
effect of increasing levels of seven tree species extracts added to a high concentrate diet on in vitro rumen gas output.this study was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing levels of extracts of byrsonima crassifolia, celtis pallida, enterolobium cyclocarpum, fraxinus excelsior, ficus trigonata, phoradendrom brevifolium and prunus domestica on in vitro gas production (gp) and ruminal fermentation of a high concentrate diet. plant extracts were prepared at 1 g dry matter (dm)/8 ml of solvent mixture (methanol : ethanol : water, 1:1:8) and added at levels of 0, 0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 ml/g dm of a high concen ...201424796241
histological comparisons of parasitism by schistonchus spp. (nemata: aphelenchoididae) in neotropical ficus spp.syconia (enclosed infructescences) infested with host-specific species of schistonchus (aphelenchoididae) were collected from six species of ficus (moraceae) native to florida or panama. they were sectioned and histologically examined to assess the effects of parasitism. parasitism by schistonchus spp. was associated with hypertrophied cells, tissue necrosis, and the presence of an exudate in all species. occasional hypertrophy of the outer epidermal cells occurred on seed florets, wasp florets, ...199919270912
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