
acanthocephalans from some frogs and toads (anura) and chameleons (squamata) from tanzania with the description of a new species.the following acanthocephala, all echinorhynchidae, were found on examination of 229 amphibians and 191 reptiles collected in the eastern arc range, tanzania: acanthocephalus bufonis from the frogs arthroleptis stenodactylus and arthroleptides martiensseni, the toad nectophnyroides viviparous, and the chameleon rhampholeon brevicaudatus; pseudoacanthocephalus betsileo from the frogs probreviceps macrodactylus and ptychadero anchietae; and pseudoacanthocephalus rhampholeontos n. sp. from the cham ...200516539031
rhabdias rhampholeonis n. sp. and rhabdias mariauxi n. sp. (nematoda, rhabdiasoidea), first lung worms from leaf chameleons: description, molecular evidence and notes on biology.rhabdias rhampholeonis n. sp. from rhampholeon (rh.) spectrum, cameroon, and rhabdias mariauxi n. sp. from rieppeleon brevicaudatus, tanzania, are the first lung worms from leaf chameleons. the new species are similar to the majority of species parasitic in chamaeleonids by having a long (>or=10 mm) and thick body (>or=500 microm), long oesophagus (>or=800 microm), wide buccal capsule (>or=40 microm) and low buccal ratio (<0.5). they most closely resemble rhabdias chamaeleonis and rhabdias crist ...200919646549
molecular phylogenetics and mitochondrial genomic evolution in the chamaeleonidae (reptilia, squamata).a phylogenetic hypothesis for the lizard family chamaeleonidae is generated from 1503 aligned base positions (883 parsimony-informative) of mitochondrial dna for specimens representing 59 species (57 ingroup and two outgroup). sequences are reported for a genomic segment encoding eight transfer rnas, nadh dehydrogenase component 2 (nd2), and portions of nadh dehydrogenase component 1 (nd1) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (coi). newly reported genomic rearrangements and duplications support th ...200212182400
evolution of karyotypes in chameleons.the reconstruction of the evolutionary dynamics of karyotypes and sex determining systems in squamate reptiles is precluded by the lack of data in many groups including most chameleons (squamata: acrodonta: chamaeleonidae). we performed cytogenetic analysis in 16 species of chameleons from 8 genera covering the phylogenetic diversity of the family and also phylogenetic reconstruction of karyotype evolution in this group. in comparison to other squamates, chameleons demonstrate rather variable ka ...201729231849
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