aphid species--vectors of plum pox virus. | plum pox virus (ppv) is widely spread by natural vectors present in plum orchards. the efficiency of transmission is dependent on the frequency of the occurrence of vectors and the cultivar susceptibility to this pathogen. having in view that ppv has a wide range of annual and multiannual host plants and vectors, there is great concern for obtaining ppv-resistant cultivars. this report deals with the following vectors: hyalopterus pruni, brachycaudus cardui, brachycaudus helichrysi. myzus persic ... | 1998 | 10073225 |
activity of aphids associated with lettuce and broccoli in spain and their efficiency as vectors of lettuce mosaic virus. | this research sought to identify the aphid virus vector species associated with lettuce and broccoli crops in spain, and to determine their population dynamics and ability to transmit lettuce mosaic virus (lmv). green tile traps and moericke yellow water-pan traps were used to monitor aphid flights during the spring and autumn growing seasons of 2001. aphid species feeding on lettuce were counted weekly. the transmission efficiencies of lmv were determined for the aphid species caught most frequ ... | 2004 | 15036838 |
permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 december 2009-31 january 2010. | this article documents the addition of 220 microsatellite marker loci to the molecular ecology resources database. loci were developed for the following species: allanblackia floribunda, amblyraja radiata, bactrocera cucurbitae, brachycaudus helichrysi, calopogonium mucunoides, dissodactylus primitivus, elodea canadensis, ephydatia fluviatilis, galapaganus howdenae howdenae, hoplostethus atlanticus, ischnura elegans, larimichthys polyactis, opheodrys vernalis, pelteobagrus fulvidraco, phragmidiu ... | 2010 | 21565062 |
monitoring of aphid flight activities in seed potato crops in serbia. | aphid flight activities in seed potato fields have been studied by the yellow water traps. it is a good method for monitoring aphids as vectors of viruses, but this study also showed it is a suitable method for insect-diversity research. during the four-year studies, over 11.500 specimens were collected and a total of 107 different taxa of aphids were identified. the most abundant species were polyphagous species, such as: acyrthosiphon pisum (haris), aphis fabae scopoli, aphis gossypii gloveran ... | 2013 | 24039529 |
regular or covert sex defines two lineages and worldwide superclones within the leaf-curl plum aphid (brachycaudus helichrysi, kaltenbach). | asexual reproduction occurs widely in plants and animals, particularly in insects. aphid species usually reproduce by cyclic parthenogenesis, but many species include obligate asexual lineages. we recently showed that the leaf-curl plum aphid, brachycaudus helichrysi, actually encompasses two lineages, b. helichrysi h1 and h2. ecological data suggest that these lineages have different life cycles. we conducted a large population genetics study, based on 14 microsatellite loci, to infer their res ... | 2013 | 23786407 |
dna barcoding and elucidation of cryptic aphid species (hemiptera: aphididae) in india. | rapid, precise and timely identification of invasive pest insects such as aphids is important and a challenge worldwide due to their complex life cycles, parthenogenetic reproduction, sex and colour morphs. in this respect, dna barcoding employing a 658 bp fragment of 5′ region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase i (co-i) gene is an effective tool in addressing the above. in the present study, we employed co-i for discriminating 142 individuals representing 32 species of aphids from india. s ... | 2013 | 23680306 |
the sex pheromones of mealy plum (hyalopterus pruni) and leaf-curl plum (brachycaudus helichrysi) aphids: identification and field trapping of male and gynoparous aphids in prune orchards. | mealy plum, hyalopterus pruni, and leaf-curl plum, brachycaudus helichrysi, aphids are the primary arthropod pests in orchards that produce dried plums (i.e., prunes). the sexual stage of their respective lifecycles occurs on prune trees in the fall, during which time males respond to sex pheromones produced by oviparous females. air-entrainment collections confirmed that oviparous h. pruni and b. helichrysi emitted combinations of (4as, 7s, 7ar)-nepetalactone and (1r, 4as, 7s, 7ar)-nepetalactol ... | 2012 | 22549554 |