domesticated reindeer has economic and social value for Sami people in the northern territories of Fennoscandia. However, with the intensification of reindeer husbandry, interspecies transmission of pathogens between reindeer and domestic animals may become a problem, especially for countries such as Sweden, Norway, and Finland where pestivirus and alphaherpesvirus have been eradicated in domestic ruminants. This study, which included 1158 Swedish reindeer, showed relatively high pr ...201122078277
cervid herpesvirus 2 infection in reindeer: a review.herpesviruses of the genus varicellovirus are known to infect and cause disease in a variety of ruminant species, but the impact of cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) in reindeer (rangifer tarandus) is mostly unknown. reindeer is a circum-polar species with a total estimated number of more than 5 million animals. mortality may reach high values, as in northern norway, especially in calves (37%; 2005-2006), and disease can potentially account for some of this mortality. cvhv2 has been isolated during a ...201020207086
cervid herpesvirus 2 experimentally reactivated in reindeer can produce generalized viremia and abortion.cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) has never been isolated from reindeer in norway, but serological data and investigations by pcr indicate that the virus is endemic in the country, with horizontal and vertical transmission, systemic spread, and latency in the trigeminal ganglion. in this study two seropositive reindeer, one of which was pregnant, were administered dexamethasone, to reactivate cvhv2 latent infection. one control animal received sterile water. all animals including the control reactiva ...200919699769
alphaherpesvirus infections in semidomesticated reindeer: a cross-sectional serological study.alphaherpesviruses infect a wide range of animal species and cause diseases. cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv-2) was originally isolated from reindeer in finland but the impact of cvhv-2 infections on reindeer remains unclear. cvhv-2 infection could be partly responsible for calf losses as there are indications that it is associated with abortions and neonatal diseases. previous serosurveys of reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) have shown that an alphaherpesvirus is circulating among reindeer in no ...200919604658
evaluation of three commercial bovine elisa kits for detection of antibodies against alphaherpesviruses in reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus).the genus varicellovirus (family herpesviridae subfamily alphaherpesvirinae) includes a group of viruses genetically and antigenically related to bovine herpesvirus 1 (bohv-1) among which cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv-2) can be of importance in reindeer. these viruses are known to be responsible for different diseases in both wild and domestic animals. reindeer are a keystone in the indigenous saami culture and previous studies have reported the presence of antibodies against alphaherpesviruses in ...200919272136
infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated eurasian tundra reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus): microbiological study of clinically affected and unaffected animals with special reference to cervid herpesvirus 2.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) is one of the most common ocular diseases in ruminants worldwide. in addition to keratitis and conjunctivitis, animals with ikc can develop uveitis, corneal ulcer, and in severe cases, blindness. the bacteria moraxella spp. has been described as the primary causative agent of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (ibk) in cattle (bos taurus), while chlamydia spp. and mycoplasma conjunctivae are considered the main causative agents of ikc in sheep (ovis arie ...201829338721
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