
variable infection of stream salamanders in the southern appalachians by the trematode metagonimoides oregonensis (family: heterophyidae).many factors contribute to parasites varying in host specificity and distribution among potential hosts. metagonimoides oregonensis is a digenetic trematode that uses stream-dwelling plethodontid salamanders as second intermediate hosts in the eastern us. we completed a field survey to identify which stream salamander species, at a regional level, are most likely to be important for transmission to raccoon definitive hosts. we surveyed six plethodontid species (nā€‰=ā€‰289 salamanders) from 23 appal ...201526026670
evolutionary shifts in courtship pheromone composition revealed by est analysis of plethodontid salamander mental glands.courtship behavior in salamanders of the family plethodontidae can last more than an hour. during courtship, males use stereotyped behaviors to repeatedly deliver a variety of proteinaceous pheromones to the female. these pheromones are produced and released from a specialized gland on the male's chin (the mental gland). several pheromone components are well characterized and represented by high frequency transcripts in cdna pools derived from plethodontid mental glands. however, evolutionary tr ...200919084057
the epithelia of the protrusible tongue of eurycea longicauda guttolineata (hoolbrook 1838) (urodela: plethodontidae).in this study the lingual and sublingual glands, the lingual stem and the epithelial surface of the protrusible secondary tongue were investigated by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. the quality of the secretions of the epithelia was characterized histochemically. the lingual epithelium is formed by superficial (pavement) and goblet cells and at the margin of the tongue pad are also regions covered by ciliated cells. on the dorsal part of the tongue there are goblet cells of ...200315121544
thermal effects on the performance, motor control and muscle dynamics of ballistic feeding in the salamander eurycea guttolineata.temperature strongly affects muscle contractile rate properties and thus may influence whole-organism performance. movements powered by elastic recoil, however, are known to be more thermally robust than muscle-powered movements. we examined the whole-organism performance, motor control and muscle contractile physiology underlying feeding in the salamander eurycea guttolineata. we compared elastically powered tongue projection with the associated muscle-powered retraction to determine the therma ...201424948633
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