
visual system of the fossorial mole-lemmings, ellobius talpinus and ellobius lutescens.ocular regression in subterranean species has been shown to be associated with a number of alterations in the retina and in retinal pathways. in order to examine the consequences of eye reduction, the visual system was studied in two species of the murine genus, ellobius, a specialized fossorial rodent. the axial length of the eye is only 2.2 mm in e. lutescens and 2.9 mm in e. talpinus. the mean soma size of ganglion cells in nissl-stained flatmounts is approximately 10 microns in e. lutescens ...19947962718
chromosomal evolution of arvicolinae (cricetidae, rodentia). ii. the genome homology of two mole voles (genus ellobius), the field vole and golden hamster revealed by comparative chromosome painting.using cross-species chromosome painting, we have carried out a comprehensive comparison of the karyotypes of two ellobius species with unusual sex determination systems: the transcaucasian mole vole, ellobius lutescens (2n = 17, x in both sexes), and the northern mole vole, ellobius talpinus (2n = 54, xx in both sexes). both ellobius species have highly rearranged karyotypes. the chromosomal paints from the field vole (microtus agrestis) detected, in total, 34 and 32 homologous autosomal regions ...200717924201
[on the problem of radioadaptation in small mammals (ecological specialization of species, radioresistance, hemopoiesis, immunity)].the data illustrating ambivalent nature of radioresistance of rodents having different ecological specialization: wood mice (apodemus uralensis pallas 1811) and mole-voles (ellobius talpinus pallas 1770) to acute (laboratory experiment) and chronic (long-term inhabiting the east ural radioactive trace - eurt) radiation action are presented. these species are greatly distinguished by a way of life, a migratory activity, an average life span etc. numerous immunological, hematological disturbances ...200717867507
[fluctuating asymmetry of craniometric characters in rodents (mammalia: rodentia): interspecific and interpopulational comparisons].ontogenetic instability was studied in four rodent species (ellobius talpinus, microtus arvalis, m. rossiaemeridionalis, mus musculus). it was measured by fluctuating asymmetry (fa) of 21 craniometric characters. each species was represented by two populations differing in average level of chromosomic instability and in degree of anthropogenic influence. relation between fa and individual age was observed in none of the studied species. the level of cranial structure fa in rodents is probably fo ...200717691458
functional morphology of the ear in fossorial rodents, microtus arvalis and arvicola terrestris.functionally relevant features and parameters of the outer, middle, and inner ear were studied morphologically and morphometrically in two species of voles, smaller microtus arvalis and larger arvicola terrestris. the findings in these fossorial (i.e., burrowing) rodents with components of surface activity were compared with respective findings reported for taxonomically related muroid rodents representing the same size classes but different eco-morphotypes: obligate subterranean rodents (ellobi ...200415487005
[accumulation of 90sr in the bone tissue of the northern mole vole, living in the head part of the east ural radioactive trace].deposition of 90sr in a bone tissue of the northern mole-vole (ellobius talpinus pallas, 1770) living in the head part of the east ural radioactive trace (eurt) (density of pollution by 90sr 37 mbq/m2 - 1000 ci/km2) was investigated. features of the rodent are digging (underground) way of life, family organization of settlements and weak migratory activity. authentic (p < 0.01) interfamily distinctions in concentration 90sr are revealed on the background of absence of sexual and are features of ...200415287267
[parameters of peroxide oxidation of lipids and the system of its regulation in the tissues of ellobius talpinus pall, living on the territory of the east urals radioactive trace].the peroxide oxidation of lipids and the systems of its regulation was tested in ellobius talpinus pall, living on the territory of the east urals radioactive trace with the 90sr contamination density of 1000 ci/km2. the degree of sensitivity of the examined tissues and organs was revealed, the most considerable parameters were defined for marking radiosensitivity of the taken species, as well as the complex of parameters, allowing classifying an animal as an inhabitant of the clean or the conta ...200312754811
[chromosomal instability in rodents from the eurt territory: interspecies comparison].the common vole (microtus arvalis) and the mole vole (ellobius talpinus) were trapped in the eastern urals reserve (initial soil pollution 500-1000 ci/km2) where many dozens of generations came to pass after the 1957 accident in the plant "mayak" and in the middle and south urals and transurals localities with global level of the 90sr pollution. at present the average internal dose rate from 90sr was 0.413 mgy/day in m. arvalis and 0.985 mgy/day in e. talpinus. the total accumulated doses from e ...200212530146
[relationship between the study of dna reassociation kinetics of various chromosomal forms of ellobius and questions concerning the pathways of chromosome rearrangement during evolution].fifteen chromosome forms of ellobius talpinus (from 2n = 31 to 2n = 54) were found in the small area in the pamirs. low-chromosome karyotypes evolved from 54-chromosomal ancestral form by robertsonia centric fusions. the dna reassociation kinetics of 34- and 54-chromosome forms of e. talpinus have been studied. for comparison dna of e. lutescens (2n = 17) the karyotype of which seems to have arisen from 54-chromosome ancestor by robertsonian and other types rearrangements was examined. reassocia ...1977618331
[chromosome set of ellobius talpinus pall]. 19676077328
synaptonemal complexes and chromosome chains in the rodent ellobius talpinus heterozygous for ten robertsonian translocations.synaptonemal complexes (sc) in four ellobius talpinus males heterozygous for ten robertsonian translocations were examined with an electron microscope using a surface-spreading technique. a total of 136 late zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes were examined. from one to three completely paired sc trivalents were found in each early pachytene spermatocyte. the lateral elements of the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes in these trivalents were joined with an sc thus forming the third arm o ...19863757618
[population dynamics of the mole lemmings (ellobius talpinus pall.)]. 19979376816
seasonal changes of thermoregulation in the mole vole ellobius talpinus.seasonal changes of thermoregulation were studied in mole voles (ellobius talpinus pall.) from southern siberia. spontaneous fluctuations of body temperature were significantly higher in summer than in autumn. standard deviations from average daily temperature of individuals were 0.95 (n=212) in summer and 0.57 (n=248) in autumn. thermoregulatory response to cold exposure and to norepinephrine injection varied in different seasons of the year. in cold seasons, mole voles are able to maintain tem ...200611731978
[inheritance of coat color in the mole vole (ellobius talpinus pallas)].based on the ecological features of the mole vole, family analysis of the inheritance of coat color was performed with the use of material collected in a wild population. analysis of coat color in parents and offspring has demonstrated that the offspring segregation into black and nonblack animals after crosses of different types agrees with the hypothesis on the monogenic inheritance of these color variations. black mole voles are homozygous for the recessive allele (genotype aa). homozygotes f ...200516358722
chromosomal instability and cranial asymmetry in the mole-vole ellobius talpinus pallas, 1770 polymorphic for coat coloration. 201617278848
[frugal strategy as a base of mole-vole (ellobius talpinus: rodentia) adaptations to the fossorial way of life].interspecies comparison of rodents (rodentia, cricetidae) of different ecological specialization has revealed dramatic differences in the most essential physiological life history traits between social fossorial mole vole (ellobius talpinus) and terrestrial rodents. dwarf hamsters (phodopus) and voles (clethrionomys). mole voles have decreased standard and maximal metabolic rates, reduced ability to maintain constant body temperature. lower rates of growth and sexual maturation, lower reproducti ...200717944111
low-dose radiation effects: adaptive response in rodents (ellobius talpinus pall.) inhabiting radionuclide-contaminated environment. 201620380178
wintertime loss of ultradian and circadian rhythms of body temperature in the subterranean euthermic mole vole, ellobius talpinus.subterranean common mole voles, ellobius talpinus, were implanted with long-term recording electronic thermometers to obtain hourly body temperature (t(b)) data during either the wintertime or summertime. the two individuals tested during the summertime had significant circadian and ultradian rhythms in their t(b). four of the five mole voles tested during the wintertime lacked rhythmicity in their t(b). the fifth individual lacked circadian rhythms but had ultradian rhythms in its t(b). a loss ...201020560717
nasal aerodynamics protects brain and lung from inhaled dust in subterranean diggers, ellobius talpinus.inhalation of air-dispersed sub-micrometre and nano-sized particles presents a risk factor for animal and human health. here, we show that nasal aerodynamics plays a pivotal role in the protection of the subterranean mole vole ellobius talpinus from an increased exposure to nano-aerosols. quantitative simulation of particle flow has shown that their deposition on the total surface of the nasal cavity is higher in the mole vole than in a terrestrial rodent mus musculus (mouse), but lower on the o ...201425143031
reproduction, aging and mortality rate in social subterranean mole voles (ellobius talpinus pall.).eusocial subterranean rodents of the bathyergidae family have enormous longevity. the long lifespan of these species is associated with negligible senescence, that is, an absence of the signs of age-related deterioration in physical condition. the question arises as to whether these features are unique to eusocial bathyergids or typical of other social subterranean rodents as well. in the present study, we analysed data from observations of a social subterranean microtinae rodent, the northern m ...201526208910
[spectrum of spontaneous pathological changes in mole-voles and the effect of mitochondria-targeted antioxidant skq1 on it].the mole vole (ellobius talpinus (pallas), rodentia) is the object of interest for cytogenetics, ecology and gerontology research, peculiarly because of partial similarity of this animal to the unique long-living rodent, mole rat. in this work, the mole vole has been found to have very specific spectrum of tumors and non-tumor pathologies which vastly differs from pathological lesions spectrum in mole rat, laboratory mouse, rat and hamster. mole voles had relatively small tumor incidence (9% tot ...201526390611
[variability of cytochrome b gene and adjacent section of gene trna-thr of mitochondrial dna in the northern mole vole ellobius talpinus (mammalia, rodentia)].the northern mole vole e. talpinus, despite its wide distribution, is characterized by a stable karyotype (2n = nf = 54) and slight morphological polymorphism. we made a preliminary analysis of a mitochondrial dna fragment to clarify the level of genetic variation and differentiation of e. talpinus. the complete cytochrome b gene (cyt b, 1143 bp) and a short part of its flanking gene trna-thr (27 bp) were sequenced. we studied 16 specimens from eight localities, including crimea, the volga regio ...201527055303
variability of whipworm infection and humoral immune response in a wild population of mole voles (ellobius talpinus pall.).restricted mobility and spatial isolation of social units in gregarious subterranean mammals ensure good defence mechanisms against parasites, which in turn allows for a reduction of immunity components. in contrast, a parasite invasion may cause an increased adaptive immune response. therefore, it can be expected that spatial and temporal distribution of parasites within a population will correlate with the local variability in the host's immunocompetence. to test this hypothesis, the intra-pop ...201627079461
unique sex chromosome systems in ellobius: how do male xx chromosomes recombine and undergo pachytene chromatin inactivation?most mammalian species have heteromorphic sex chromosomes in males, except for a few enigmatic groups such as the mole voles ellobius, which do not have the y chromosome and sry gene. the ellobius (xx ♀♂) system of sex chromosomes has no analogues among other animals. the structure and meiotic behaviour of the two x chromosomes were investigated for males of the sibling species ellobius talpinus and ellobius tancrei. their sex chromosomes, despite their identical g-structure, demonstrate short s ...201627425629
genomes of ellobius species provide insight into the evolutionary dynamics of mammalian sex chromosomes.the x and y sex chromosomes of placental mammals show hallmarks of a tumultuous evolutionary past. the x chromosome has a rich and conserved gene content, while the y chromosome has lost most of its genes. in the transcaucasian mole vole ellobius lutescens, the y chromosome including sry has been lost, and both females and males have a 17,x diploid karyotype. similarly, the closely related ellobius talpinus, has a 54,xx karyotype in both females and males. here, we report the sequencing and asse ...201627510564
[chromosome complement and cytogenetic differentiation of 2 forms of ellobius talpinus pall]. 19676077325
[susceptibility to tularemia of spalax microphthalmus güld. and of ellobius talpinus pall. in experimental conditions]. 195913648889
analysis of geographical variability of morphogenetic trajectories using the mole vole (ellobius talpinus pall.) as an example.absttract: -using the methods of geometric morphometrics, we have revealed the phenomenon of geographical variability of morphogenetic trajectories when doing side-by-side comparisons of mandibular shapes in individuals of different ages from three southern trans-ural populations of the mole vole (ellobius talpinus pall.) in the common morphospace.202032894428
morphogenetic effects of resettlement of mole voles (ellobius talpinus pall., 1770) from the southern population to the northern boundary of the species range.geometric morphometry has been used to reveal transformations of mandible morphogenesis in the offspring of mole voles resettled to the northern part of the species range from a southern population. the transformations were new compared to both the original (southern) and the aboriginal (northern) populations. a significant increase in the intragroup morphological disparity estimated by the mean nearest neighbor distance (mnnd) in the resettled animals compared to both aboriginal populations is ...201829536403
meiotic nuclear architecture in distinct mole vole hybrids with robertsonian translocations: chromosome chains, stretched centromeres, and distorted recombination.genome functioning in hybrids faces inconsistency. this mismatch is manifested clearly in meiosis during chromosome synapsis and recombination. species with chromosomal variability can be a model for exploring genomic battles with high visibility due to the use of advanced immunocytochemical methods. we studied synaptonemal complexes (sc) and prophase i processes in 44-chromosome intraspecific (ellobius tancrei × e. tancrei) and interspecific (ellobius talpinus × e. tancrei) hybrid mole voles he ...202033076404
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