
'candidatus paenicardinium endonii', an endosymbiont of the plant-parasitic nematode heterodera glycines (nemata: tylenchida), affiliated to the phylum bacteroidetes.bacteria-like endosymbionts of females of the plant-parasitic nematodes globodera rostochiensis and heterodera goettingiana and juveniles of heterodera glycines were first observed during transmission electron microscopy (tem) studies conducted in the 1970s. these organisms were characterized as being rod-shaped, ranging in size from 0.3 to 0.5 microm in diameter and 1.8 to 3 microm in length and containing structures labelled as striated inclusion bodies or tubular structures. a population of h ...200616825653
prevalence of cardinium bacteria in planthoppers and spider mites and taxonomic revision of "candidatus cardinium hertigii" based on detection of a new cardinium group from biting midges.cardinium bacteria, members of the phylum cytophaga-flavobacterium-bacteroides (cfb), are intracellular bacteria in arthropods that are capable of inducing reproductive abnormalities in their hosts, which include parasitic wasps, mites, and spiders. a high frequency of cardinium infection was detected in planthoppers (27 out of 57 species were infected). a high frequency of cardinium infection was also found in spider mites (9 out of 22 species were infected). frequencies of double infection by ...200919734338
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