
diversity analysis of diazotrophic bacteria associated with the roots of tea (camellia sinensis (l.) o. kuntze).the diversity elucidation by amplified ribosomal dna restriction analysis and 16s rdna sequencing of 96 associative diazotrophs, isolated from the feeder roots of tea on enriched nitrogen-free semisolid media, revealed the predominance of gram-positive over gram-negative bacteria within the kangra valley in himachal pradesh, india. the gram-positive bacteria observed belong to two taxonomic groupings; firmicutes, including the genera bacillus and paenibacillus; and actinobacteria, represented by ...201121715960
tolerance of mesorhizobium type strains to different environmental stresses.the symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes is affected by different environmental conditions. our aims were to evaluate stress tolerance of mesorhizobium species and investigate species-specific stress response mechanisms. tolerance of mesorhizobium type strains to temperature, salt and ph stress was evaluated. mesorhizobium thiogangeticum showed highest growth with 1.5% nacl and mesorhizobium ciceri at ph 5. mesorhizobium plurifarium showed higher growth at 37°c. sds-page analysis revealed chan ...201021152981
characterization of strains unlike mesorhizobium loti that nodulate lotus spp. in saline soils of granada, spain.lotus species are forage legumes with potential as pastures in low-fertility and environmentally constrained soils, owing to their high persistence and yield under those conditions. the aim of this work was the characterization of phenetic and genetic diversity of salt-tolerant bacteria able to establish efficient symbiosis with lotus spp. a total of 180 isolates able to nodulate lotus corniculatus and lotus tenuis from two locations in granada, spain, were characterized. molecular identificatio ...201020435777
mesorhizobium albiziae sp. nov., a novel bacterium that nodulates albizia kalkora in a subtropical region of china.a novel mesorhizobium group associated with albizia kalkora [wang et al. (2006), syst appl microbiol 29, 502-517] was further characterized. the seven strains in this group showed similar protein patterns and were different from defined mesorhizobium species in sds-page of whole-cell proteins. the representative strain ccbau 61158(t) formed a novel mesorhizobium lineage in phylogenetic analyses of 16s rrna, atpd, glnii and nifh genes. however, its nodc gene sequence was more similar to that of r ...200717551028
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