
ultrastructural observations on the marginal hooklets of the monogenean gill parasite cichlidogyrus halli typicus.the marginal hooklets of adult cichlidogyrus halli typicus have the same morphology, each being composed of a handle, a curved blade with a tapering guard and an accessory domus. in addition, all the hooklets except those of pair ii have a long extension attached to the proximal end of the handle. ultrastructural observations reveal that the handle consists of three distinct layers whereas both the guard and the proximal region of the blade lack the outer electron-dense layer. the dense core is ...19921399245
dynamics of population of five parasitic monogeneans of oreochromis niloticus linné, 1757 in the dam of loumbila and possible interest in intensive pisciculture.the study of the gill fishes of 176 oreochromis niloticus (l.) was undertaken in the dam of loumbila (burkina faso), in order to obtain the first information on the dynamics of population of the monogeneans parasites in a population of wild hosts. these data are essential in the search for means to avoid the enormous losses that often occur in intensive pisciculture. this analysis revealed the presence of five species of monogeneans (cichlidogyrus tilapiae, cichlidogyrus halli, cichlidogyrus thu ...200818817262
diversity of metazoan parasites of the mozambique tilapia, oreochromis mossambicus (peters, 1852), as indicators of pollution in the limpopo and olifants river systems.aquatic systems are affected by a variety of anthropogenic activities that decrease water quality through the introduction of organic and inorganic pollutants. to investigate the relationship between fish parasite communities and water quality, metazoan parasites were examined in 140 specimens of the mozambique tilapia (oreochromis mossambicus) sampled in three lakes in the limpopo province, namely the luphephe-nwanedi dams (regarded as unpolluted), the flag boshielo dam (regarded as moderately ...201223327305
monogenean community structure of oreochromis niloticus in relation to heavy metal pollution and host reproductive cycle.the community structure of monogenean parasites of oreochromis niloticus and its relation to the variations of heavy metal concentrations in water and the host reproductive cycle (gonadosomatic index, gsi) was studied. fish were collected from fishermen lake, ismailia. monogenea community consisted of seven species, cichlidogyrus halli typicus (57.8%), c. thurstonae (35.3%), c. ergensi (13.8 %), c. tiberianus (16.4%), c. arthracanthus (13.8%), scutogyrus longicornis (22.4%) and gyrodadtylus cicc ...201222662591
ectoparasites of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) in cage farming in a hydroelectric reservoir in brazil.for this study, we performed a parasitological analysis of cage-cultured nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) from the água vermelha reservoir, southeastern brazil, and verified relationships with limnological data, seasonality, and fish growth phase. from march 2010 to march 2011, sixty-three specimens of o. niloticus in three growth phases (i.e., initial, intermediate, and final) were collected. all fish specimens were infested with at least one ectoparasite species (prevalence = 100%). five s ...201425054495
gill monogeneans of oreochromis niloticus (linnaeus, 1758) and oreochromis leucostictus (trewavas, 1933) in lake naivasha, investigation of gill monogeneans from the nile tilapia oreochromis niloticus and the blue spotted tilapia oreochromis leucostictus (50 individuals per species) was done between the months of november 2014 to february 2015 in lake naivasha, kenya. standard parasitological procedures were used to examine fish gills for the presence of monogeneans. the observed monogeneans were collected, preliminarily identified using identification keys, quantified and fixed in 4 % formalin for morphological ...201626691859
population dynamics and spatial distribution of monogeneans on the gills of oreochromis mossambicus (peters, 1852) from two lakes of the limpopo river system, south investigation was conducted into the parasitic infection of an indigenous cichlid, oreochromis mossambicus, collected seasonally from the nwanedi-luphephe dams of the limpopo river system from july 2007 to april 2009. of 157 host specimens examined, 115 (73.25%) were infected by at least one gill parasite. in all, 1565 monogenean specimens were collected, belonging to five different species and two genera: cichlidogyrus (c. halli, c. sclerosus, c. tilapiae and c. dossoui) and scutogyrus (s. l ...201020663243
ultrastructural observations on the hamuli of the monogenean gill parasite cichlidogyrus halli typicus.the ultrastructure of a monogenean hamulus is described for the first time. the ultrastructure of the dorsal and ventral hamuli of the monogenean gill parasite cichlidogyrus halli typicus (price & kirk, 1967, 76: 137-144) revue de zoologie et de botanique africaines paperna, 1979 (annales du musée royal del'afrique centrale 226: 1-31) is similar but there are differences between different regions of a single hamulus. each hamulus has three layers in the middle of the hook region, a thin outer la ...19938300283
ultrastructural observations on the tegument and associated structures of the monogenean cichlidogyrus halli typicus (price & kirk, 1967) paperna, 1979.the tegument of the ancyrocephaline monogenean gill parasite cichlidogyrus halli typicus is basically similar to that of other monogeneans. however, there are some tegumental features shared with relatively few other monogeneans, namely the presence in the surface tegument of extensive regions of homogeneous granular cytoplasm, a close association between myofibres and the basal region of the tegument and the production of two different tegumental secretory bodies by the same cyton. it is sugges ...19911757198
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